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Prayers for an injured BOTL with Updates!

BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
So, on Sunday Steve and Nick and I were having a nice time herfing, waiting for Shotgun John to show up. We waited and no call so, Steve texts him and a return text came from his wife. John was in the ICU after taking a fall off his roof. He was trying to clear a drain to the kitchen and fell, landing on his right side. He's got a lacerated kidney and some internal bleeding in quite a bit of pain. His wife said he would like to hear from you guys and I told her I'd pass this along with her permission. John is such a caring individual and speaks highly of his wife and child in glowing terms! He's also a very generous guy, always giving bundles out when we get together. Please pray for him and his family. Thanks guys.


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