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Android Cigar Inventory App

camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
Hi everyone.
There is a chance that I might be making an Android app for to track cigar inventory. The "prototype" will be an app that uses the built-in SQLite database that comes with every Android device. The prototype only has to be a proof of concept and needs to be completed in just a couple of weeks. The full version will include Web Services and possibly a full MySQL database. All of this is being done for a College course in Mobile Technology.

Now that I've bored you to death.... what I'm looking for is a little input. I am a total newbie when it comes to Android Apps, so what would you like to see in an inventory app?
  • If it was easy to use?
  • if it had multiple screens to choose from?
  • If it remembered your inventory and you could just deduct 1 stick each time you smoked one?
  • would you prefer drop down links versus input text boxes to select brands/sizes/wrapper?

I guess the issue I need to resolve is How elaborate does it have to be before anyone would use it, and are there already thoughsands of Apps like this already so it would be pointless?
The full app would be a development project starting in January and ending in April of 2013.

Please feel free to tell me your ideas, thoughts, and comments on what would make you use it and what would make you trash the app. Any input is welcome.


  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    So I see that there was little (read none at all) interrest in this idea. I'm cool with that because it take a lot to get me discouraged!
    So the semmester has gone well, and I was the only student to have a working android concept application to display for the teacher and the class at final demonstration day. Well, not only did my proof of concept work, the teacher said that I NEEDED to persue the idea and that he wanted to see a full Web Server App completed and online (on the Android App Store) within 2 year!!....yes it could take that long to code everything the way it should work.

    So here I am, bumping my own thread and once again asking for input.
    Bring it on fellow BORKS and please tell me what features you would like to see in a "Cigar Inventory" App on Android.

    What would you want to store?
    • A list of brands?
    • a list of pre-determined sizes? (toro, robusto, corona....)
    • Quantity per size/brand?
    • an email reminder when your selected stick is almost gone from the humi?
    • a google map of B&M's within Xmiles of your location?
    • Date purchased/received?
      • The more ideas the better chance that I can roll out this app. Brainstorming and communication with a dedicated group of Borks like you is what this project needs to move forward.
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    I just saw this and thought I might toss my two coins in. This might be a little above your plan but one thing that I really really really want to see is someone develop a smart app where you rate the smoke and in time the program would suggest other cigars for you. Similar to the netflix suggestion method. For me I'm not too concerned with keeping tabs on cigars I have.

    If you assigned keywords to each cigar such as different strengths, flavors, wrappers, etc etc then you should be able to have the program see what you like, distill it down to the common factors, and suggest other cigars for you.

    Keep us posted on this work!
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    I just saw this and thought I might toss my two coins in. This might be a little above your plan but one thing that I really really really want to see is someone develop a smart app where you rate the smoke and in time the program would suggest other cigars for you. Similar to the netflix suggestion method. For me I'm not too concerned with keeping tabs on cigars I have.

    If you assigned keywords to each cigar such as different strengths, flavors, wrappers, etc etc then you should be able to have the program see what you like, distill it down to the common factors, and suggest other cigars for you.

    Keep us posted on this work!
    Hot dog! What an idea!

    Sounds like something Cigar Dojo might get into.

  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    I just saw this and thought I might toss my two coins in. This might be a little above your plan but one thing that I really really really want to see is someone develop a smart app where you rate the smoke and in time the program would suggest other cigars for you. Similar to the netflix suggestion method. For me I'm not too concerned with keeping tabs on cigars I have.

    If you assigned keywords to each cigar such as different strengths, flavors, wrappers, etc etc then you should be able to have the program see what you like, distill it down to the common factors, and suggest other cigars for you.

    Keep us posted on this work!
    WOW, +1 on the gread idea!
    Thank you for the suggestion. Would you believe that I might get the chance to work on a project that is very similar to what you've suggested? I still have to decide if I'm throwing my name in the hat for that project, but the search capability they want is almost exactly what you are suggesting. Great idea.....keep them comming!

  • jadeltjadelt Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 766
    Cool idea. How about adding a feature similar to one of my restaurant apps. Just shake the phone and the wheels spin and "Pick My Stick" for me !!!!!

    On the bad side, it would eliminate my "Pick My Stick" posts.
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    I like your start, but I also like to record the (1)source, (2)price/cigar and what (3)sampler/size of pack etc. it was from...and actually record it on the tag I put on each stick. As, although I have yet to prove to myself that 5 packs smoke different from boxes, but some believe they do. Just the more details one can record about it, the easier to query for commonalities, etc. As well, then when i do smoke one, say it was from a bomb or trade or whatever, then i would know and could give the sender the feedback, or atleast know where it was from, etc.
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
    One of the big issues with a cigar inventory app is actually having pretty much every cigar in the database. This is really hard, especially if the developer (development team) has to maintain it with every new cigar that comes out and somehow put in every cigar that already exists. Cigargeeks.com has a nice online database, but any user can submit cigars to be added. If one person had to somehow manage that, well, good luck. Perhaps partnering up with someone like them that already has a fully populated and constantly updated database would help with that huge obstacle. Just a thought.
  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    One of the big issues with a cigar inventory app is actually having pretty much every cigar in the database. This is really hard, especially if the developer (development team) has to maintain it with every new cigar that comes out and somehow put in every cigar that already exists. Cigargeeks.com has a nice online database, but any user can submit cigars to be added. If one person had to somehow manage that, well, good luck. Perhaps partnering up with someone like them that already has a fully populated and constantly updated database would help with that huge obstacle. Just a thought.
    Well said!
    My idea does lean towards the "personal" cigar inventory, in the sense that you can add the brands YOU have instead of having a drop down list of countless brands and sizes.

    Right now, I have about 200 cigars, from 7 to 8 different brands. Yes, I try some new things, but on average I only need to record 10 to 20 brands that I purchase, and room to add something 'custom' that I purchased. I'm leaning towards having the user add, remove, update and delete brands, sizes, quantities and such. Add a review and a photo tool and you have something that YOU can customize to your liking without having to search gazilians of data that you don't care about.

    I will keep track of all the great ideas I've seen over the years in this forum and play with that info in future updates. I hope to propose continuing to work on this app as part of my college course next semmester.
  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    I like your start, but I also like to record the (1)source, (2)price/cigar and what (3)sampler/size of pack etc. it was from...and actually record it on the tag I put on each stick. As, although I have yet to prove to myself that 5 packs smoke different from boxes, but some believe they do. Just the more details one can record about it, the easier to query for commonalities, etc. As well, then when i do smoke one, say it was from a bomb or trade or whatever, then i would know and could give the sender the feedback, or atleast know where it was from, etc.
    You are getting close to what I would like to develop. Something easy enough to use, that doesn't confuse with too much detail. Wouldn't it be great if you could print some kind of code onto sticky tabs for your stics, right from the app? Dang, you all give me sooooo much to think about!! Keep the suggestions rolling and I might have to give up my winter break to roll out a beta version for testing!!!

  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    I like your start, but I also like to record the (1)source, (2)price/cigar and what (3)sampler/size of pack etc. it was from...and actually record it on the tag I put on each stick. As, although I have yet to prove to myself that 5 packs smoke different from boxes, but some believe they do. Just the more details one can record about it, the easier to query for commonalities, etc. As well, then when i do smoke one, say it was from a bomb or trade or whatever, then i would know and could give the sender the feedback, or atleast know where it was from, etc.
    You are getting close to what I would like to develop. Something easy enough to use, that doesn't confuse with too much detail. Wouldn't it be great if you could print some kind of code onto sticky tabs for your stics, right from the app? Dang, you all give me sooooo much to think about!! Keep the suggestions rolling and I might have to give up my winter break to roll out a beta version for testing!!!

    Exactly! I print small, basic info on my tags: date, price (in my own 'secret code', source all in shortform. eg. 11/01/09 GSEE (price of 1.50) ccom-BackInBlack -that way i always know who, when and where i received it from. For me, that stuff is very helpful to have on my label, and would be really cool and time saving if one could just print it!
  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    So now that the 'prototype' has gotten me a 94% in my Android class, it's time to take it to the next level. I am submitting the project proposal this Friday.

    • The app will be web-based
    • The app will be for any device, not just Android
    • It will have a MySql back-end for more flexibility than the built-in databases on most devices
    • It will be built with the latest in HTML5 and CSS3

    That's it for now. I have seen many good ideas for what to include and what not to include in the app. There is no way I can program tha app to keep up with all of the new cigars on the market, but there will be the ability to create new entries for a brand, and then have access to all the data that you want to store for that brand.
    Having the app hosted on the web allows the app to be used in any mobile device, formatted and sized to the available screen AND it will be available on the PC or Mac, as long as your browser supports the code.

    Of course, when I need beta testers, I will ask here first! I will keep you posted.

  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    I look forward to the beta. I've tried a couple on my android, but don't care for them. Each one has good points, but none of them have it all. One thing that I would like is the ability to interact between my tablet and my phone-a shared or linked account over the web if you will. As large a database of cigars, or at least manufacturers/brands as possible would help. One app I tried didn't have Liga Privada, and so I went looking for Drew Estates and it didn't have it either. I was on my phone, and it was too small to use with that software interface, so I went to my tablet, and it wasn't available, I'm assuming because it requires "phone access" for one portion of the software.
  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    I look forward to the beta. I've tried a couple on my android, but don't care for them. Each one has good points, but none of them have it all. One thing that I would like is the ability to interact between my tablet and my phone-a shared or linked account over the web if you will. As large a database of cigars, or at least manufacturers/brands as possible would help. One app I tried didn't have Liga Privada, and so I went looking for Drew Estates and it didn't have it either. I was on my phone, and it was too small to use with that software interface, so I went to my tablet, and it wasn't available, I'm assuming because it requires "phone access" for one portion of the software.
    OK, so what if the app was available to all mobile devices AND computers, as long as they have a web browser? In other words, a web-based app that allowed you to log in from anything with an Internet connection, and sized to fit the current screen that you are using?

    The other thing I see is that you want an app that allows YOU, the user to add brands/manufacturers/vitolas/country of origin or anything else that you want to add to your cigar inventory. To be honest, I think that would be one sweet app...but can I build it in just the next 12 weeks? I guess we will see.

    The project has been approved, and I have begun discussing the database design. If there are any DBA's in here who would like to share ideas/knowledge that would be great! I might be in over my head but that's how we learn things, right?

    Keep the great ideas comming and I'll see what I can do.

  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    The app will no longer be just for Android. Call me crazy, but I'm going to design this as a web-based app that will work on any device. Won't matter if it's a PC, Android tablet, IPhone or Windows Phone/tablet, it will be smart enough to know what to display to each user, depending on what device they are using.....I hope ;)

    I'm currently working on the database design model.
    Timeline for this project:
    • Database design by end of January
    • Code to get stuff out of the database by third week of Feb.
    • A beta PC web format sometime in March
    • A multi-platform beta model by the end of March
    • A working application for any web friendly device by April

    I'm sure some of you would question the length of time involved, but I'm a full time student and this is for just one of my classes. If I fail at this project, I fail my course. Keep throwing those good ideas at me and I will do what I can to make this as good a product as I can. Even if it never gets to be a real product, it will be a good educational process. Wish me luck!

  • steelbuckeye89steelbuckeye89 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1
    I was looking for an android app for cigar inventory and I found this thread. sorry so late to the party but is it still going on?? I would like to see the final product. or its name so I can search for it. so here is my 2 cents. I do a lot of online shopping for cigars and there are thousands of them to choose from. I get variety packs and then I have a hard time figuring out what is what. If you could link the app with the cigar.com inventory or another one, I could buy cigars, download the inventory of what I bought, then smoke them and rate them. I would like to keep track on the computer as well as the android (the data base being synced). also, if it was with a database, I could pick what I wanted next and order it quickly. getting old and eyesight not what it should be, the phone is small to read for any length of time. But I would use it to go the cigar shop and show them a pic of what I wanted (or description) so I could buy it if I did not have the time to wait for the online shipping. thanks. steelbuckeye89-web@yahoo.com
  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    Hi. The app got put on hold. I graduated from college and finding a job was a full time effort. When I found work, it was on a short contract with lots of work to be done. I got another job offer out of town, sold my house and I am away from my computer Sunday to Friday night, so no time for the app.
    I still plan on refining the app and it got me an "A" for my course, so I think it's worthwhile doing. Once I move (in tree weeks) and get settled into my new job/house/city I hope to find the time to refine the app.
    Thank you everyone who got in on the betta testing and for everyone's suggestions. For now, it's on hold until October. I will post once I get back to work on this.

  • Gray4linesGray4lines Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,439
    Hi. The app got put on hold. I graduated from college and finding a job was a full time effort. When I found work, it was on a short contract with lots of work to be done. I got another job offer out of town, sold my house and I am away from my computer Sunday to Friday night, so no time for the app.
    I still plan on refining the app and it got me an "A" for my course, so I think it's worthwhile doing. Once I move (in tree weeks) and get settled into my new job/house/city I hope to find the time to refine the app.
    Thank you everyone who got in on the betta testing and for everyone's suggestions. For now, it's on hold until October. I will post once I get back to work on this.

    Congrats on the jobs! I hope you get moved and settled in quickly.
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