Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 356
My brother and I were smoking cigars in the lounge of a skeet/trap club with a few old (50-70) Italian men (my brother and I being young men). My brother asked a few of the guys what cigars they were smoking, and they all replied "No idea" (one shrugged and said "Cuban?"). My brother and I were also the only ones who had bands on their cigars.
As you get older, do you start caring less about what cigars you smoke, or are they just not "aficionados"?
As you get older, do you start caring less about what cigars you smoke, or are they just not "aficionados"?
It wasn't so much the fact that they didn't have a band on that surprised me, but the fact that they didn't know what they were smoking.
I'm gonna go with the assumption that they were stock cigars.
Thanks CCOM!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say I'll bet 100% they knew damn well what they were smoking. I have some 'older cigar friends' and my experience is they have attained a position and a disposition in life where what anyone thinks is totally unimportant to them and they view these types of questions as a source of amusemant...
Beta try a Tabak Especial --they seem to have a good mix of expresso and rich tobbaco flavor of my favs....I also think , actually know, you can enjoy infused and 'regular' equally as I myself do ...
Haha nice. I've definitely had a few of those! My buddy from highschool loved/loves dutch masters.
Any chance your old man wants to adopt a 24yr old son? Haha. my dad sticks to the cubans (don't tell) -- guantanameras, romeo and juliets, monte cristos, etc. no trading for my lowley vegas 5's and padillas
I do judge them a bit. Not because of what they smoke, but because of the fact that:
-they use paper matches (literally ALL of them do);
-they often relight off each other;
-they cut their cigars with pocket knives.
I know it's not right to judge, but I can't help to judge a little =/
I have never done those things ...:)