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Mitt Romney's VP pick . . . PAUL RYAN!!

xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
Just heard him give a speech - I love this guy. He's a policy wonk and can go toe to toe with anyone over the numbers, but more importantly - the guy has passion. He not only makes the economic case, he does something that Mitt Romney doesn't - he makes the moral case - for American Exceptionalism, for fiscal sanity, for asserting American values without shame. You can hear in his voice that he actually believes what he says when he talks about what he wants to do. It's gonna be a good election with him in the mix.


  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    In other big news, Tony Danza has perfected his manicotti recipe.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Just heard him give a speech - I love this guy. He's a policy wonk and can go toe to toe with anyone over the numbers, but more importantly - the guy has passion. He not only makes the economic case, he does something that Mitt Romney doesn't - he makes the moral case - for American Exceptionalism, for fiscal sanity, for asserting American values without shame. You can hear in his voice that he actually believes what he says when he talks about what he wants to do. It's gonna be a good election with him in the mix.
    Yeah medicare vouchers and huge tax cuts for the super wealthy! oh yeah!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    In other big news, Tony Danza has perfected his manicotti recipe.
    please post that, I love manicotti!
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Just heard him give a speech - I love this guy. He's a policy wonk and can go toe to toe with anyone over the numbers, but more importantly - the guy has passion. He not only makes the economic case, he does something that Mitt Romney doesn't - he makes the moral case - for American Exceptionalism, for fiscal sanity, for asserting American values without shame. You can hear in his voice that he actually believes what he says when he talks about what he wants to do. It's gonna be a good election with him in the mix.
    Yeah medicare vouchers and huge tax cuts for the super wealthy! oh yeah!
    Been meaning to say - that new squirrel sig is pretty funny and cute; I love it
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,228
    In other big news, Tony Danza has perfected his manicotti recipe.
    Now that's good news!! But to perfect manacotti you must learn the art of rolling your own pasta!!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Just heard him give a speech - I love this guy. He's a policy wonk and can go toe to toe with anyone over the numbers, but more importantly - the guy has passion. He not only makes the economic case, he does something that Mitt Romney doesn't - he makes the moral case - for American Exceptionalism, for fiscal sanity, for asserting American values without shame. You can hear in his voice that he actually believes what he says when he talks about what he wants to do. It's gonna be a good election with him in the mix.
    Yeah medicare vouchers and huge tax cuts for the super wealthy! oh yeah!
    Been meaning to say - that new squirrel sig is pretty funny and cute; I love it
    thanks buddy, though I have got a lot of pms asking for my old one back...
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Yeah medicare vouchers and huge tax cuts for the super wealthy! oh yeah!

    Liberal Debtocrats continue to chant this same mantra: "tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for the rich". They seem so hypnotized by this foolish phrase that they completely miss these three obvious points:

    1) Their party, in addition to extending the tax cuts, has been bouncing multi billion dollar checks made out to the wealthy for the last three years ... not just tax cuts -- checks ... rubber checks which my great grandchildren will have to make good on.

    2) The wealthy do not pay tax. They simply pass it on to the working man. Do you actually think for a moment that the resplendent CEO of Megabucks International is gonna give up his trophy wife, his mistress, or his club membership; his Jag, Bentley or Lear; his homes in Vail, West Palm, or the Hamptons; or any one of his yachts, just to pay a tax? Get a grip. He'll raise the price or raise the vig or skimp the ingredients or invent a new fee or buy another senator. Face it, the rich man is not going to move into the trailer park next to you. All tax falls on the ordinary working man and woman. As does debt.

    3) Envy of the greedy is also greed.

    We need a third party. We need less government.

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I think it's a very good choice.

    If you believe that “trickle down” economics ever has, or if you want to see Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment insurance, and the rest of our social safety net pretty much gutted and or eliminated (including the minimum wage), while the Federal Government panders to the "needs" of Wall St, and for the private sector to continue to hemorrhage jobs to slave wage countries, or to see the establishment of prevailing slave wages in the US, while taxes on the 99% go up so that the 1% can get another tax cut, then the R & R Railroad will be the train to ride.

    By the way, the Catholic Church has had something to say about the "morality" of the Ryan Budget, and it was not flattering to Mr. Ryan.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    I think it's a very good choice.

    If you believe that “trickle down” economics ever has, or if you want to see Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment insurance, and the rest of our social safety net pretty much gutted and or eliminated (including the minimum wage), while the Federal Government panders to the "needs" of Wall St, and for the private sector to continue to hemorrhage jobs to slave wage countries, or to see the establishment of prevailing slave wages in the US, while taxes on the 99% go up so that the 1% can get another tax cut, then the R & R Railroad will be the train to ride.

    By the way, the Catholic Church has had something to say about the "morality" of the Ryan Budget, and it was not flattering to Mr. Ryan.
    and here we go again...

    Everything you describe, trickle down bailouts, gutting the social safety net, pandering to Wall Street, hemorrhaging jobs, tax hikes on the 99%, all of these are hallmarks of the present regime. Nor is there any hope the other guy would turn it around. Subtract what the glib incumbent says. Look at what he does. Surrounds himself with plutocrats, cuts checks to plutocrats, now he's running against a plutocrat. Where's the choice in that? Stop listening to the man. Look at what he does. Which of the five men pictured below borrowed on my grand children's credit to ensure big bonuses for banksters?


    Obamanomics has been a spectacular flop. Nor is the stock swindler much of an alternative.

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Yeah medicare vouchers and huge tax cuts for the super wealthy! oh yeah!

    Liberal Debtocrats continue to chant this same mantra: "tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for the rich". They seem so hypnotized by this foolish phrase that they completely miss these three obvious points:

    1) Their party, in addition to extending the tax cuts, has been bouncing multi billion dollar checks made out to the wealthy for the last three years ... not just tax cuts -- checks ... rubber checks which my great grandchildren will have to make good on.

    2) The wealthy do not pay tax. They simply pass it on to the working man. Do you actually think for a moment that the resplendent CEO of Megabucks International is gonna give up his trophy wife, his mistress, or his club membership; his Jag, Bentley or Lear; his homes in Vail, West Palm, or the Hamptons; or any one of his yachts, just to pay a tax? Get a grip. He'll raise the price or raise the vig or skimp the ingredients or invent a new fee or buy another senator. Face it, the rich man is not going to move into the trailer park next to you. All tax falls on the ordinary working man and woman. As does debt.

    3) Envy of the greedy is also greed.

    We need a third party. We need less government.

    I poking fun of him btw. Liberals do not want tax cuts at all, in fact us liberals want taxes to go to where they were b4 reagan. The amount of wealth in this country has skyrocketed while working people have hit the crapper. The massive layoffs along with all of the buying of our government agencies has really taken a toll. A third party won't do anything. We need, as a country to start talking about what works and what doesn't. Trickle down doesn't work! Govt is a good thing if it is done right. Less government? We have a lot less than what we had decades ago, and then it comes down to who is voted in offices and who they pick, so it ultimately comes down to us as voters and we as voters have really dropped the ball, I mean Romney and Ryan, Really? They are corporate america. Also the president isn't in charge of the economy. That is congress, Congress is the ones who pass bills. And right now Congress isn't doing Sh-t. The president really shines on foreign policy and Obama has done a rather okay job of that, I mean he's taking out terrorists left and right and a lot of the world doesn't hate him.

    We need good government! not less or more, just good govt. If you want less government live in Somalia, they have less government. There's never going to be a perfect candidate, but it's up to the people of this country to really learn what the hell is going on and how our government works. I mean you have wackos out there protesting for corporations and against their own best interest, such as the case with them having signs saying get your govt hands off my medicare and social security! But yet they don't really protest things such as going into Iraq (those were liberals by and large), fracking, wall street bailouts, and other things associated with screwing up our country. I heard Romney spewing at a speech that the democrats want to cut 700 billion from medicare, but what he left out was it was from Part D which is a "for profit" addition that the GOP pushed through when they ran congress. So by omitting that, the people at his speech were cheering him, it's misguided. That's just an example.

    btw what obamanomics? We have much the same type system as we have had since reagan. There hasn't been crappola done to fix anything, blame that on congress more than anything and we as a people who vote for people who "now" are essentially bought into their job thanks to their corporate donors. I think that if you run for congress you get a certain amount and that is it, everyone gets the same amount as with the senate and the president. That way it would be a fair fight.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    I do not pay so much attention on who picks who or who's policy is what. As we all know that both Democrate and Repulican voted to bail out mismanaged corporations and now blaming at each other. What I care about is not in broken promises and more robust policies. The policies have been there because our founding fathers did that job very well. We need implementation with little modification and sound judgement. things are not that bad except the behavior of our politicians and the policy makers. They need to understand that we do have two major political parties with different believe but at the end we have only one nation. We vote for them and pay their salaries to run this country with sound judgement. We do not believe in the way they are operating the country and both side need to listen to the people and restore the confidence and trust ASAP.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I do not pay so much attention on who picks who or who's policy is what. As we all know that both Democrate and Repulican voted to bail out mismanaged corporations and now blaming at each other. What I care about is not in broken promises and more robust policies. The policies have been there because our founding fathers did that job very well. We need implementation with little modification and sound judgement. things are not that bad except the behavior of our politicians and the policy makers. They need to understand that we do have two major political parties with different believe but at the end we have only one nation. We vote for them and pay their salaries to run this country with sound judgement. We do not believe in the way they are operating the country and both side need to listen to the people and restore the confidence and trust ASAP.
    well put!
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    "...Less government? We have a lot less than what we had decades ago,..."

    By far and away the most delusional statement I have heard in a long time. Thanks. That one's a gem.

  • blurrblurr Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 962
    Could you expand on that web, give me something other than Yeah right I listen to rush and hannity so I know big gubment is destroying ma American dream.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Could you expand on that web, give me something other than Yeah right I listen to rush and hannity so I know big gubment is destroying ma American dream.
    No offense, but if he needs to expand on that for you, the debate is worthless.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    No offense catfish, but could you explain your view....since its statistically incorrect? Because if you believe it, then then debate is REALLY worthless. Govt. employment is lower than it has ben in many points in the last 50 years, and about on par with recent history.

  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    No offense catfish, but could you explain your view....since its statistically incorrect? Because if you believe it, then then debate is REALLY worthless. Govt. employment is lower than it has ben in many points in the last 50 years, and about on par with recent history.

    no I won't, I do t find arguing with brick particularly amusing or constructive.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    I see....so youd rather hold you opinion in the sight of PROOF to show you otherwise? You're right, you should exit this conversation.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Dude...suggesting federal employment numbers are the end all be all of the grasp of big government over their citizens is ignorant. So yes...I will exit this conversation, as arguing with brick is not something I find appealing. Have fun looking at numbers, freedom isn't a statistic. And to suggest that during the current administration is honestly... Yeah...I'll exit.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Dude...suggesting federal employment numbers are the end all be all of the grasp of big government over their citizens is ignorant. So yes...I will exit this conversation, as arguing with brick is not something I find appealing. Have fun looking at numbers, freedom isn't a statistic. And to suggest that during the current administration is honestly... Yeah...I'll exit.
    The free exchange of ideas is a good thing. I would not enjoy seeing someone who can offer a civil, valuable contribution to this, or any other discussion, withdraw simply because someone else suggested it. I may not agree with some of the opinions offered on this forum, but so what? That doesn't make those opinions any less valuiable to the conversation. Just my 2 cents.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I think it's a very good choice.

    If you believe that “trickle down” economics ever has, or if you want to see Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment insurance, and the rest of our social safety net pretty much gutted and or eliminated (including the minimum wage), while the Federal Government panders to the "needs" of Wall St, and for the private sector to continue to hemorrhage jobs to slave wage countries, or to see the establishment of prevailing slave wages in the US, while taxes on the 99% go up so that the 1% can get another tax cut, then the R & R Railroad will be the train to ride.

    By the way, the Catholic Church has had something to say about the "morality" of the Ryan Budget, and it was not flattering to Mr. Ryan.
    and here we go again...

    Everything you describe, trickle down bailouts, gutting the social safety net, pandering to Wall Street, hemorrhaging jobs, tax hikes on the 99%, all of these are hallmarks of the present regime. Nor is there any hope the other guy would turn it around. Subtract what the glib incumbent says. Look at what he does. Surrounds himself with plutocrats, cuts checks to plutocrats, now he's running against a plutocrat. Where's the choice in that? Stop listening to the man. Look at what he does. Which of the five men pictured below borrowed on my grand children's credit to ensure big bonuses for banksters?


    Obamanomics has been a spectacular flop. Nor is the stock swindler much of an alternative.

    This is interesting reading. I am not getting into it as it is political in nature. However I just want to point out that it was and is Ronald Reagan who came up with trickle down economics and that was the start of the slippery slope for the US. If you want to know who mortgaged yours, your childrens and your grandchildrens future... look no further then Ronald Reagan and the Republican party. The short term effects of his economics seemed to work great. Now the long terms costs of this pissing pennies to the poor policy has come home to roost.

    You need to look further then just the front page of your favorite newspaper to get the facts. IF Obama is doing the things you claim? Then he is following in the path of those who came before him and when they were doing it... Republicans were all smiles. Politics is such a contortionist sport isn't it?
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Dude...suggesting federal employment numbers are the end all be all of the grasp of big government over their citizens is ignorant. So yes...I will exit this conversation, as arguing with brick is not something I find appealing. Have fun looking at numbers, freedom isn't a statistic. And to suggest that during the current administration is honestly... Yeah...I'll exit.
    The free exchange of ideas is a good thing. I would not enjoy seeing someone who can offer a civil, valuable contribution to this, or any other discussion, withdraw simply because someone else suggested it. I may not agree with some of the opinions offered on this forum, but so what? That doesn't make those opinions any less valuiable to the conversation. Just my 2 cents.
    I agree 100%. And with all due respect to Catfishbluezz it was him who started name calling and made comments that he would not back up.
    This is the biggest reason for many of us to no longer participate in the political discussions. Some people take it so personally that it is impossible to hold a conversation with them. Name calling, and putting others idea's down as stupid, or out of touch or whatever, is never going to help acheive a healthy discussion.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Dude...suggesting federal employment numbers are the end all be all of the grasp of big government over their citizens is ignorant. So yes...I will exit this conversation, as arguing with brick is not something I find appealing. Have fun looking at numbers, freedom isn't a statistic. And to suggest that during the current administration is honestly... Yeah...I'll exit.
    The free exchange of ideas is a good thing. I would not enjoy seeing someone who can offer a civil, valuable contribution to this, or any other discussion, withdraw simply because someone else suggested it. I may not agree with some of the opinions offered on this forum, but so what? That doesn't make those opinions any less valuiable to the conversation. Just my 2 cents.
    I agree 100%. And with all due respect to Catfishbluezz it was him who started name calling and made comments that he would not back up.
    This is the biggest reason for many of us to no longer participate in the political discussions. Some people take it so personally that it is impossible to hold a conversation with them. Name calling, and putting others idea's down as stupid, or out of touch or whatever, is never going to help acheive a healthy discussion.
    That is exactly why civility is so important, especially when it comes to the discussion of politics. It's also why I believe talk radio has become a destructive force in our national politics. Talk radio uses and encourages the use of extreme incivility. If everyone is screaming at one another, nobody can hear anyone except themselves.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    So many of us blame the size of the government without questioning - who bankrupted the Nation? The private corporations then took bailout money from the government(tax payers funds) and now will not hire citizen back. However, our policy makers(both Democrate and the Republican) can not ignore the accountability the tax payers vested on them. This is not the time to blame at each other rather than accept the mistake and move on with sound policy.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    So many of us blame the size of the government without questioning - who bankrupted the Nation? The private corporations then took bailout money from the government(tax payers funds) and now will not hire citizen back. However, our policy makers(both Democrate and the Republican) can not ignore the accountability the tax payers vested on them. This is not the time to blame at each other rather than accept the mistake and move on with sound policy.

    Once again, Rip, I think you're 'right on' with your comments. Thank you.....

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    So many of us blame the size of the government without questioning - who bankrupted the Nation? The private corporations then took bailout money from the government(tax payers funds) and now will not hire citizen back. However, our policy makers(both Democrate and the Republican) can not ignore the accountability the tax payers vested on them. This is not the time to blame at each other rather than accept the mistake and move on with sound policy.

    Once again, Rip, I think you're 'right on' with your comments. Thank you.....

    Many of those Wall St. corporations used the bailout money to increase their profits and afford themselves more "bonuses" instead of righting the wrongs they were/are responsible for. The time to bring back Glass-Siegel and nearly all of the banking regulations that were put in place during the 1930’s is long overdue. Unfortunately, Wall St. owns most of the Congress now, and that likelihood is very slim.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Well said Rza, I agree

    Catfish, I wasnt trying to tell you to leave (in case JDH or others thought that), but seriously....whats the point of sticking around or debating if you are saying govt. is too large and then you are shown the size of govt. is smaller than almost ever-----and you dont even want to hear it? If you wanted to say govt.'s scope is larger than ever, I could hear this argument a little more openly. However, there is plenty of unbiased sources to show this isnt the truth either, if youre willing to be open minded in your research.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    As to Ryan, I listened to the morning talking heads and have read much of what has been written since yesterday and the worst thing I've read is that he is a right-wing ideologue. He is on the right, and he does stick to his ideals. What's wrong with that? Actually, the relative silence from the left would indicate that Romney make a wise choice.
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