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Vet jobs bill fails in Senate



  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Excuse me, but I'm not on the government wagon. I'm the guy paying for it to f-ing run. I pay for the roads and armies, and food stamps, and medicaid, and public schools, and everything else that government spends money on. Someone has to. And liberals blame me?
    Do you only use services valued up to your annual tax burden? Do you only plan to stop using public goods once you stop paying?

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I am guessing that 50% number is based on those that don't pay income tax. That isn't the only source of revenue to the government, and no where near the only tax people pay. Just because I pay more in taxes than someone who is in college or has lost a job doesn't mean that I am more entitled to use public goods. That being said, is our system bloated and filled with inefficencies? Yes, most assuredly. But indiscriminate cutting is just as bad as tacking more bloated entitlements on top.
    Hey, I'm all about paying taxes. I'll fess up. I'm in the 25% bracket. And I pay it, accountant, open, no questionable deductions, etc. I think that is fair for what I have achieved. But take this to the bank. I'm in this bracket because I have worked my ass off for 30 years and have built a successful business. And I'm getting a little peeved at the liberals who would claim that I'm the problem. Politics of envy is very strong right now. The prez. is the head cheerleader. I gotta go have a drink and a cigar.
    I can honestly say that I've never once heard anyone, liberal or conservative say that someone who's built a business for themselves and who pay their fair share of taxes is the problem. You seem to be fixated on people "envying" you. I can gurantee you that I do not envy you. I admire people who have worked hard for themselves, and have managed to make it, while keeping their integrity and ethics, without damaging others to get what they have. That's just about 90% of small businesses in the US today. That's not the problem. Small businesses are the solution. Mitt, and guys like him are a big chunk of the problem, in my view. It's not about envy, because I do not envy him either.
    "guys like him". Listen to yourself.

    A small business grossing $250K a year is now referred to as the 1% in today's lexicon. When my little S-Corp. is referred to in the same sentence that uses the term "corporate profits", I'm at a loss for words.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Here we go again with the myth that voter fraud is rampant. If the idea of showing ID was because of fraud I would have no issue with it. But it simply is not. It is used as a talking point to obsfucate to truth behind the law.

    Also, before Im again called the bleeding heart or out of touch, I actually ave no problem with requring an ID and am shocked it has never been a requirement. That said, it is not being used in any productive way. Its simply being done as a way to disenfranchise voters and steal votes from one particular party, and I AM NOT a fan of f*ucking with someones right to vote for the sake of helping any particular party.
    a different kind of voter fraud. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/25/Wisconsin-MIlitary-Voters-Told-to-Submit-Ballots-a-Week-After-Deadline
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Excuse me, but I'm not on the government wagon. I'm the guy paying for it to f-ing run. I pay for the roads and armies, and food stamps, and medicaid, and public schools, and everything else that government spends money on. Someone has to. And liberals blame me?
    Do you only use services valued up to your annual tax burden? Do you only plan to stop using public goods once you stop paying?

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I am guessing that 50% number is based on those that don't pay income tax. That isn't the only source of revenue to the government, and no where near the only tax people pay. Just because I pay more in taxes than someone who is in college or has lost a job doesn't mean that I am more entitled to use public goods. That being said, is our system bloated and filled with inefficencies? Yes, most assuredly. But indiscriminate cutting is just as bad as tacking more bloated entitlements on top.
    Hey, I'm all about paying taxes. I'll fess up. I'm in the 25% bracket. And I pay it, accountant, open, no questionable deductions, etc. I think that is fair for what I have achieved. But take this to the bank. I'm in this bracket because I have worked my ass off for 30 years and have built a successful business. And I'm getting a little peeved at the liberals who would claim that I'm the problem. Politics of envy is very strong right now. The prez. is the head cheerleader. I gotta go have a drink and a cigar.
    I can honestly say that I've never once heard anyone, liberal or conservative say that someone who's built a business for themselves and who pay their fair share of taxes is the problem. You seem to be fixated on people "envying" you. I can gurantee you that I do not envy you. I admire people who have worked hard for themselves, and have managed to make it, while keeping their integrity and ethics, without damaging others to get what they have. That's just about 90% of small businesses in the US today. That's not the problem. Small businesses are the solution. Mitt, and guys like him are a big chunk of the problem, in my view. It's not about envy, because I do not envy him either.
    "guys like him". Listen to yourself.

    A small business grossing $250K a year is now referred to as the 1% in today's lexicon. When my little S-Corp. is referred to in the same sentence that uses the term "corporate profits", I'm at a loss for words.
    Mitt is not a small businessman, he is a Wall St. Tycoon, and I do not trust him, or guys like him. It is not envy. It is disgust.

    Remember Mandy Pantinkin in the Princess Bride....you keep saying that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means.....

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Here we go again with the myth that voter fraud is rampant. If the idea of showing ID was because of fraud I would have no issue with it. But it simply is not. It is used as a talking point to obsfucate to truth behind the law.

    Also, before Im again called the bleeding heart or out of touch, I actually ave no problem with requring an ID and am shocked it has never been a requirement. That said, it is not being used in any productive way. Its simply being done as a way to disenfranchise voters and steal votes from one particular party, and I AM NOT a fan of f*ucking with someones right to vote for the sake of helping any particular party.
    a different kind of voter fraud. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/25/Wisconsin-MIlitary-Voters-Told-to-Submit-Ballots-a-Week-After-Deadline
    Breitbart, yea right, another "fair & balanced" rational, reasonable kind of guy. And you're concerned about "liberal bias" in the "media"! Gimmie a break.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    Hey, I'm all about paying taxes. I'll fess up. I'm in the 25% bracket. And I pay it, accountant, open, no questionable deductions, etc. I think that is fair for what I have achieved. But take this to the bank. I'm in this bracket because I have worked my ass off for 30 years and have built a successful business. And I'm getting a little peeved at the liberals who would claim that I'm the problem. Politics of envy is very strong right now. The prez. is the head cheerleader.
    Nifty, pretty sure that puts you firmly middle class to maaaaaybe a little of upper middle class depending on cost of living in your area. Definitly not the (unfairly) vilified 1%. Don't think I have ever heard either party say "damn that middle class business man, that fellow is the problem". Look, I understand that the Dems like to trot out the 'blame the rich and greedy' (and often falsely equivocate rich = greedy) every year, and yes, it pisses me off. I also think they often oversimplify financial decisions to attempt to show those that make them as immoral and uncaring. For example decrying those that lay off workers or outsource work with no mention to the jobs saved by not letting the company as a whole fail.

    At the end of the day, what makes me most frustrated, what pisses me off the most, is the extremism that comes from both partiesideologies. No longer is Conservatism about a slow, measured approach to any change while ensuring people have the right to guide their own lives. It is now about rapid cuts, sweeping changes, and doing the opposite of what the Democrats want, for the sake of spiting them. And Liberalism is just as bad, no longer about ensuring 'the little guy' doesn't get stepped on by 'the big guy' and pushing for change and adaptation to our ever changing world. Now it is all about division, the Us VS Them mentality. How to punish the 1% instead of working together to make things better. And, just like Conservatives, often fighting tooth and nail against Republicans on issues of little consequence seemingly out of spite.

    I know I have said it before, but I am tired of both sides trying to label the other as 'the bad guy'. It is good to have conservatives. It is good to have liberals. The whole idea is finding balance between these ideologies, liberals pushing for change and conservatives keeping the change from being implemented without thorough thought and study. This yelling match we have now helps no one.

    Another thing I know I have said, throw all the bums out.....

    I gotta go have a drink and a cigar.
    Hey look, something we can agree on. :D
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Well I'll be. An honest to God endangered species - the moderate, rational, pragmatic, right of center Republican. They used to be plentiful, vast herds of 'em thrived and flourished all across the land until it's environment became too harsh due to a sudden overheating of the Grand Old Party. During this unprescedented climate change, those with cooler heads were suddenly besieged by Republicans who behaved like no one had ever seen before. These new Tea Drinkers had much hotter heads, and would not listen to reason, and only wanted to thin the heard of the old stock, so, unfortunately, the old moderates were unmercifully thinned from the ranks of the Grand Old Party by the leaner, more predatory and uncompromising Tea drinkers who took over and cast them out. Within less than two or three years the once gigantic heard quickly melted away and receeded into the nether corners of the political landscape, and once they were gone, there was no way to cool down the overheated Tea Drinkers. Unfortuantely for the GOP, without any moderating influence, one day it just exploded, kind of like the old Democratic Party did way back in the bad old days when it got McGovfornicated.

    I bet a few of 'em are in a museum someplace, on display so people will know what they used to be like.
    Hey, I'm all about paying taxes. I'll fess up. I'm in the 25% bracket. And I pay it, accountant, open, no questionable deductions, etc. I think that is fair for what I have achieved. But take this to the bank. I'm in this bracket because I have worked my ass off for 30 years and have built a successful business. And I'm getting a little peeved at the liberals who would claim that I'm the problem. Politics of envy is very strong right now. The prez. is the head cheerleader.
    Nifty, pretty sure that puts you firmly middle class to maaaaaybe a little of upper middle class depending on cost of living in your area. Definitly not the (unfairly) vilified 1%. Don't think I have ever heard either party say "damn that middle class business man, that fellow is the problem". Look, I understand that the Dems like to trot out the 'blame the rich and greedy' (and often falsely equivocate rich = greedy) every year, and yes, it pisses me off. I also think they often oversimplify financial decisions to attempt to show those that make them as immoral and uncaring. For example decrying those that lay off workers or outsource work with no mention to the jobs saved by not letting the company as a whole fail.

    At the end of the day, what makes me most frustrated, what pisses me off the most, is the extremism that comes from both partiesideologies. No longer is Conservatism about a slow, measured approach to any change while ensuring people have the right to guide their own lives. It is now about rapid cuts, sweeping changes, and doing the opposite of what the Democrats want, for the sake of spiting them. And Liberalism is just as bad, no longer about ensuring 'the little guy' doesn't get stepped on by 'the big guy' and pushing for change and adaptation to our ever changing world. Now it is all about division, the Us VS Them mentality. How to punish the 1% instead of working together to make things better. And, just like Conservatives, often fighting tooth and nail against Republicans on issues of little consequence seemingly out of spite.

    I know I have said it before, but I am tired of both sides trying to label the other as 'the bad guy'. It is good to have conservatives. It is good to have liberals. The whole idea is finding balance between these ideologies, liberals pushing for change and conservatives keeping the change from being implemented without thorough thought and study. This yelling match we have now helps no one.

    Another thing I know I have said, throw all the bums out.....

    I gotta go have a drink and a cigar.
    Hey look, something we can agree on. :D
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
    If it makes you feel any better I hate everyone...

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
    If it makes you feel any better I hate everyone...

  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
    Its' a political thread, where partisan belongs. I STRONGLY disagree with liberals. But you knew that.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
    Who's fighting?
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
    Its' a political thread, where partisan belongs. I STRONGLY disagree with liberals. But you knew that.
    What is a liberal?

  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
    Its' a political thread, where partisan belongs. I STRONGLY disagree with liberals. But you knew that.
    What is a liberal?

    +1, I would like a definition as well.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
    Its' a political thread, where partisan belongs. I STRONGLY disagree with liberals. But you knew that.
    What is a liberal?

    +1, I would like a definition as well.
    The modern use of the term in the major media lexicon seems to suggest anything associated with a certain voting coalition - progressives, communists, radicals, Atheists, Anarchists, black Americans, Hispanics, gays lesbians and transgenders, vegans, tree huggers, green-earthers, public Unions, single women, and any number of people who want free stuff from the government. Oh, and actors. LMAO. The origin is from Greek - eleutheros, or free
    Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English leodan to grow.

    How would you define it?
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
    Its' a political thread, where partisan belongs. I STRONGLY disagree with liberals. But you knew that.
    What is a liberal?

    +1, I would like a definition as well.
    The modern use of the term in the major media lexicon seems to suggest anything associated with a certain voting coalition - progressives, communists, radicals, Atheists, Anarchists, black Americans, Hispanics, gays lesbians and transgenders, vegans, tree huggers, green-earthers, public Unions, single women, and any number of people who want free stuff from the government. Oh, and actors. LMAO. The origin is from Greek - eleutheros, or free
    Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English leodan to grow.

    How would you define it?
    Personally, I think the word no longer has any valid meaning, because, as you point out, some corners of the conservative media are constantly associating specific behaviors, race, and specific political movements and /or parties to the word, which, in my view are not an accurate description of what it means to be liberal. In so doing, the conservative media personalities who engage in this behavior are using a tried and true propaganda technique; "define your enemy and speak for him." Because these associations are so pervasive (if you tell a lie often enough, many will begin to believe the lie) in conservative media, "liberal" has about as much meaning as the word "cool" does (when it's used to describe something other than temperature). In other words, it has no meaning, except to pont out something that "conservatives" oppose.

    FYI - There are plenty of very wealthy individuals and corporations (big oil, big pharma, Wall St., etc.) that want free stuff from the government, but I don't think that makes them "liberal".
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    wow this got partisan. Can't any thread not go into fighting? image
    Its' a political thread, where partisan belongs. I STRONGLY disagree with liberals. But you knew that.
    What is a liberal?

    +1, I would like a definition as well.
    The modern use of the term in the major media lexicon seems to suggest anything associated with a certain voting coalition - progressives, communists, radicals, Atheists, Anarchists, black Americans, Hispanics, gays lesbians and transgenders, vegans, tree huggers, green-earthers, public Unions, single women, and any number of people who want free stuff from the government. Oh, and actors. LMAO. The origin is from Greek - eleutheros, or free
    Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English leodan to grow.

    How would you define it?
    Personally, I think the word no longer has any valid meaning, because, as you point out, some corners of the conservative media are constantly associating specific behaviors, race, and specific political movements and /or parties to the word, which, in my view are not an accurate description of what it means to be liberal. In so doing, the conservative media personalities who engage in this behavior are using a tried and true propaganda technique; "define your enemy and speak for him." Because these associations are so pervasive (if you tell a lie often enough, many will begin to believe the lie) in conservative media, "liberal" has about as much meaning as the word "cool" does (when it's used to describe something other than temperature). In other words, it has no meaning, except to pont out something that "conservatives" oppose.

    FYI - There are plenty of very wealthy individuals and corporations (big oil, big pharma, Wall St., etc.) that want free stuff from the government, but I don't think that makes them "liberal".
    free stuff equals liberal? That doesn't really make sense. Most corporations that get free stuff from the govt lean towards the right at least their dollars do. Also a lot of the southern states take more from the govt then they give (the 47%). If anything the conservative movement no longer exists as you have the front runner and party pushing for even larger tax cuts. I mean tax cuts don't boost economy especially for wealthy people. Now maybe for poorer people but tax cuts don't bring more money to the govt.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    what we need to do is put the old rates during the 70's and bring back tarrifs. Get rid of this free trade stuff.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Your thought patterns baffle me.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Your thought patterns baffle me.
    Does this mean that you are also addled, confused, bamboozled, confounded, flummoxed, bewildered, buffaloed, stumped, disoriented, mystified, or perplexed?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Your thought patterns baffle me.
    Does this mean that you are also addled, confused, bamboozled, confounded, flummoxed, bewildered, buffaloed, stumped, disoriented, mystified, or perplexed?
    It means that you a thinking irrationally.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Your thought patterns baffle me.
    Does this mean that you are also addled, confused, bamboozled, confounded, flummoxed, bewildered, buffaloed, stumped, disoriented, mystified, or perplexed?
    It means that you a thinking irrationally.
    BTW, those are synonymy’s for baffled. Who is thinking irrationally?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Your thought patterns baffle me.
    Does this mean that you are also addled, confused, bamboozled, confounded, flummoxed, bewildered, buffaloed, stumped, disoriented, mystified, or perplexed?
    It means that you a thinking irrationally.
    BTW, those are synonymy’s for baffled. Who is thinking irrationally?
    Irrational - not endowed with reason or understanding (2) : lacking usual or normal mental clarity or coherence.
    . Yes, Im confused, bamboozled, confounded, flummoxed, bewildered, baffled, stumped, disoriented, mystified and perplexed as to you lack of reason and understanding, and your lack of usual mental clarity and coherence.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Your thought patterns baffle me.
    Does this mean that you are also addled, confused, bamboozled, confounded, flummoxed, bewildered, buffaloed, stumped, disoriented, mystified, or perplexed?
    It means that you a thinking irrationally.
    BTW, those are synonymy’s for baffled. Who is thinking irrationally?
    Irrational - not endowed with reason or understanding (2) : lacking usual or normal mental clarity or coherence.
    . Yes, Im confused, bamboozled, confounded, flummoxed, bewildered, baffled, stumped, disoriented, mystified and perplexed as to you lack of reason and understanding, and your lack of usual mental clarity and coherence.
    In what way?
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