Cigars and Stomachs

We've all read (or learned from first hand experience) that it is always best to smoke a cigar, especially a fuller bodied cigar after some sort of meal to avoid any sickness from the overpowering smoke. I have also noticed that even on a full stomach I feel hungry after a good cigar. I have literally been uncomfortably full to the point I wanted to just lay down (usually after Mexican or a Chinese buffet) but instead went out for a smoke and an hour later felt as if my stomach was empty again. I have also thought I was full enough for a good smoke but then felt a little queezy afterwords.
What is it about tobacco that has a direct relation to our stomachs?
What is it about tobacco that has a direct relation to our stomachs?
I don't know. Nicotine is generally thought to curb appetite, not increase it. It may have something to do with the adrenaline release when using tobacco though. Nicotine triggers adrenaline release, and also raises your metabolism, thereby actually burning calories. Not that I'm endorsing smoking as a diet craze! haha.
I do agree with you though. I always feel better after a smoke.
As far as the queaziness, I don't think that is entirely the nicotine either. It has to be a combination of different factors. The worst a cigar has ever affected me was a RP Rosado robusto I smoked a while back. After I finished it, I got up and went to my computer. All of a sudden, I broke out in a cold sweat and came close to vomitting. I have smoked a few since then, even the toros (which are monsters) and never came close to feeling like that since. It was just a combination of different things that night I believe.
Just food for thought.
tobacco speeds up the metabolism. way back in the day in old folks homes if people were "stopped up" they would tell them to eat a light breakfast drink some coffee and smoke a cigarette or two as a very mild laxative.
im gunna see if i can link that reference for you. i know i read it somewhere.
Me too. I smoke what I feel like smoking without consideration to what time of day or what I have eaten. I have got the Hic-ups for a few minutes a couple of times, ... but that's it.
When it happens you kick yourself for doing it again. It totally sucks.