wringing one out
Whatsa quickest way to wring out one single wet stick? I scored a candidate for daily, a Perdomo Fresco maduro, from Otter's Pocket yesterday. Couldn't find a single robusto, so had to score a churchill. Can't wait to fire up and see if it's worth buying a bundle and stashing them away to dry. I uncellophaned this one and laid it out. 52% humidibititty today. You think it might be ready to smoke by the end of the day? Smells pretty darn good, but swollen tight as a honeymoon ***. Think maybe I ought to pack it in salt?
i am not a big fan of dry boxing, but if you are in a hurry itll work.
what i would do is throw it in the bottom of the humidor for a year or two. should even out and age.
Not a bad smoke. Passable for a cheap maduro I suppose. Not really my thing, though.