Never thought of the Opus idea, but thats a good one. I did buy 4 last week on Tuesday before the baby waws born-----but I dont think I have the patience to let them sit that long. And as far as them smoking, I am sad to say that both of my babies are girls...and I hope they wont be into too many cigars------sad but true.
This is a little something I wrote a little shy of a year ago now. Figured I would just bring it back and put it here for discussion on how much and how little out country has changed in that time. I dont know if this could be as good as Puro's rants, and it is dated----but lets see what happens. And please taking nothing I say personally or have it change the way we deal with cigars on here---because cigars, trading, games, bombing, ect. are certainly the most important:)
So writing a blog on political issues at this time of year seems a bit overplayed. However, since everyone else is doing it I feel undermined and underappreciated if I were not to put my own 2 cents in…or 3 cents considering inflation. I could do a blog on why I am a Republican and voting for Obama, but I will resist said temptation and give simply reasons why I think the last 8 years of this country are totally fucked…as we all will be as well if you give 4 more years to McBush. Granted, there was a time when I considered myself the main source of political understanding and intelligence amongst those around me. Now admittedly, I may no longer have the most informed opinion. Nevertheless, feel free to respond (EVERYONE I HOPE) and if you agree with me I will laud your courage. If you disagree, I will kindly take your attack as personal and defend myself with jabbing insults at both your character and sexual orientation.
Ok Sarah---teenagers get pregnant. We understand your daughter is a filthy gutter $lut and you don't want that in the public mouth (like something she had in hers). I respect this. HOWEVER, please do not tout the "heroism" of your son in the military. First, he is not a hero as he signed up to do this as a job. Second, he will see as much combat as a UPS worker flying rubber cat $hit out of Hong Kong. ALSO, do not tell us how wonderful you and your family are for raising a retard. Yes Downs Syndrome is tough because the kids are demanding, and you can never tell one from another----however, if you want your family out of it----DO NOT pick and choose what we can discuss. Because if we talk about your great parenting with a deformed child and a military mental midget-----we damn sure better be able to talk about your lack of supervision when your daughter was getting the meat whistle in her oven and the fact you are exploiting your family for your gain and further separating your time from them.
Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Win the War, Pro-Anti Terror-------we're all over it. I am pro life, let's get that clear. However, no one is overturning Roe vs. Wade and that's a fact. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN, give up Falwell and O'Reilly, and Rove….not gonna happen. How the hell can the party of Guillani (the Nazi), Craig (the guy in the airport trying to get a handjob), and Gingrich (the slob)---ever preach to me about family values?????? Last time I checked I haven't cheated on my wife, haven't tried to get blown in a bathroom of an airport, and haven't fucked over half of New York. Not to mention I don't think I believe in God but I do believe in stem cell research. Yet somehow----my morals are the ones that are off kilter.
As far as the war….what does wining it mean?? Bringing people who are 1000 years behind us socially and technologically to our level? Does it mean ending violence in a place where violence has been continuous since the real life Fred Flintsone was using his fat feet to get away from that fucking boss of his? Or does it mean until we like what we see and all our contactors make as much money as they want while we rape and pillage the land of a once sovereign nation??? Ive heard you cannot be happy with defeat. I wouldn't call this defeat, I would call it maintaining our own interests for once and doing what the people of that country want-----watch us pack up and leave. There may be no honor in defeat, but there is a great deal of honor in respecting a people's wishes and doing as they request when we have invaded their land. LET US NEVER FORGET, this war had NOTHING to do with Sept. 11th. This war had NOTHING to do with freeing Iraq from dictatorship and terror. This war had EVERYTHING to do with weapons of mass destruction, which were either not there (at best) or a total lie fed to the American public to serve an administrations self serving wants (at worse). The conversation on Iraq really need not go any further that that.
How much longer can people blindly accept the bloviating about the terror threat, that the economy is "fundamentally sound", and that things are going to be shaken up in Washington. The only shaking that might take place is the fucking seizures I have from hearing this pile of cockamamie bullshit. You are no more or less safe that you were before 9/11, the only difference now is your perception. If the economy was sound, unemployment would not be at 6.1%, stocks would not be down 20%, foreclosures would not be up 80%, and I would not be saving my j!zz in jars for a "rainy day". Oh yeah, by the way while I am not the biggest fan of universal healthcare-----Since we are still the wealthiest nation with the most freedoms on earth---how could anyone in the right fucking mind think it would do any great damage to anything other than Blue Crosses profit margin----goddamn ignorant fucking assholes.
In closing folks here are some simple ideas to understand that just about everyone with a brain agree with. Hell, even those like Terry Schiavo could understand, and maybe even Sarah's retarded son. ---The Earth is getting warmer, and we have something to do with that-----Stem cells CAN save human lives----Was does not decide who is right, only who is left---Marriage may be between a man and a woman, but health care should be for everyone---There is STILL a separation between church and state in this country---Someone makes 250,000 per year is NOT middle class---Judge not lest ye be judged---THINK, THINK, THINK—its not illegal yet.
.Allow me to bump this one up for anyone offended by a fellow members recent comments. Gentlemen and ladies, We all knew what to expect with this post. The man is true to his word.
Didnt mean Im sad to say they are girls, meant Im sad to say they wont be smoking cigars (I hope)....but feel free to misconstrue what I meant to say or go after my kids or family as a whole, whatever makes ya feel better about life. Thanks also for posting my little humor blog, bout time something other than fox news updates were posted around here.
Didnt mean Im sad to say they are girls, meant Im sad to say they wont be smoking cigars (I hope)....but feel free to misconstrue what I meant to say or go after my kids or family as a whole, whatever makes ya feel better about life. Thanks also for posting my little humor blog, bout time something other than fox news updates were posted around here.
A simple explanation to clarify what you meant would have been great instead of getting so defensive. Your first sentence cleared it up actually. Like I said before you can't judge a person's tone and can easily misconstrue what someone means by written words on a forum alone. I might not agree with your point of view sometimes but if someone started bagging on a regular active forum guy here you know we would all take up for you. He wasn't trying to attack you or your family. I think he simply misunderstood what you meant and was kind of like what the?
I have 2 boys and hope that when the are old enough that if they chose we can share a cigar together and I may help them along into our hobby.
Haven’t done this in awhile, don’t even know if I got anything left…but here goes. I realize, “I am just a poor boy and though my story’s seldom told still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest…but the fighter still remains.” Great lyrics aren’t they? What a song!! But what happened to our fight?
I can’t say I ever lived in a time where politicians were noble, women were ladies, and gentleman wore hats----but I am adult enough to wish for such dreams and believe this once might have been true. A time where perhaps if we had millions of barrels of oil spewing into our waters like a horny teenager after watching a porno flick our first thought would be to clean it up. Not if the company cleans it up, the govt cleans it up, or we clean it up-----all those above work toward the common good to right this wrong and worry about pointing fingers later.
Instead, the only finger we have is BP with the British pricks thumb up his ***, slObama trying to methodically overthink a situation instead of acting, the Right Wing-Teabaggers-and Palin type environmentally retarded (no pun intended) trying to use this for political gain when giving a *** less about the wildlife and people. To use an already overused phrase “we can land a fucking man on the moon”, but we can’t plug up a hole. Stop using this as a rallying point to end drilling you liberal minded know-nothings, and stop even talking Limbaugh---and from now on lets just take whoever speaks ill about another for this problem instead of trying to fix it…and lower them to the deep to soak up some of this *** instead of just spewing more of your own on land.
While I’m at it---this is primary season in politics right? Well I wish it was coma season because only those in one get to benefit from this crap. We get it; people are tired of the “status quo”. That’s exactly why in primaries across this country we have gotten rid of the old and in with the new…..Yes, more white men and women of wealthy backgrounds who would rather fight like a dog and whine like a *** than give a half in inch to make anything happen that can actually help people. Sounds really fucking novel to me. More women, which I guess aside from their questionable ownership of a soul, could be a good thing…but all from the same mold. Where are the middle income teachers in poor neighborhoods running??? Where are the social workers and pediatricians running for office to voice the concerns of the people??
No, instead we get the ex-fucking CEO of Hewlett Packard---wonderful. So long as we people like the Douchefart in South Carolina who called the President a raghead in an interview, and people who vote for public interests based on their morals and religion instead of their pocketbooks and rational thought(yes, Im talking about you Mississippi who votes Republican but is so poor you have to eat your own poop twice a week), and people who think every person in America who is a lazy slob but had a bad childhood deserves cradle to the grave assistance, or the crime of murder means you can be reformed and shouldn’t afford you the right to ride the lightning------We are all screwed. Ahhh, *** it……World Cup in 3 days…go USA!
Not my thoughts per se, but those of the great George Carlin-----a man that makes me laugh and think, and one who I admired in several ways. Since Im up too early this morning, figured I would ressurect a thread I started years ago, and in turn bring back a little Carlin insight as well.
Human beings will do anything, anything. I am convinced. That's why when all those beheadings started in Iraq, it didn't bother me. A lot of people here were horrified, "Whaaaa, beheadings! Beheadings!" What, are you fucking surprised? Just one more form of extreme human behavior. Besides, who cares about some mercenary civilian contractor from Oklahoma who gets his head cut off? *** 'em. Hey Jack, you don't want to get your head cut off? Stay the *** in Oklahoma. They ain't cuttin' off heads in Oklahoma, far as I know. But I do know this: you strap on a gun and go struttin' around some other man's country, you'd better be ready for some action, Jack. People are touchy about that sort of thing. And let me ask you this... this is a moral question, not rhetorical, I'm looking for the answer: what is the moral difference between cuttin' off one guy's head, or two, or three, or five, or ten - and dropping a big bomb on a hospital and killing a whole bunch of sick kids? Has anybody in authority given you an explanation of the difference? Now, in case you're wondering why I have a certain interest, or fascination let's call it, with torture and beheadings and all of those things I have mentioned, is because each of these items reminds me in life over and over again what beasts we human beings really are. When you get right down to it, human beings are nothing more than ordinary jungle beasts. Savages. No different from the Cro Magnon people who lived twenty five thousand years ago. No different. Our DNA hasn't changed substantially in a hundred thousand years. We're still operating out of the lower brain. The reptilian brain. Fight or flight. Kill or be killed. We like to think we've evolved and advanced because we can build a computer, fly an airplane, travel underwater, we can write a sonnet, paint a painting, compose an opera. But you know something? We're barely out of the jungle on this planet. Barely out of the fucking jungle. What we are, is semi-civilized beasts, with baseball caps and automatic weapons.
You see the extremes
Of what humans can be?
In that distance some tension's born
Energy surging like a storm
You plunge your hand in
And draw it back scorched
Beneath it's shining like
Gold but better
Rumours of glory
"There's often a great beauty for me in the play of opposites. You can't understand good or be good without an understanding on some level of the evil. Now I stress 'on some level' because I'm not in favor of the philosophy that would have people go out and steep themselves in evil in order to understand. I don't think any of us are that far from it that we need to exercise that degree of effort in order to learn about evil. We've all got lots of it in us and it's not hard to see. At the same time, people who try to be good and only good and only do the good things all the time, while it's worthy to try to do, if you expect that you are going to succeed at it then you're in for trouble. You know because the other side is always going to be there."
Damn, Vulchor. You've been angry a long time. Put some joy into your life.
You remember the song...... "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens" C'mon sing along!!!!!!!..........These are a few of my favorite things".....................
Damn, Vulchor. You've been angry a long time. Put some joy into your life.
You remember the song...... "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens" C'mon sing along!!!!!!!..........These are a few of my favorite things".....................
I don't think the man's angry, he just see us as we are ... the Emperor has no clothes.
Mary Popins and Pollyanna are for kids. The hills may be alive with the sound of music, but there's gunfire in them thar hills too.
Damn, Vulchor. You've been angry a long time. Put some joy into your life.
You remember the song...... "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens" C'mon sing along!!!!!!!..........These are a few of my favorite things".....................
I don't think the man's angry, he just see us as we are ... the Emperor has no clothes.
Mary Popins and Pollyanna are for kids. The hills may be alive with the sound of music, but there's gunfire in them thar hills too.
Being angry, sarcastic, sad, ect are all human emotions. People want to call it pessimism or being jaded----thats just the Kool Aid drinkers way to disassociate themselves from what realism is.
And Beat, I am a VERY joyous and thankful man in my life for things that I should be joyous about and what gives me pleasure------but I also feel the duty to be the one to call "shenanigans" when I sees em.
Not my thoughts per se, but those of the great George Carlin-----a man that makes me laugh and think, and one who I admired in several ways. Since Im up too early this morning, figured I would ressurect a thread I started years ago, and in turn bring back a little Carlin insight as well.
Human beings will do anything, anything. I am convinced. That's why when all those beheadings started in Iraq, it didn't bother me. A lot of people here were horrified, "Whaaaa, beheadings! Beheadings!" What, are you fucking surprised? Just one more form of extreme human behavior. Besides, who cares about some mercenary civilian contractor from Oklahoma who gets his head cut off? *** 'em. Hey Jack, you don't want to get your head cut off? Stay the *** in Oklahoma. They ain't cuttin' off heads in Oklahoma, far as I know. But I do know this: you strap on a gun and go struttin' around some other man's country, you'd better be ready for some action, Jack. People are touchy about that sort of thing. And let me ask you this... this is a moral question, not rhetorical, I'm looking for the answer: what is the moral difference between cuttin' off one guy's head, or two, or three, or five, or ten - and dropping a big bomb on a hospital and killing a whole bunch of sick kids? Has anybody in authority given you an explanation of the difference? Now, in case you're wondering why I have a certain interest, or fascination let's call it, with torture and beheadings and all of those things I have mentioned, is because each of these items reminds me in life over and over again what beasts we human beings really are. When you get right down to it, human beings are nothing more than ordinary jungle beasts. Savages. No different from the Cro Magnon people who lived twenty five thousand years ago. No different. Our DNA hasn't changed substantially in a hundred thousand years. We're still operating out of the lower brain. The reptilian brain. Fight or flight. Kill or be killed. We like to think we've evolved and advanced because we can build a computer, fly an airplane, travel underwater, we can write a sonnet, paint a painting, compose an opera. But you know something? We're barely out of the jungle on this planet. Barely out of the fucking jungle. What we are, is semi-civilized beasts, with baseball caps and automatic weapons.
I agree , man/woman are inherently evil . Thats why we have so many Gods to pray too , to make us feel that even though we are/can be evil bastards there must be something good about us , right ? I mean after all , we pray , we tithe , we build hospitals for orphans blah blah blah . I think more effort on mans part is spent reigning in evil than asserting good .
Now knowing this , the beheadings of which you speak should be of no surprise and I'm not sure we are entitled to feel indignant about them . Yes , these people could have stayed in Oklahoma or anywhere else they wanted as you suggest . Now , Dave , I know you work with kids and maybe thats why you referenced the bombing and killing of sick children in hospitals . But you know what ??? The countries whose hospitals were bombed and their citizens killed ( even the little kid citizens in the hospital ) don't have sh_it to whine or complain about either !!! Guess what ??? Those little kids parents allowed a regime's leaders to pi$$ off another country capable of doing that to them and inflicting those casualties . The people who were beheaded could have minded their own business and stayed home and the leaders of the bombed countries could have minded their own business by not pi$$ing on the leg of another country whose leaders where not afraid to bomb the sh_it out of them and accept the collateral damage that went with it . Not talking any specific country here . If indeed, we are no more civilized than your description, let anyone visit their local zoo, climb into the Gorilla Enclosures, Pi$$ on the head of ( using your words ) semi-civilized beasts , savages , barely removed from the jungle , and see whats left of your azz when the keepers swing by in the morning . Its bred into us and I doubt we will ever change .
Dave , I would love to visit Fla. sometime and bring some of your favorite beverage ( whatever it might be ) and some good cigars , I believe you and I could have some really fun discussions over some good smokes LOL !!! Gene
Modern man is no different than his ancestors and I believe the DNA is identical. To quote my favorite book "The heart of man is desperately wicked, who can know it?"
So, Ill be honest. Thought of two guys having sex, getting married, whatever----no, dont really do it for me. The sex and kissing part especially, kinda makes me feel a little like I do after I eat Indian food. THAT BEING SAID, where the hell would I get off telling them that they cant do it or have the same rights as me? How the hell does it cheapen my marriage? How does it effect me in any way other than knowing if I oppose it, I am basically opposing freedom and happiness for people based solely on my biases. Get real people, if you dont like it fine----I understand. But trying to make it illegal or prevent people because your uncomfortable? Grow Up.
I've been marrried for 37 years to the same woman, and no gay or lesb**n person has ever threatened my marriage. By preventing them from getting married we are depriving them of the opportunity to be just as miserable as every other married couple, and there's something to be said for shared misery.
So, Ill be honest. Thought of two guys having sex, getting married, whatever----no, dont really do it for me. The sex and kissing part especially, kinda makes me feel a little like I do after I eat Indian food. THAT BEING SAID, where the hell would I get off telling them that they cant do it or have the same rights as me? How the hell does it cheapen my marriage? How does it effect me in any way other than knowing if I oppose it, I am basically opposing freedom and happiness for people based solely on my biases. Get real people, if you dont like it fine----I understand. But trying to make it illegal or prevent people because your uncomfortable? Grow Up.
Modern man is no different than his ancestors and I believe the DNA is identical. To quote my favorite book "The heart of man is desperately wicked, who can know it?"
That's a great passage. I've always been partial to this passage, from my favorite chapter in that same book: "If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness."
i am in favor of religious freedom, therefore i am in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage.
I am in favor of individual freedom, therefore I am in favor of legalizing same sex marriage. I am in favor of religious freedom, therefore I do not want the law to prevent or require any religious institution or church to perform same-sex marriages. That decision should be up to the individual church or institution, not Congress or other religious groups.
To each, his own. If 2 guys want to live together, fine. What they do in a bedroom is none of my business. Legal rights? Give it to them. Every right that a marriage comes with. No problem. All equal under the law. I ask only one thing in return. Call it something else. That's it. Marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. Period. Don't change the meaning of a word to suit your interests'. Call it what it is.
i am in favor of religious freedom, therefore i am in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage.
I am in favor of individual freedom, therefore I am in favor of legalizing same sex marriage. I am in favor of religious freedom, therefore I do not want the law to prevent or require any religious institution or church to perform same-sex marriages. That decision should be up to the individual church or institution, not Congress or other religious groups.
My thought has always been this. I am against same sex marriage. I am also against any Government control of marraige. It is stupid that we have one word with two meanings. I can be married in the eyes of God, but not in Government and vice versa. Marriage should be left up churches and individuals, as it is a religous institution. Governments should only be concerned with earthly things.
Humans were not meant to be alone and it is a sh!tty thing to tell a man or woman you can't decide to share your life possesions with another because their dangly bits match yours. Give all equal rights under the law, but get the law out of marriage entirely.
How can anyone be sad about ANY children they have??????
I have 2 boys and hope that when the are old enough that if they chose we can share a cigar together and I may help them along into our hobby.
I can’t say I ever lived in a time where politicians were noble, women were ladies, and gentleman wore hats----but I am adult enough to wish for such dreams and believe this once might have been true. A time where perhaps if we had millions of barrels of oil spewing into our waters like a horny teenager after watching a porno flick our first thought would be to clean it up. Not if the company cleans it up, the govt cleans it up, or we clean it up-----all those above work toward the common good to right this wrong and worry about pointing fingers later.
Instead, the only finger we have is BP with the British pricks thumb up his ***, slObama trying to methodically overthink a situation instead of acting, the Right Wing-Teabaggers-and Palin type environmentally retarded (no pun intended) trying to use this for political gain when giving a *** less about the wildlife and people. To use an already overused phrase “we can land a fucking man on the moon”, but we can’t plug up a hole. Stop using this as a rallying point to end drilling you liberal minded know-nothings, and stop even talking Limbaugh---and from now on lets just take whoever speaks ill about another for this problem instead of trying to fix it…and lower them to the deep to soak up some of this *** instead of just spewing more of your own on land.
While I’m at it---this is primary season in politics right? Well I wish it was coma season because only those in one get to benefit from this crap. We get it; people are tired of the “status quo”. That’s exactly why in primaries across this country we have gotten rid of the old and in with the new…..Yes, more white men and women of wealthy backgrounds who would rather fight like a dog and whine like a *** than give a half in inch to make anything happen that can actually help people. Sounds really fucking novel to me. More women, which I guess aside from their questionable ownership of a soul, could be a good thing…but all from the same mold. Where are the middle income teachers in poor neighborhoods running??? Where are the social workers and pediatricians running for office to voice the concerns of the people??
No, instead we get the ex-fucking CEO of Hewlett Packard---wonderful. So long as we people like the Douchefart in South Carolina who called the President a raghead in an interview, and people who vote for public interests based on their morals and religion instead of their pocketbooks and rational thought(yes, Im talking about you Mississippi who votes Republican but is so poor you have to eat your own poop twice a week), and people who think every person in America who is a lazy slob but had a bad childhood deserves cradle to the grave assistance, or the crime of murder means you can be reformed and shouldn’t afford you the right to ride the lightning------We are all screwed. Ahhh, *** it……World Cup in 3 days…go USA!
Human beings will do anything, anything. I am convinced. That's why when all those beheadings started in Iraq, it didn't bother me. A lot of people here were horrified, "Whaaaa, beheadings! Beheadings!" What, are you fucking surprised? Just one more form of extreme human behavior. Besides, who cares about some mercenary civilian contractor from Oklahoma who gets his head cut off? *** 'em. Hey Jack, you don't want to get your head cut off? Stay the *** in Oklahoma. They ain't cuttin' off heads in Oklahoma, far as I know. But I do know this: you strap on a gun and go struttin' around some other man's country, you'd better be ready for some action, Jack. People are touchy about that sort of thing. And let me ask you this... this is a moral question, not rhetorical, I'm looking for the answer: what is the moral difference between cuttin' off one guy's head, or two, or three, or five, or ten - and dropping a big bomb on a hospital and killing a whole bunch of sick kids? Has anybody in authority given you an explanation of the difference? Now, in case you're wondering why I have a certain interest, or fascination let's call it, with torture and beheadings and all of those things I have mentioned, is because each of these items reminds me in life over and over again what beasts we human beings really are. When you get right down to it, human beings are nothing more than ordinary jungle beasts. Savages. No different from the Cro Magnon people who lived twenty five thousand years ago. No different. Our DNA hasn't changed substantially in a hundred thousand years. We're still operating out of the lower brain. The reptilian brain. Fight or flight. Kill or be killed. We like to think we've evolved and advanced because we can build a computer, fly an airplane, travel underwater, we can write a sonnet, paint a painting, compose an opera. But you know something? We're barely out of the jungle on this planet. Barely out of the fucking jungle. What we are, is semi-civilized beasts, with baseball caps and automatic weapons.
You see the extremes
Of what humans can be?
In that distance some tension's born
Energy surging like a storm
You plunge your hand in
And draw it back scorched
Beneath it's shining like
Gold but better
Rumours of glory
"There's often a great beauty for me in the play of opposites. You can't understand good or be good without an understanding on some level of the evil. Now I stress 'on some level' because I'm not in favor of the philosophy that would have people go out and steep themselves in evil in order to understand. I don't think any of us are that far from it that we need to exercise that degree of effort in order to learn about evil. We've all got lots of it in us and it's not hard to see. At the same time, people who try to be good and only good and only do the good things all the time, while it's worthy to try to do, if you expect that you are going to succeed at it then you're in for trouble. You know because the other side is always going to be there."
Bruce Cockburn 1980
You remember the song...... "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens" C'mon sing along!!!!!!!..........These are a few of my favorite things".....................
Mary Popins and Pollyanna are for kids. The hills may be alive with the sound of music, but there's gunfire in them thar hills too.
I agree , man/woman are inherently evil . Thats why we have so many Gods to pray too , to make us feel that even though we are/can be evil bastards there must be something good about us , right ? I mean after all , we pray , we tithe , we build hospitals for orphans blah blah blah . I think more effort on mans part is spent reigning in evil than asserting good .
Now knowing this , the beheadings of which you speak should be of no surprise and I'm not sure we are entitled to feel indignant about them . Yes , these people could have stayed in Oklahoma or anywhere else they wanted as you suggest . Now , Dave , I know you work with kids and maybe thats why you referenced the bombing and killing of sick children in hospitals . But you know what ??? The countries whose hospitals were bombed and their citizens killed ( even the little kid citizens in the hospital ) don't have sh_it to whine or complain about either !!! Guess what ??? Those little kids parents allowed a regime's leaders to pi$$ off another country capable of doing that to them and inflicting those casualties . The people who were beheaded could have minded their own business and stayed home and the leaders of the bombed countries could have minded their own business by not pi$$ing on the leg of another country whose leaders where not afraid to bomb the sh_it out of them and accept the collateral damage that went with it . Not talking any specific country here . If indeed, we are no more civilized than your description, let anyone visit their local zoo, climb into the Gorilla Enclosures, Pi$$ on the head of ( using your words ) semi-civilized beasts , savages , barely removed from the jungle , and see whats left of your azz when the keepers swing by in the morning . Its bred into us and I doubt we will ever change .
Dave , I would love to visit Fla. sometime and bring some of your favorite beverage ( whatever it might be ) and some good cigars , I believe you and I could have some really fun discussions over some good smokes LOL !!! Gene
Humans were not meant to be alone and it is a sh!tty thing to tell a man or woman you can't decide to share your life possesions with another because their dangly bits match yours. Give all equal rights under the law, but get the law out of marriage entirely.