This is to assume the right cares about any sort of congruency or that they are capable of honest enough thinking of themselves to allow this deep idea to penetrate their often closed minds.
Also, the ability for one to interpret the bible to fit their other beliefs or desires is uncanny. Its actually the same kind of way so many Muslims use to Quaran, a peaceful book, to justify their aggression. The difference being the Christians justify their motives because their god is real and they are the ones who are just.
When you guys find the meaning of life, let me know. I would suggest you can go all the way back to Aristotle. He posits three souls ("psyches") in humans: the vegetative soul, the sensitive soul, and the rational soul. Humans share the vegetative soul with all living things, and the sensitive soul with all animals, but only humans of all beings in the world have a rational soul. It would be this "rational soul" that has Ayn writing “I have affirmed that knowledge is unlimited, leaving no room for faith.” Of course she is wrong.