well humdified ?.....Dry cigars?

in Cigar 101
I keep my 100+ cigar collection in 3 humidors......20ct and 2 50ct.....
the 50's are stuffed full.....
each humidor has one of those foam/PG solution pucks inside.....
i watch the humidity every day(sometimes twice)......
The humidity never seams to go below 62% usually stays around 65-70%......
all hydro-meters are salt calibrated. ......
However..Sometimes when a grab a cigar and give it the squeeze test i hear crunchy-ness....is this OK...all my cigars come from cigar.com so they arrive fresh.....will a well humidified cigar ever crunch?....should i keep the ccom water pillows in each humidor just to be safe?????......
I would recommend a different humidity source just because of the potential for mold with the foam.
I don't think that a little crunch is a big deal, as long as your hygros are properly calibrated and they are reading 65-72% I wouldn't be concerned. IMHO 62% is a little too low and would be "dry".
I learned a hard lesson not to do that. When I started my humidor, I was trying to go cheap, and not buy real humidification, so I used the pillow packs. Long story short, my temp / humidity ended up spiking to 68F / 82%, and resulted in both mold and beetles.
I salvaged what cigars I could, and quickly went out to buy some real humidification intended for long-term use.
I like my cigars around 62-63%...wouldn't worry about that number, unless you really feel they're regularly seeming too dry. It's all about what you like. I use the 65% beads, usually comes in a little shy, giving me my 63%. If you prefer the RH higher, go for the 70% beads and see how they work for you...good luck!
The other issue with dipping the beads is that it will cause them to crack and split, this won't affect their functionality but it does create a mess in your humi.