
in Pipes
My birthday is coming up and I wanted to start dropping hints to the wife. I want to get set up with with a casual pipe. I don't Plan on smoking it often (maybe once a week). What should I look at and everything needed? I dont want her to spend much but enoughthat I won't want to go get something else right away.
+1. That is what I would do. Cobs do not last forever but a few to get you started is always a good idea and then start looking for a good pipe. You can get OK pipes for $50 or even less but 4 or 5 cobs would last quite a while and you would have several allowing you to smoke different blend types right away.
What some pipers will do is dedicate a pipe to each - 1 pipe for virginia's, 1 pipe for burleys, 1 pipe for Virginia-Perique blends (aka Va-pers), 1 for lakeland blends, and 1 for Periques. English tobacco's from what I've heard (no experience myself) hardly ghost, if they do it at all - they won't affect other tobacco's, but ghosting from other tobaccos can affect them. Also worth mentioning is that pipes need about a day of rest after smoking to dry out, otherwise the smoke can become harsh and on occasion, crack the pipe (very unlikely to happen to high quality pipes, but a possibility with budget pipes - but then again, if you have a high quality pipe, why risk it?)
The only pipes that don't ghost/ghost with great difficulty, are meerschaum pipes. With meerschaums, ghosting is very temporary (maybe 5 bowls), the only blends that ghost pretty hard are lakeland (and even then, it's temporary unless you smoke a lot of lakeland), but meerschaums are a big jump in price, which is why it's cheaper to dedicate a pipe to blends that are prone to ghost.