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gibby makes me raugh raugh

jliujliu Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,055
Gibster. You are a funny kray kray awesome guy! Want me to go on a mission to save the president? no probrem. This package speaks volumes. I feel like for the most part, many can give cigars but to put the type of thought that Gibs put into this is a whole new world. A whole new world. A dazzling place I never knew. But when I'm way up here. It's crystal clear. That now I'm in a whole new world with giiiiiiiibs. haha! So check it, he wants me to shoot some bad guys at night time using my flash light and pirate patch eye, take a pic for evidence, then have a shot of chinese liquor (if any of you guys ever had that, it's disgusting), and have a cigar or two to celebrate! hahah truly awesome Gibs. This is going down snoob's book for uhhhmazingness! Just in case you guys are curious, his note to me said this

Mr. June- the midget pirate spy
Enclosed herein are several items that should be able to assist you in your midget pirate spying activities. (please note: we at the company are not liable for any damages that might occur with the use of said items). These are gifted, with a sense of humor intended, as a thank you for your constant, positive borkism, positive attitude and joyous complexion. It is our fondest wish that you use the enclosed in a richous manner and that they will be able to withstand your potatoness. With that in mind, and another mission completed, we present with your next mission.
The President has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?
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