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83% Humidity

handypantzhandypantz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 86
I checked my cooler for humidity today and it said 83%. I know that this is way too high but I think my apt is very humid. I have no clue what to do and I am worried about mold and everything else that could happen.

Any suggestions!?!?!?


  • 0 That Guy 00 That Guy 0 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 188
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    along with the beads suggestion, you may want to check the seals on your humidor. A few ways:
    1) dollar bill test - put half the bill in, close the lid - the bill shouldn't come out unless you pull very firmly
    2) drop the lid from 6", you should hear a 'whoosh', and NO clack
    3) turn off the lights, and put a flashlight inside the humidor
  • SlickRSSlickRS Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 44
    It's amazing I have just the opposite situation. In the climate that I live in humidity is very low so I have a problem keeping my % up. I average between 64 and 67. I have never seen 70 in my humidor but I always have to keep an eye on it so they don't dry out. Its worth the work.
  • handypantzhandypantz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 86
    I bought a new Humi-Jar of the Xicar brand from the cigar shop up the way. The jar says 70% beads...but if it doesn't regulate it in a few days I will buy the Heartfelt Beads
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    It's amazing I have just the opposite situation. In the climate that I live in humidity is very low so I have a problem keeping my % up. I average between 64 and 67. I have never seen 70 in my humidor but I always have to keep an eye on it so they don't dry out. Its worth the work.
    this is a great range if you ask me. my humi is always at 65%
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    It's amazing I have just the opposite situation. In the climate that I live in humidity is very low so I have a problem keeping my % up. I average between 64 and 67. I have never seen 70 in my humidor but I always have to keep an eye on it so they don't dry out. Its worth the work.
    this is a great range if you ask me. my humi is always at 65%
    That is a great range. very difficult to keep in the summer in the south. Be glad you have that without trying. Where's Urbi when you need him, he has some insight on the humid summers. I cant get mine under 70% right now. Makes for a poor smoke.
  • handypantzhandypantz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 86
    Well I moved the cooler to the closet and add the 70% beads that I had recently bought...but it stayed at about 79% over night. I guess my only chance is to buy a de-humidifier for the closet now or something. Really wasn't wanting to put another 60 or 70 dollars in on cigars this month...but to save all the ones I have I will just have to suck it up.
  • SlickRSSlickRS Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 44
    Well I moved the cooler to the closet and add the 70% beads that I had recently bought...but it stayed at about 79% over night. I guess my only chance is to buy a de-humidifier for the closet now or something. Really wasn't wanting to put another 60 or 70 dollars in on cigars this month...but to save all the ones I have I will just have to suck it up.
    Do you have a basement or a room that is north facing so It doesn't get as hot through out the day? May be that will help.
  • handypantzhandypantz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 86
    Well I pretty much live in a basement as I live in a basement apartment. My apartment stays at about 75 degrees as the air conditioner is not fixed. I have really run out of options I guess.
  • rmccloudrmccloud Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 160
    Well I pretty much live in a basement as I live in a basement apartment. My apartment stays at about 75 degrees as the air conditioner is not fixed. I have really run out of options I guess.

    The basement at my house stays pretty cool but is humid as hell. I have to keep a dehumidifier running down there pretty much non-stop just to keep condensation from building up. That may be the reason that you are having the troubles. Just a thought...
  • handypantzhandypantz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 86
    Yeah I think that we get very little ventilation in our apartment. Really old and stuffy air it seems like. But I have bees out my window and no exhaust fan yet. The A/C should be fixed today. I am going to buy a little de-humidifier from my closet I guess....or I might just get a locker at the local shop for the time being
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Bad Andy:
    It's amazing I have just the opposite situation. In the climate that I live in humidity is very low so I have a problem keeping my % up. I average between 64 and 67. I have never seen 70 in my humidor but I always have to keep an eye on it so they don't dry out. Its worth the work.
    this is a great range if you ask me. my humi is always at 65%
    That is a great range. very difficult to keep in the summer in the south. Be glad you have that without trying. Where's Urbi when you need him, he has some insight on the humid summers. I cant get mine under 70% right now. Makes for a poor smoke.
    do you use the beads?
    if so are they 65% or 70%?
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    Bad Andy:
    It's amazing I have just the opposite situation. In the climate that I live in humidity is very low so I have a problem keeping my % up. I average between 64 and 67. I have never seen 70 in my humidor but I always have to keep an eye on it so they don't dry out. Its worth the work.
    this is a great range if you ask me. my humi is always at 65%
    That is a great range. very difficult to keep in the summer in the south. Be glad you have that without trying. Where's Urbi when you need him, he has some insight on the humid summers. I cant get mine under 70% right now. Makes for a poor smoke.
    do you use the beads?
    if so are they 65% or 70%?
    I have 65% beads...thats what is confusing me. I have dry beads in there to catch any over-humidification but its not working out very well. I may have recal my hygro too. I was traveling a lot lately and not able t maintain it like I should then again beads are very low maintenance. Right now I have taken out the wet beads and left in the dry beads to see if lowers any. Checked the seal too, its fine. Let me know what you think. Thanks Kuz.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i would take the beads out and dry them in front of an AC vent over night. then put them back in the humidor AS IS. dont charge them at all. you liver in a high humidity area. my beads (in NE ohio) are 20% charged right now. when the outside temp is over 80*f my beads will never be charged more than 20%. in the winter i have them at about 50%-60%
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    That's basically what I have done. I am letting the wet beads dry out some but they were not fully charged either. I will give it try over the next few days. I just cant really smoke till I get them lower...kinda sucks.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,294
    Two of my humis are over 70% right now. Not much over. Maybe 71 or 72 so I pulled the humidifiers out a couple of days ago and they are still in the same range. So, everyday I keep them open for about 10 minutes to air them out and I usually have the AC running to help bring the temps down. I think the temps are ok at the moment but it doesn't hurt to add colder dryer air at least for the time being.
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