Cigars plugging over time
I have a 150ct humidor that is fairly full. The humidity is between 63 and 68% all the time. Yet on the bottom right section of the humidor every cigar I've pulled out of that corner to smoke in the past few weeks has been hard and plugged. Do you think it's possible I have extra humidity in that corner and that the humidity is plugging up my cigars? It's driving me crazy and I don't know what to do about it - nothing worse than getting all jazzed up for a smooth relaxing smoke to find out I'm sucking my brains out for a whisper of smoke. Any suggestions?
Also, just ignore kas. He was dropped on his head when he was little.
the preasure in the corner i dont see bing much of a problem... i mean how many cigars do you have DIRECTLY over top of that thing? 60-70? or 1-10? there isnt that much weight there. I doubt that is the problem. if weight of other cigars was plugging them up youd notice it on the wrapper of the cigar. it would look damaged.
maybe that corner has a humidity issue. If the humidor is big enough stick a fan near there to move it around. If it isnt, rotate your stock once a quarter (3 months) and dont smoke out of the corner.
Sorry, Gary. Go here for the buffalo explanation.
Here's hoping you have better luck in the future. Rotating is a good idea, regardless.
1) where the cigars are located in the humidor
basicly the tool im talkin about is a handle with a thin long rod on the end of it designed to unplug cigars. im not sure if sells them off the top of my head but they are out there and they usually run under $20. the way i look at it is if you unplug 4 or so $5 cigars then its paid itself off.