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Jiunn I know What You Are Up To

MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
So when Jiunn was up here for our herf he saw some of the cigar band collages that my mom does. He pipes up that he wants one. So mom told him she would make him one from the bands of the cigars he smoked. I reminded him a few days ago that mom was waiting on his bands and he promised to get them to her soon

Well today they arrived and along with the bands he sends me some cigars and that is when I heard "that Jiunn is a very nice boy and very thoughtful of him to send you something". Don't think for one minute I don't know what you are doing. At the herf mom adopted you and now your are trying to wiggle your way into top son position...well it ain't gonna work!

BTW thanks for the awesome selection and especially the Carlos Torano. Seeing how I am the big brother I will let you live for a little bit longer and then you are dog meat!



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