Humidor project

My name is Greg, I'm a cabinetmaker, and I buy and smoke lots of cigars. I stumbled upon this site about a month or so ago, and have bought two humidors and lots of cigars. My humidors are both full, and so is the one I built wayy back in college, and still I have more cigars coming, lol....
So, I decided to build my own humidor, 8cu. ft. interior, with 2 drawers that will hold 200-300 cigars each, and plenty of box storage in the bottom.
I'm gonna post pics of the progress as I complete it, here are the first two:

Does look great - would love to have the talent and resources to do this too.
First off, I hinged and attached the door. 4 brass hinges full mortise, here's one mortise and a hinge:
Here's all 4 hinges as I prep the door for marking:
Next, I fitted the door after mortising and hinging it. Tolerences were kept tight for a good seal. Then a 1/4" backing strip was added to the cabinet for the inset door to close against, and further tighten the seal, as well as adding a lock.
Then, I added the top:
Next came adding the drawer runners ( I used all wood instead of metal slides for the aesthetics, rather than any practicality):
Tomorrow, i'll spray 3 coats of laquer. Sunday, I'll let it sit and humidify(it's been 90% humidity here, so it should not be too much of a chore) and monday I'll begin to fill it up!
I have 7 boxes of cigars waiting to sit in there, plus a whole lotta loose ones. I've decided to add a small piece of base trim b4 i apply the finish. :-)
I'm thinking about rigging up a peltier cooler over a liquid filled copper tubing hooked up to a small aquarium pump for cooling. Everything could mount out on the back or underneath and I'd only need 2 holes - easily sealed - for the tubing.....hmmmm.. Any thoughts??
I have no input on cooling - I'm just not handy enough to help
You can see it in the following pictures. When I open the door, or close it, there is a whoosh from the air having nowhere to go.
I'm in the process of conditioning it right now.
There is about $450.00 in materials in it, which includes the humidification, hygrometer, wood, hinges, and laquer. PM me, I'm serious about trading cigars for the labor. I'll do that for the first 2 I build (shipping excluded, of course), I'll give you a list of what I want, lol..
The door frame has a 1/4" stop on all 4 sides. The dollar bill test I tried wound up costing me $4, as all 4 tore. Money well spent, IMO.
Here's a few pics of the larger humi-care with remote (corded):