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  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    moving back to the outrage that Palin is bringing over letterman's comment, she doesn't take rape too seriously anyway, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/01/palin-on-abortion-id-oppo_n_122924.html. She is just some piece of work. And she says she speaks for young women....
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    moving back to the outrage that Palin is bringing over letterman's comment, she doesn't take rape too seriously anyway, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/01/palin-on-abortion-id-oppo_n_122924.html. She is just some piece of work. And she says she speaks for young women....
    You still lied in saying she Called Obama a terrorist. Liberals are all alike and LOVE to misquote people.
    But on this issue, you don't seem to understand the difference between being ok with someone being raped, and NOT being ok with someone killing a baby because of it... It has NOTHING to do with how she views the crime of rape and the fact that you see it that way seriously question the state of your mental health. That is seriously that longest leap I've heard you EVER make Phobic... To say someone is against abortion means they don't take rape seriously is a very delusional statement.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    moving back to the outrage that Palin is bringing over letterman's comment, she doesn't take rape too seriously anyway, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/01/palin-on-abortion-id-oppo_n_122924.html. She is just some piece of work. And she says she speaks for young women....
    You still lied in saying she Called Obama a terrorist. Liberals are all alike and LOVE to misquote people.
    But on this issue, you don't seem to understand the difference between being ok with someone being raped, and NOT being ok with someone killing a baby because of it... It has NOTHING to do with how she views the crime of rape and the fact that you see it that way seriously question the state of your mental health. That is seriously that longest leap I've heard you EVER make Phobic... To say someone is against abortion means they don't take rape seriously is a very delusional statement.
    Perhaps that was the best way to form an arguement....but I must say it was not delusional. There is a point to be drawn from her views and to equate rape and abortion as squirrel did did indeed show the "do as I say, not as I do" mentaility of many politicans----and they just so happen to be mostly republican. I dont think I need to go into the behaviors of Ted Stevens, Rush, Newt, or Craig
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    moving back to the outrage that Palin is bringing over letterman's comment, she doesn't take rape too seriously anyway, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/01/palin-on-abortion-id-oppo_n_122924.html. She is just some piece of work. And she says she speaks for young women....
    You still lied in saying she Called Obama a terrorist. Liberals are all alike and LOVE to misquote people.
    But on this issue, you don't seem to understand the difference between being ok with someone being raped, and NOT being ok with someone killing a baby because of it... It has NOTHING to do with how she views the crime of rape and the fact that you see it that way seriously question the state of your mental health. That is seriously that longest leap I've heard you EVER make Phobic... To say someone is against abortion means they don't take rape seriously is a very delusional statement.
    Perhaps that was the best way to form an arguement....but I must say it was not delusional. There is a point to be drawn from her views and to equate rape and abortion as squirrel did did indeed show the "do as I say, not as I do" mentaility of many politicans----and they just so happen to be mostly republican. I dont think I need to go into the behaviors of Ted Stevens, Rush, Newt, or Craig
    Actually no Vulchor, they don't show her to be that way. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about... Being against abortion is in NO WAY connected. I'm sure Mrs. Palin would have a very different view on how rapists should be punished than your average "peace, love, and meth" hippie liberal nut job out there. And I know you don't want to compare the corruption records of the dems vs the reps...
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    moving back to the outrage that Palin is bringing over letterman's comment, she doesn't take rape too seriously anyway, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/01/palin-on-abortion-id-oppo_n_122924.html. She is just some piece of work. And she says she speaks for young women....
    You still lied in saying she Called Obama a terrorist. Liberals are all alike and LOVE to misquote people.
    But on this issue, you don't seem to understand the difference between being ok with someone being raped, and NOT being ok with someone killing a baby because of it... It has NOTHING to do with how she views the crime of rape and the fact that you see it that way seriously question the state of your mental health. That is seriously that longest leap I've heard you EVER make Phobic... To say someone is against abortion means they don't take rape seriously is a very delusional statement.
    Perhaps that was the best way to form an arguement....but I must say it was not delusional. There is a point to be drawn from her views and to equate rape and abortion as squirrel did did indeed show the "do as I say, not as I do" mentaility of many politicans----and they just so happen to be mostly republican. I dont think I need to go into the behaviors of Ted Stevens, Rush, Newt, or Craig
    Actually no Vulchor, they don't show her to be that way. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about... Being against abortion is in NO WAY connected. I'm sure Mrs. Palin would have a very different view on how rapists should be punished than your average "peace, love, and meth" hippie liberal nut job out there. And I know you don't want to compare the corruption records of the dems vs the reps...
    While we are making claims of what we do and do not know Puro, I would put what I am talking about and my political knowledge up against yours any day of the week sir---but I also try to keep it a bit lighthearted since you nor I can achieve any sort of change because the powers that be (repuiblican and democrrat alike) dont want the average citizen to be that informed----could ruin their control. And while we are speaking of said hippies...I am a registered republican who voted McCain in'00 primary and Pat Buchanan in the election...so lets not label me unjustly. No comparing any corruption records, just saying the party of "family values, pro-life, and compassionate conversatism" is often best when laughed at when its members solicit gay sex from airport bathrooms and its religious factions have gay hookers and snort coke.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    moving back to the outrage that Palin is bringing over letterman's comment, she doesn't take rape too seriously anyway, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/01/palin-on-abortion-id-oppo_n_122924.html. She is just some piece of work. And she says she speaks for young women....
    You still lied in saying she Called Obama a terrorist. Liberals are all alike and LOVE to misquote people.
    But on this issue, you don't seem to understand the difference between being ok with someone being raped, and NOT being ok with someone killing a baby because of it... It has NOTHING to do with how she views the crime of rape and the fact that you see it that way seriously question the state of your mental health. That is seriously that longest leap I've heard you EVER make Phobic... To say someone is against abortion means they don't take rape seriously is a very delusional statement.
    Perhaps that was the best way to form an arguement....but I must say it was not delusional. There is a point to be drawn from her views and to equate rape and abortion as squirrel did did indeed show the "do as I say, not as I do" mentaility of many politicans----and they just so happen to be mostly republican. I dont think I need to go into the behaviors of Ted Stevens, Rush, Newt, or Craig
    Actually no Vulchor, they don't show her to be that way. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about... Being against abortion is in NO WAY connected. I'm sure Mrs. Palin would have a very different view on how rapists should be punished than your average "peace, love, and meth" hippie liberal nut job out there. And I know you don't want to compare the corruption records of the dems vs the reps...
    While we are making claims of what we do and do not know Puro, I would put what I am talking about and my political knowledge up against yours any day of the week sir---but I also try to keep it a bit lighthearted since you nor I can achieve any sort of change because the powers that be (repuiblican and democrrat alike) dont want the average citizen to be that informed----could ruin their control. And while we are speaking of said hippies...I am a registered republican who voted McCain in'00 primary and Pat Buchanan in the election...so lets not label me unjustly. No comparing any corruption records, just saying the party of "family values, pro-life, and compassionate conversatism" is often best when laughed at when its members solicit gay sex from airport bathrooms and its religious factions have gay hookers and snort coke.
    Yes, and Barney Franks runs a gay prostitution ring out of his basement, and Spitzer wants a hooker he can have unprotected sex with... Everyone is crooked and I know this. The fact that you voted for McCain doesn't impress me at all or make me think you are conservative... Because let there be no mistake, I am NOT a republican, I am a conservative. I think there are tons of crooks on both sides, the difference is I don't support wanna be democrats, or "moderate" republicans as they call themselves like John McCain. I think he is a good man, but I don't think he would be best for this country. In the 2008 elections he was just the lesser of two evils.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    You saying that she didn't say obama is a terrorist a delusional statement. Read between the lines puro, she meant it and whether or not she said "HE IS A TERRORIST" she implied it and never apologized for it. She said it multiple times. I did not lie, she blatantly pushed it over and over. Also, they are about the same, if someone is raped and has a child, then why is it the burden of the victum to carry that and to have the emotional damage on top of it. I said it because palin seems to have said she speaks for women which is crap but she said it, then to be outraged over a joke, but in her own state rap is high as hell, and she obviously cares nothing about women and their issues. That's why I said it. If she's willing to be all upset over what joke letterman said and to put down women by not standing for their rights then she's as bad or worse, I think worse since she's putting out there she speaks for women. And liberals don't mis-quote people, it's usually the other way. Righties seem to always like to lie and mis-guide, a great example is the health care bill for a public opiton or govt run, REP are spewing lies about how the govt will come between people and their doctor, yeah sure.... Let's see, go to any doctor I want, not get bullied and told what I can and can't have or where to go, or get canceled because of a history or for what-ever reason not to mention the millions of dollars in admin and pay per test. I can't go on and on. Now I'm only taking about some Rep and there are democrats that are the same way. Either way I didn't "lie" she did say or let me say imply, is that better? that Bama was a terrorist.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    You saying that she didn't say obama is a terrorist a delusional statement. Read between the lines puro, she meant it and whether or not she said "HE IS A TERRORIST" she implied it and never apologized for it. She said it multiple times. I did not lie, she blatantly pushed it over and over. Also, they are about the same, if someone is raped and has a child, then why is it the burden of the victum to carry that and to have the emotional damage on top of it. I said it because palin seems to have said she speaks for women which is crap but she said it, then to be outraged over a joke, but in her own state rap is high as hell, and she obviously cares nothing about women and their issues. That's why I said it. If she's willing to be all upset over what joke letterman said and to put down women by not standing for their rights then she's as bad or worse, I think worse since she's putting out there she speaks for women. And liberals don't mis-quote people, it's usually the other way. Righties seem to always like to lie and mis-guide, a great example is the health care bill for a public opiton or govt run, REP are spewing lies about how the govt will come between people and their doctor, yeah sure.... Let's see, go to any doctor I want, not get bullied and told what I can and can't have or where to go, or get canceled because of a history or for what-ever reason not to mention the millions of dollars in admin and pay per test. I can't go on and on. Now I'm only taking about some Rep and there are democrats that are the same way. Either way I didn't "lie" she did say or let me say imply, is that better? that Bama was a terrorist.
    Ok, your last statement I would be more comfortable with that she implied it, but she NEVER said he was a terrorist as you quoted in your first statement. Also I don't believe that is what she was implying. She said he pals around with terrorists, well I pal around with some guys who are alcoholics, but that in no way makes me an alcoholic. That is where we are different, liberals always "interpret" everything so that it fits their agenda... Like the constitution. Sotomayor saying that the right to bear arms just states that the federal government can't forbid people to own guns but the states or local governments can is her "interpretation" of the bill... and she is sadly mistaken. That was NOT was was intended when that amendment was written. Also I see your point that carrying a child after a rape could be tough, but does that mean that child should be murdered? Was it that child's fault that the mother was raped? And if you go check my last post on my rants you will see the "healthcare" thing is a total joke and will go a long ways towards bankrupting our country.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    You saying that she didn't say obama is a terrorist a delusional statement. Read between the lines puro, she meant it and whether or not she said "HE IS A TERRORIST" she implied it and never apologized for it. She said it multiple times. I did not lie, she blatantly pushed it over and over. Also, they are about the same, if someone is raped and has a child, then why is it the burden of the victum to carry that and to have the emotional damage on top of it. I said it because palin seems to have said she speaks for women which is crap but she said it, then to be outraged over a joke, but in her own state rap is high as hell, and she obviously cares nothing about women and their issues. That's why I said it. If she's willing to be all upset over what joke letterman said and to put down women by not standing for their rights then she's as bad or worse, I think worse since she's putting out there she speaks for women. And liberals don't mis-quote people, it's usually the other way. Righties seem to always like to lie and mis-guide, a great example is the health care bill for a public opiton or govt run, REP are spewing lies about how the govt will come between people and their doctor, yeah sure.... Let's see, go to any doctor I want, not get bullied and told what I can and can't have or where to go, or get canceled because of a history or for what-ever reason not to mention the millions of dollars in admin and pay per test. I can't go on and on. Now I'm only taking about some Rep and there are democrats that are the same way. Either way I didn't "lie" she did say or let me say imply, is that better? that Bama was a terrorist.
    Well said squirrel----And why is Ayers a "terrorist" when a "Joe Six Pack" who blew up an abortion doctor could probably be the M.C. at a conservative fundraiser------both wrong in my opinion, but terrorist makes us think of 9/11, and so does the name Obama which sounds like Osama and remember we are always ripe for another attack-----FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, FEAR (sounds like a good chant for the next national convention)
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    You saying that she didn't say obama is a terrorist a delusional statement. Read between the lines puro, she meant it and whether or not she said "HE IS A TERRORIST" she implied it and never apologized for it. She said it multiple times. I did not lie, she blatantly pushed it over and over. Also, they are about the same, if someone is raped and has a child, then why is it the burden of the victum to carry that and to have the emotional damage on top of it. I said it because palin seems to have said she speaks for women which is crap but she said it, then to be outraged over a joke, but in her own state rap is high as hell, and she obviously cares nothing about women and their issues. That's why I said it. If she's willing to be all upset over what joke letterman said and to put down women by not standing for their rights then she's as bad or worse, I think worse since she's putting out there she speaks for women. And liberals don't mis-quote people, it's usually the other way. Righties seem to always like to lie and mis-guide, a great example is the health care bill for a public opiton or govt run, REP are spewing lies about how the govt will come between people and their doctor, yeah sure.... Let's see, go to any doctor I want, not get bullied and told what I can and can't have or where to go, or get canceled because of a history or for what-ever reason not to mention the millions of dollars in admin and pay per test. I can't go on and on. Now I'm only taking about some Rep and there are democrats that are the same way. Either way I didn't "lie" she did say or let me say imply, is that better? that Bama was a terrorist.
    Well said squirrel----And why is Ayers a "terrorist" when a "Joe Six Pack" who blew up an abortion doctor could probably be the M.C. at a conservative fundraiser------both wrong in my opinion, but terrorist makes us think of 9/11, and so does the name Obama which sounds like Osama and remember we are always ripe for another attack-----FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, FEAR (sounds like a good chant for the next national convention)
    You are right FEAR FEAR FEAR does sound like a great DNC slogan... "Fear the world and all it's dangers unless you have a democratic president who will keep you safe from smoking and global warming and greedy corporations and high health care cost..etc...etc... The fear mongering comes from both sides but is more wide spread from the left.

    On the other hand there was not an abortion clinic blown up recently. But the man who shot the abortion Dr is a murderer plain and simple. I think late term and partial birth abortion is a sick practice that should be charged as murder, but it was NOT up to this nut job to take matters into his own hands!
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    You saying that she didn't say obama is a terrorist a delusional statement. Read between the lines puro, she meant it and whether or not she said "HE IS A TERRORIST" she implied it and never apologized for it. She said it multiple times. I did not lie, she blatantly pushed it over and over. Also, they are about the same, if someone is raped and has a child, then why is it the burden of the victum to carry that and to have the emotional damage on top of it. I said it because palin seems to have said she speaks for women which is crap but she said it, then to be outraged over a joke, but in her own state rap is high as hell, and she obviously cares nothing about women and their issues. That's why I said it. If she's willing to be all upset over what joke letterman said and to put down women by not standing for their rights then she's as bad or worse, I think worse since she's putting out there she speaks for women. And liberals don't mis-quote people, it's usually the other way. Righties seem to always like to lie and mis-guide, a great example is the health care bill for a public opiton or govt run, REP are spewing lies about how the govt will come between people and their doctor, yeah sure.... Let's see, go to any doctor I want, not get bullied and told what I can and can't have or where to go, or get canceled because of a history or for what-ever reason not to mention the millions of dollars in admin and pay per test. I can't go on and on. Now I'm only taking about some Rep and there are democrats that are the same way. Either way I didn't "lie" she did say or let me say imply, is that better? that Bama was a terrorist.
    Well said squirrel----And why is Ayers a "terrorist" when a "Joe Six Pack" who blew up an abortion doctor could probably be the M.C. at a conservative fundraiser------both wrong in my opinion, but terrorist makes us think of 9/11, and so does the name Obama which sounds like Osama and remember we are always ripe for another attack-----FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, FEAR (sounds like a good chant for the next national convention)
    You are right FEAR FEAR FEAR does sound like a great DNC slogan... "Fear the world and all it's dangers unless you have a democratic president who will keep you safe from smoking and global warming and greedy corporations and high health care cost..etc...etc... The fear mongering comes from both sides but is more wide spread from the left.

    On the other hand there was not an abortion clinic blown up. But the man who shot the abortion Dr is a murderer plain and simple. I think late term and partial birth abortion is a sick practice that should be charged as murder, but it was NOT up to this nut job to take matters into his own hands!
    Well Puro----lol----I love to argue as much as you do, and play devils advoate as well.....however I think I agree with everything you said there should I be totally honest with you. I said it was the Dr. blown up, I knew it wasnt the clinic----but I figure if it was a head shot he could probably considered blown up himself.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    You saying that she didn't say obama is a terrorist a delusional statement. Read between the lines puro, she meant it and whether or not she said "HE IS A TERRORIST" she implied it and never apologized for it. She said it multiple times. I did not lie, she blatantly pushed it over and over. Also, they are about the same, if someone is raped and has a child, then why is it the burden of the victum to carry that and to have the emotional damage on top of it. I said it because palin seems to have said she speaks for women which is crap but she said it, then to be outraged over a joke, but in her own state rap is high as hell, and she obviously cares nothing about women and their issues. That's why I said it. If she's willing to be all upset over what joke letterman said and to put down women by not standing for their rights then she's as bad or worse, I think worse since she's putting out there she speaks for women. And liberals don't mis-quote people, it's usually the other way. Righties seem to always like to lie and mis-guide, a great example is the health care bill for a public opiton or govt run, REP are spewing lies about how the govt will come between people and their doctor, yeah sure.... Let's see, go to any doctor I want, not get bullied and told what I can and can't have or where to go, or get canceled because of a history or for what-ever reason not to mention the millions of dollars in admin and pay per test. I can't go on and on. Now I'm only taking about some Rep and there are democrats that are the same way. Either way I didn't "lie" she did say or let me say imply, is that better? that Bama was a terrorist.
    Well said squirrel----And why is Ayers a "terrorist" when a "Joe Six Pack" who blew up an abortion doctor could probably be the M.C. at a conservative fundraiser------both wrong in my opinion, but terrorist makes us think of 9/11, and so does the name Obama which sounds like Osama and remember we are always ripe for another attack-----FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, FEAR (sounds like a good chant for the next national convention)
    You are right FEAR FEAR FEAR does sound like a great DNC slogan... "Fear the world and all it's dangers unless you have a democratic president who will keep you safe from smoking and global warming and greedy corporations and high health care cost..etc...etc... The fear mongering comes from both sides but is more wide spread from the left.

    On the other hand there was not an abortion clinic blown up. But the man who shot the abortion Dr is a murderer plain and simple. I think late term and partial birth abortion is a sick practice that should be charged as murder, but it was NOT up to this nut job to take matters into his own hands!
    Well Puro----lol----I love to argue as much as you do, and play devils advoate as well.....however I think I agree with everything you said there should I be totally honest with you. I said it was the Dr. blown up, I knew it wasnt the clinic----but I figure if it was a head shot he could probably considered blown up himself.
    Well by god get your act together and find something to argue with me about! LOL Go on down to my Rants and rip me a new one! lol I'll have to reply in the morning though because I am going to bed so I can get up at my usual 3 a.m. for work... The joys of law enforcement! lol I wouldn't do anything else for a living though. Unless they offered me Limbaugh's job. HA Have a good night gentlemen!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    You saying that she didn't say obama is a terrorist a delusional statement. Read between the lines puro, she meant it and whether or not she said "HE IS A TERRORIST" she implied it and never apologized for it. She said it multiple times. I did not lie, she blatantly pushed it over and over. Also, they are about the same, if someone is raped and has a child, then why is it the burden of the victum to carry that and to have the emotional damage on top of it. I said it because palin seems to have said she speaks for women which is crap but she said it, then to be outraged over a joke, but in her own state rap is high as hell, and she obviously cares nothing about women and their issues. That's why I said it. If she's willing to be all upset over what joke letterman said and to put down women by not standing for their rights then she's as bad or worse, I think worse since she's putting out there she speaks for women. And liberals don't mis-quote people, it's usually the other way. Righties seem to always like to lie and mis-guide, a great example is the health care bill for a public opiton or govt run, REP are spewing lies about how the govt will come between people and their doctor, yeah sure.... Let's see, go to any doctor I want, not get bullied and told what I can and can't have or where to go, or get canceled because of a history or for what-ever reason not to mention the millions of dollars in admin and pay per test. I can't go on and on. Now I'm only taking about some Rep and there are democrats that are the same way. Either way I didn't "lie" she did say or let me say imply, is that better? that Bama was a terrorist.
    Ok, your last statement I would be more comfortable with that she implied it, but she NEVER said he was a terrorist as you quoted in your first statement. Also I don't believe that is what she was implying. She said he pals around with terrorists, well I pal around with some guys who are alcoholics, but that in no way makes me an alcoholic. That is where we are different, liberals always "interpret" everything so that it fits their agenda... Like the constitution. Sotomayor saying that the right to bear arms just states that the federal government can't forbid people to own guns but the states or local governments can is her "interpretation" of the bill... and she is sadly mistaken. That was NOT was was intended when that amendment was written. Also I see your point that carrying a child after a rape could be tough, but does that mean that child should be murdered? Was it that child's fault that the mother was raped? And if you go check my last post on my rants you will see the "healthcare" thing is a total joke and will go a long ways towards bankrupting our country.
    Well the fear mongering comes way more from the right puro. Let's see, all we heard from the last admin was the terrorists are coming, were going to get hit, but wasn't there plenty of info before 9-11, oh that was shewed away and then after the attack, parts of the intel from the CIA were omitted (ones that gave credible intel on Iraq) for congress. All the talking points from the Rep and yes some democrats about how it will kill this country and take our rights away and keep people from seeing doctors- which is totally BS, in fact once those damn insurance companies are put in their place things will get much better, but the biggest is the fact that; cheney is so determined, torture will keep us safe. yes torturing and keeping tabs on people and putting detectors every where, not allowing people to carry shampoo on planes, will keep the terrorist attacks out of the country. yeah, well sure... Terrorist attacks happen, happen all over the world and will happen again. Tearing the rights of citizens will not cure that. So the fear is totally derived from the right.

    And I do AGREE with you, late term abortions are wrong. I never said I was for them, but I do think that women, and the WOMAN only should make the choice. About palin, how can you say she didn't mean it? Why bring it up on a presidential candidate? He was 8 years old!!!!! wow, that's just silly.
  • rmccloudrmccloud Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 160
    Tonight Show with Jay Leno - 9/2/2008:
    Gov. Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it

    What is the difference between this from Leno last fall and what Letterman said the other night? Even if you make the arguement that Letterman was talking about the younger sister and not Bristol, Bristol was also underage when Leno made this joke. Where were the protesters then?
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Tonight Show with Jay Leno - 9/2/2008:
    Gov. Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it

    What is the difference between this from Leno last fall and what Letterman said the other night? Even if you make the arguement that Letterman was talking about the younger sister and not Bristol, Bristol was also underage when Leno made this joke. Where were the protesters then?
    Well for one because Bristol REALLY WAS PREGNANT... And Leno wasn't talking about her being raped by A-Rod in the middle of Yankee Stadium... There is a HUGE difference. Also in many states 17 is the legal age for sexual consent.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Tonight Show with Jay Leno - 9/2/2008:
    Gov. Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it

    What is the difference between this from Leno last fall and what Letterman said the other night? Even if you make the arguement that Letterman was talking about the younger sister and not Bristol, Bristol was also underage when Leno made this joke. Where were the protesters then?
    I think it had something to do with fact that although she was 17, Bristol was/ is HOT. The younger one is only homely little child----so it plays on our heartstrings since everyone knows even when she is 17 she wont be able to get laid.............LOL, Sorry out of line I know. I will be on The British Guys show at 1230am tomorrow to issue my apology.
  • adamkhaliladamkhalil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 80
    Tonight Show with Jay Leno - 9/2/2008:
    Gov. Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it

    What is the difference between this from Leno last fall and what Letterman said the other night? Even if you make the arguement that Letterman was talking about the younger sister and not Bristol, Bristol was also underage when Leno made this joke. Where were the protesters then?
    I think the only real difference is in September 2008 nobody cared because there was a lot more newsworthy information (isn't this about the time Palin went on TV and gave us those memorable interviews?) so the media didn't pay much attention. Now its a big deal since theres nothing else noteworthy to report on Palin.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    Maybe my sense of humor is a bit...naval....but i thought what he said was pretty friggin funny. I'm out :)
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