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Donors Invest Millions In Romney For Billions In Returns

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349


  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    True Patriots. Millionaires putting up money for the good of the public.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    True Patriots. Millionaires putting up money for the good of the public.
    Yep! True Patriots. Billionaires putting up money so the government will work for them, while the public will think they'e doing a public service! GOOD JOB !
  • wwesternwwestern Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,386
    Boy this is an amazingly rare occurance. I heard once a candidate raised over a billion dollars with these pay offs.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    True Patriots. Millionaires putting up money for the good of the public.
    Yep! True Patriots. Billionaires putting up money so the government will work for them, while the public will think they'e doing a public service! GOOD JOB !
    Sounds like the last presidential election
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    You are beginning to resemble your screen name.

    Phobic: a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed

    Squirrel: a large family of small or medium-sized rodents

  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    You are beginning to resemble your screen name.

    Phobic: a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed

    Squirrel: a large family of small or medium-sized rodents

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    True Patriots. Millionaires putting up money for the good of the public.
    Yep! True Patriots. Billionaires putting up money so the government will work for them, while the public will think they'e doing a public service! GOOD JOB !
    Sounds like the last presidential election
    We should all get used to it, because until Citizens United is overturned, billionaires are going to own the candidates, all of 'em, 'cause they will have bought them fair & square.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    You are beginning to resemble your screen name.

    Phobic: a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed

    Squirrel: a large family of small or medium-sized rodents

    To be, or not to be, that is the question...
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    LOL...thanks for sharing Davis. It is kinda sad but dad said it all.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    See, here's where liberals make no sense. First, they agree that government is corrupt. Next thing you know, they want more government.

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    See, here's where liberals make no sense. First, they agree that government is corrupt. Next thing you know, they want more government.

    except... wait for it... we choose to hire people to run the government. If we vote people in that aren't corrupt than govt won't be corrupt. Only problem is there is so much corruption it will take a awhile but from present history it isn't looking good. Making govt smaller isn't going to help. Look at Fema, they had their budget cut due the GOP saying we didn't have the money. Now with this hurricane everyone wants help, which is sort of retarded. People want less govt (in most of these states) but when it comes to a disaster they want it there to help. You can't have both. Btw most liberals do not just want big govt, we want govt to work for the commons which is what govt is all about. Also both parties under Bush pushed one of the greatest expansions of govt.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    True Patriots. Millionaires putting up money for the good of the public.

    patriots indeed.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    True Patriots. Millionaires putting up money for the good of the public.

    patriots indeed.
    Except the flag in question is from Bermuda, not the Cayman Islands. Brian Ross and ABC does it again.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    True Patriots. Millionaires putting up money for the good of the public.

    patriots indeed.
    Except the flag in question is from Bermuda, not the Cayman Islands. Brian Ross and ABC does it again.
    I don't think so.
    "..."Upon further review, there are in fact multiple Cayman Island flags, and it appears that the original report by ABC News’ Brian Ross correctly identified the flag flying on the boat in question."


    Cayman Island flag:


    Bermuda Flag:

  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I stand corrected, but you still can't make out the emblem on the flag. Juvenile reporting none the less.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I stand corrected, but you still can't make out the emblem on the flag. Juvenile reporting none the less.
    Yes you can...I've seen several photos of the flag on that boat completely unfurled, no juvenile reporting at all. These guys are just putting their money where their flag is, and demonstrating their contempt for the USA.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    See, here's where liberals make no sense. First, they agree that government is corrupt. Next thing you know, they want more government.

    except... wait for it... we choose to hire people to run the government. If we vote people in that aren't corrupt than govt won't be corrupt. Only problem is there is so much corruption it will take a awhile but from present history it isn't looking good. Making govt smaller isn't going to help. Look at Fema, they had their budget cut due the GOP saying we didn't have the money. Now with this hurricane everyone wants help, which is sort of retarded. People want less govt (in most of these states) but when it comes to a disaster they want it there to help. You can't have both. Btw most liberals do not just want big govt, we want govt to work for the commons which is what govt is all about. Also both parties under Bush pushed one of the greatest expansions of govt.
    Oh shoot. Once again I completely forgot -- it's all George Bush's fault.

    Tell you what. Let's do this in the right order. Instead of shovelling money and power at proven imbeciles for sale, first, let's get us a government that's not corrupt. Only then we give them all the trillions we can print. Shouldn't take too much longer, cause, obviously, hope and change is right around the corner.

    Until that happens, though, until empty headed idealism triumphs over hard headed history, ... wait for it...

    power corrupts

  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I stand corrected, but you still can't make out the emblem on the flag. Juvenile reporting none the less.
    Yes you can...I've seen several photos of the flag on that boat completely unfurled, no juvenile reporting at all. These guys are just putting their money where their flag is, and demonstrating their contempt for the USA.
    Contempt for US tax laws.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I stand corrected, but you still can't make out the emblem on the flag. Juvenile reporting none the less.
    Yes you can...I've seen several photos of the flag on that boat completely unfurled, no juvenile reporting at all. These guys are just putting their money where their flag is, and demonstrating their contempt for the USA.
    Contempt for US tax laws.
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - JFK

    Contempt for US tax law is contempt fo the USA.

    Personally, I believe that every single person guilty of hiding money outside the US for the purpose of tax avoidance should be subject to criminal prosecution, and if found guilty, would face jail time; just like Al Capone did.
  • wwesternwwestern Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,386
    I stand corrected, but you still can't make out the emblem on the flag. Juvenile reporting none the less.
    Yes you can...I've seen several photos of the flag on that boat completely unfurled, no juvenile reporting at all. These guys are just putting their money where their flag is, and demonstrating their contempt for the USA.
    Contempt for US tax laws.
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - JFK

    Contempt for US tax law is contempt fo the USA.

    Personally, I believe that every single person guilty of hiding money outside the US for the purpose of tax avoidance should be subject to criminal prosecution, and if found guilty, would face jail time; just like Al Capone did.
    Yep that's exactly what he was refering to in his inaguration speech tax code. Maybe you should quote Abe Lincoln to back up redistribution of wealth.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    I stand corrected, but you still can't make out the emblem on the flag. Juvenile reporting none the less.
    Yes you can...I've seen several photos of the flag on that boat completely unfurled, no juvenile reporting at all. These guys are just putting their money where their flag is, and demonstrating their contempt for the USA.
    Contempt for US tax laws.
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - JFK

    Contempt for US tax law is contempt fo the USA.

    Personally, I believe that every single person guilty of hiding money outside the US for the purpose of tax avoidance should be subject to criminal prosecution, and if found guilty, would face jail time; just like Al Capone did.
    Yep that's exactly what he was refering to in his inaguration speech tax code. Maybe you should quote Abe Lincoln to back up redistribution of wealth.
    You have JFKs take on the tax code 180 degrees bass ackwards. When JFK went in, the top tier tax rate was like 91% -- left over from FDR days -- FDR at one time wanted 99.5%. His advisors told him he was nuts, that he'd already driven all the money under ground. JFK had a hard fight to lower the rates. He pointed out you can't get rich guys to pay more by hiking rates. After a certain point you just drive their money overseas. He was rich and came from rich, so he would have known. Slashed the tax rates to 70% and that increased revenue. JFK was the first proponent of trickle down; not Reagan.

    The way I remember his inauguration speech, he was talking about Peace Corps and such.

    The more you hold a gun to a rich man's head, the more senators he's going to buy.

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I stand corrected, but you still can't make out the emblem on the flag. Juvenile reporting none the less.
    Yes you can...I've seen several photos of the flag on that boat completely unfurled, no juvenile reporting at all. These guys are just putting their money where their flag is, and demonstrating their contempt for the USA.
    Contempt for US tax laws.
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - JFK

    Contempt for US tax law is contempt fo the USA.

    Personally, I believe that every single person guilty of hiding money outside the US for the purpose of tax avoidance should be subject to criminal prosecution, and if found guilty, would face jail time; just like Al Capone did.
    Yep that's exactly what he was refering to in his inaguration speech tax code. Maybe you should quote Abe Lincoln to back up redistribution of wealth.
    You have JFKs take on the tax code 180 degrees bass ackwards. When JFK went in, the top tier tax rate was like 91% -- left over from FDR days -- FDR at one time wanted 99.5%. His advisors told him he was nuts, that he'd already driven all the money under ground. JFK had a hard fight to lower the rates. He pointed out you can't get rich guys to pay more by hiking rates. After a certain point you just drive their money overseas. He was rich and came from rich, so he would have known. Slashed the tax rates to 70% and that increased revenue. JFK was the first proponent of trickle down; not Reagan.

    The way I remember his inauguration speech, he was talking about Peace Corps and such.

    The more you hold a gun to a rich man's head, the more senators he's going to buy.

    "Maybe you should quote Abe Lincoln to back up redistribution of wealth"

    One of the largest redistributions of wealth in the history of this country has occured since Ronald Reagan was elected, and income from the middle class was re-distributed into the pockets of the top 10%, via supply-side trickle-down economics.

    It is true that JFK favored lowering the tax rate on the wealthiest. However, those tax rates under Roosevelt and Truman and Eisenhower paid for WWII and the Marshall Plan and the creation of our interstate highway system. Additionally, as I remember his speech, he was calling ALL Americans to sacrifice for the good of the country. That's 180 degrees different from the message of supply-side economics, which says "You can have it all, and somebody else will pay for it, because you owe the country nothing, and you don't have to sacrifice anything for your country."

    I believe that it is long past time for us to remember that the wealthiest among us have an obligation to the country. I personally believe that tax loopholes on the walthiest among us should be tightened up to reflect JFK's tax code more than the one we have now. Today we live in a country that has been told repeatedly by conservative economists that nobody is responsible for the obligation of paying for our national debts. Reagan ran up a huge national debt, so did Bush Sr., and so did GW Bush. As long as their guy ran up the debt, conservatives have turned a blind eye, but if a Dem had to do it because the economy had completely imploded because of massive de-regulation, then it became a top priority to eliminate all government debt ASAP. The best example of that thinking is the GW Bush administration, and the fact that the Romney campaign is being run by many from that administration should be troubling. Let me repeat myself:

    "Personally, I believe that every single person guilty of hiding money outside the US for the purpose of tax avoidance should be subject to criminal prosecution, and if found guilty, would face jail time; just like Al Capone did."
  • wwesternwwestern Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,386
    I stand corrected, but you still can't make out the emblem on the flag. Juvenile reporting none the less.
    Yes you can...I've seen several photos of the flag on that boat completely unfurled, no juvenile reporting at all. These guys are just putting their money where their flag is, and demonstrating their contempt for the USA.
    Contempt for US tax laws.
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - JFK

    Contempt for US tax law is contempt fo the USA.

    Personally, I believe that every single person guilty of hiding money outside the US for the purpose of tax avoidance should be subject to criminal prosecution, and if found guilty, would face jail time; just like Al Capone did.
    Yep that's exactly what he was refering to in his inaguration speech tax code. Maybe you should quote Abe Lincoln to back up redistribution of wealth.
    You have JFKs take on the tax code 180 degrees bass ackwards. When JFK went in, the top tier tax rate was like 91% -- left over from FDR days -- FDR at one time wanted 99.5%. His advisors told him he was nuts, that he'd already driven all the money under ground. JFK had a hard fight to lower the rates. He pointed out you can't get rich guys to pay more by hiking rates. After a certain point you just drive their money overseas. He was rich and came from rich, so he would have known. Slashed the tax rates to 70% and that increased revenue. JFK was the first proponent of trickle down; not Reagan.

    The way I remember his inauguration speech, he was talking about Peace Corps and such.

    The more you hold a gun to a rich man's head, the more senators he's going to buy.

    Nope don't have it backwards because I agree completely with your statements, and I'll add that he was a fan of bringing us back to a gold backed currency which makes me a huge fan.

    I was simply trying to point out JDH's gross misuse of JFK's quote which had absolutely nothing to do with taxes.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I stand corrected, but you still can't make out the emblem on the flag. Juvenile reporting none the less.
    Yes you can...I've seen several photos of the flag on that boat completely unfurled, no juvenile reporting at all. These guys are just putting their money where their flag is, and demonstrating their contempt for the USA.
    Contempt for US tax laws.
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - JFK

    Contempt for US tax law is contempt fo the USA.

    Personally, I believe that every single person guilty of hiding money outside the US for the purpose of tax avoidance should be subject to criminal prosecution, and if found guilty, would face jail time; just like Al Capone did.
    Yep that's exactly what he was refering to in his inaguration speech tax code. Maybe you should quote Abe Lincoln to back up redistribution of wealth.
    You have JFKs take on the tax code 180 degrees bass ackwards. When JFK went in, the top tier tax rate was like 91% -- left over from FDR days -- FDR at one time wanted 99.5%. His advisors told him he was nuts, that he'd already driven all the money under ground. JFK had a hard fight to lower the rates. He pointed out you can't get rich guys to pay more by hiking rates. After a certain point you just drive their money overseas. He was rich and came from rich, so he would have known. Slashed the tax rates to 70% and that increased revenue. JFK was the first proponent of trickle down; not Reagan.

    The way I remember his inauguration speech, he was talking about Peace Corps and such.

    The more you hold a gun to a rich man's head, the more senators he's going to buy.

    Nope don't have it backwards because I agree completely with your statements, and I'll add that he was a fan of bringing us back to a gold backed currency which makes me a huge fan.

    I was simply trying to point out JDH's gross misuse of JFK's quote which had absolutely nothing to do with taxes.
    In his inaguration speech, JFK called ALL Americans to sacrifice for their country - rich and poor alike. There is no misue of his quote. The contrast is between JFK's call to service and sacrifice for the good of the country, and Reagan's creed of greed embodied in supply-side trickle-down economics. Making the claim that JFK was a proponent of trickle-down economics is, at best, a clever deception and at worst, an outright lie.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    So let me get this straight: When JFK cuts taxes for the rich that's Camelot, when Reagan tries the same thing that's greed, I am a liar, and you are not a nitwit.

    That about sum it up?

  • wwesternwwestern Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,386
    So let me get this straight: When JFK cuts taxes for the rich that's Camelot, when Reagan tries the same thing that's greed, I am a liar, and you are not a nitwit.

    That about sum it up?

    SHHHHHHH! I think it's best just to let JDH have his own debate in his own little world.

    Don't let facts get in the way of grand standing carry on JDH.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    So let me get this straight: When JFK cuts taxes for the rich that's Camelot, when Reagan tries the same thing that's greed, I am a liar, and you are not a nitwit.

    That about sum it up?

    SHHHHHHH! I think it's best just to let JDH have his own debate in his own little world.

    Don't let facts get in the way of grand standing carry on JDH.
    Supply-side economics was not even written about until the mid 1970's. To insist that JFK's tax policies even remotely resembled the blueprint laid down by Laffer and Friedman and Greenspan, etc. is just plain historical revisionsim. It is not an honest assessment of the facts, because supply-side economics embodies so much more than just cutting taxes. In the early 1960's it would have been unthinkable for US manufacturers to shut down operations in the US to take advantage of slave labor overseas, because in those times, US companies were PROUD to be able to say that US workers had one of the highest standards of living in the world. There was a general feeling that because US workers had a good wage, and could send their kids to college and buy a house and enjoy a yearly vacation that made the United States a better place for everybody to live in. It was a form of patriotism that has all but dissapeared.

    All that changed when supply side economics was adopted.
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