I left the TV room and came to my Man Cave to smoke a cigar. It doesn't attract me anymore. All I want them is to care about our country and work together. the fact is, the Democrats and republicans politicians, they both created this mess and need to move forward. I am tired to listen to their mockery. It is simple, they need to sit together and come up with sound policies. Our country is still in a good shape, our people are still patriot and hardworking. We do not need lecture, all we need is to allow us to be free and create the environment where we can do our job. If we can do our job then our country will move forward.
i thought Biden looked and acted like a idiot, but ryan didn't really help his casue by not giving any real answers. But i'm tired of obama and all his failed promises. But what do i know.
I think control, alt, delete needs to be done. There was no answers given, only more questions created. It just solidified why they go shake hands and do not run the country. Paul evaded, and Biden did npthing but try to bully his way through.
Angry Repubs=Win for Biden.......He was angry, he was loud, and was brash----because the people he and Obama are going up against are terrible leaders and would cause more problems than anyone could see. Sorry folks, I admit Obama lost his debate----have the objectivity to admit the same for your guy.
I still don't get what this, obama hasn't held to his promises thing. He's held pretty strong to most of them more than most. If the GOP had actually tried to work with the dems things would be different. but with a record number of filibusterers and their pledge to do anything to deny obama a 2nd term hasn't helped. I loved Joe last night, he was great! And I love how the GOP loves to say it's all Obama but fails to point out the president isn't the only one who is to blame. I love how Joe threw Ryan's BS about getting more troops around embassy's, the congress cut funding to the State Dept!!!!!!!!! But yeah there wasn't a lot of plans laid out. But I mean our debate system sucks, I mean 2 minutes or so for an answer? That's sort of weak.
Angry Repubs=Win for Biden.......He was angry, he was loud, and was brash----because the people he and Obama are going up against are terrible leaders and would cause more problems than anyone could see. Sorry folks, I admit Obama lost his debate----have the objectivity to admit the same for your guy.
I disagree Vulcher, this was a draw, or a loss for both. It was not a good debate by either party and the undecided voters proved that.
Angry Repubs=Win for Biden.......He was angry, he was loud, and was brash----because the people he and Obama are going up against are terrible leaders and would cause more problems than anyone could see. Sorry folks, I admit Obama lost his debate----have the objectivity to admit the same for your guy.
I disagree Vulcher, this was a draw, or a loss for both. It was not a good debate by either party and the undecided voters proved that.
I think biden won, and called romney/ryan out a lot, but both parties aren't going to let this one out. I mean most pundits said romney won the first one, but he reversed on almost everything he had said for years just for the debate, not to mention saying one thing only to have his campaign reverse it later, minutes even and it's far from the first time. So if in America you can win by doing that then we have already lost. Like in south park, the bar is too low.
Most polls call it a win for Ryan (I checked many sources) because Biden made such an ass out of himself. I thought Biden was passionate which could have worked for him but he totally blew it with the smirking, laughing, and constant interruption of Ryan. He came off like a spoiled frat boy, I wonder what it was he found so amusing, The death of our Ambassador, the utter failure to secure the consulate, the cover up that followed, perhaps the dismal economic conditions that plague us, the collapse of stability in the middle east, I give up? He is now AKA "Smirkin Joe Biden". It will not help his team in the polls, Independants and women do not respond to that type of behavior.
He also had a touch of dementia when he said he voted against both wars and refusing to admit that their administration knew within 24 hours that it was a terrorist attack. Testimony yesterday at the Congressional hearing confirmed there was NO demonstration at all. Someone within the administration concocted that story and they ran with it for two weeks. Now Hillary tells us the State dept knew from the start what it was. Huh? She was out spouting that lie too. This is not going to go away and is the nail in the campaigns coffin. They will not survive for another term now. This reaks of a cover up! BTW, even CNN says Ryan won and questioned the moderation, called her the third debater. It was easy to see that she frequently cut off Ryan in the middle of answer and refused to keep ol Smirkin Joe from interrupting Ryan when it was his turn to talk, he interrupted him 82 times!
Joe ended up with a few more minutes time just like POTUS did. The momentum has clearly shifted now with 3 weeks to go.
The media wants the race to be tight, that's why they are calling it a tie or a win for each person depending on who/what network it is. It doesn't really matter who won. It's all about the base. Same with the last prez debate, romney was forcefully and the prez was collected. Though romney dropped his entire agenda and lied makes no difference, the media still says he won, I guess no principles is okay now. What mattered last night was biden made it clear that romney/ryan want to privatize medicare/ss and that they are okay with more war. And that the GOP is a poor choice for overseas actions.
The GOP are blasting this embassy thing but they are the one's who allowed the biggest terror attack in our history, invaded a country on lies and allowed bin laden to escape and didn't even hunt him down. They left Afghanistan alone to fester and grow with terrorists until obama came in and took them out and bin laden. Now they want to make noise about an embassy attack. If more troops were there it probably wouldn't have mattered according to testimony and again the GOP cut funding to the state dept.
I'm just ready for it to all be over with..........both canidates have their issues....do i trust either one of them, F**K NO! thing to remember, they are going to tell us one thing and then do anything they damn well please, you know why? because they can.....with all that said, i like Romney better than Obama......but again thats not saying much for Romney........
If gauged on an entertainment scale, I'd give it to Joe. And I thought he was more forceful about some issues than Obama was. Paul Ryan was nervous, and I felt he held back. But, he held his own and didn't get rattled. Its not going to have any effect on the election, though.
I left the TV room and came to my Man Cave to smoke a cigar. It doesn't attract me anymore. All I want them is to care about our country and work together. the fact is, the Democrats and republicans politicians, they both created this mess and need to move forward. I am tired to listen to their mockery. It is simple, they need to sit together and come up with sound policies. Our country is still in a good shape, our people are still patriot and hardworking. We do not need lecture, all we need is to allow us to be free and create the environment where we can do our job. If we can do our job then our country will move forward.
I left the TV room and came to my Man Cave to smoke a cigar. It doesn't attract me anymore. All I want them is to care about our country and work together. the fact is, the Democrats and republicans politicians, they both created this mess and need to move forward. I am tired to listen to their mockery. It is simple, they need to sit together and come up with sound policies. Our country is still in a good shape, our people are still patriot and hardworking. We do not need lecture, all we need is to allow us to be free and create the environment where we can do our job. If we can do our job then our country will move forward.
nailed it!
I agree with this statement but this is not what we have have right now. This is not working and we need to move on.
Its funny. People talk about politicans being liars, untrue, ect. Biden gives you raw and true emotion. Like him or hate him, right or wrong, he is not going to be a perfectly packaged modern politican who lives in the world of photo op's and soundbites. This is something that should be admired, and wanted, in ALL of our politicans-----agree or disagree with hisd view. Instead, the right ostracises him for not "being presidential". I think part of that should be to be yourself....hats off to Joe.
I left the TV room and came to my Man Cave to smoke a cigar. It doesn't attract me anymore. All I want them is to care about our country and work together. the fact is, the Democrats and republicans politicians, they both created this mess and need to move forward. I am tired to listen to their mockery. It is simple, they need to sit together and come up with sound policies. Our country is still in a good shape, our people are still patriot and hardworking. We do not need lecture, all we need is to allow us to be free and create the environment where we can do our job. If we can do our job then our country will move forward.
nailed it!
I agree with this statement but this is not what we have have right now. This is not working and we need to move on.
True, it just seems that all the choices are so bleak.
Its funny. People talk about politicans being liars, untrue, ect. Biden gives you raw and true emotion. Like him or hate him, right or wrong, he is not going to be a perfectly packaged modern politican who lives in the world of photo op's and soundbites. This is something that should be admired, and wanted, in ALL of our politicans-----agree or disagree with hisd view. Instead, the right ostracises him for not "being presidential". I think part of that should be to be yourself....hats off to Joe.
I agree with most of this but when GW did this he was castigated for it. What we will forever be stuck with now is the media's portrayal of what is "Presidential". Oh how I wish for a guy like Teddy Roosevelt again.
“When a wise person debates with a fool, the fool rages and laughs and there is no peace and quiet.”
He also had a touch of dementia when he said he voted against both wars and refusing to admit that their administration knew within 24 hours that it was a terrorist attack. Testimony yesterday at the Congressional hearing confirmed there was NO demonstration at all. Someone within the administration concocted that story and they ran with it for two weeks. Now Hillary tells us the State dept knew from the start what it was. Huh? She was out spouting that lie too. This is not going to go away and is the nail in the campaigns coffin. They will not survive for another term now. This reaks of a cover up! BTW, even CNN says Ryan won and questioned the moderation, called her the third debater. It was easy to see that she frequently cut off Ryan in the middle of answer and refused to keep ol Smirkin Joe from interrupting Ryan when it was his turn to talk, he interrupted him 82 times!
Joe ended up with a few more minutes time just like POTUS did. The momentum has clearly shifted now with 3 weeks to go.
The GOP are blasting this embassy thing but they are the one's who allowed the biggest terror attack in our history, invaded a country on lies and allowed bin laden to escape and didn't even hunt him down. They left Afghanistan alone to fester and grow with terrorists until obama came in and took them out and bin laden. Now they want to make noise about an embassy attack. If more troops were there it probably wouldn't have mattered according to testimony and again the GOP cut funding to the state dept.