Home Trades, Passes and Bombs

Four City Noob Jthanatos

MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
So I get home from taking care of family matters yesterday, and thinking my wife is going to kil me, I know some packages are coming today....but NOT this one, and thats all I need, is her on me about them. So pull up to house and notice some of family is already in house relaxing, so I come in and say Hi, and Moms says mike I put some packages in your office, Of course I am like Whew...Yes escaped again. So get settled in and I sneak out on patio to open packages and BOOM!! Stuff flying everywhere dogs going nuts, wife whips open back door, sees me standing there with packages and stupid, hand caught in the cookie jar look??? She slams door shut andi think That's not to bad!!!! LOL Open to find great selection of my favs thank you very much James all very much appreciated!!



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