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Viajie C4

Gaetano7890Gaetano7890 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 771
I been wanting to get my hands on one of these for a while and then got one in a trade from Captain Punishment. I let it sit in the humi for about two weeks before sparking. Now I have read some reviews on how the cigar being capped on both ends kept the tobacco moist and effected burn so I clipped the foot after one week and then clip the mouth piece about 3 days before lighting her up. It was about 30 degrees last night so it was a nice night for a cigar. This cigar took a bit to cherry up but nothing to out of the ordinary. The cold draw did not give the usual flavor a potent cigar will but I cold tell it had some power it had strong hints of earth and a fine grassy flavor. Once lit this thing had some kick but not the usual lingero flavor it was more of a strong leather taste. The retro hale def woke up my senses which I love and the smoke that poured out was incredible even resting. After the first 1/3 I could feel this cigars power but again I did not have the typical lingero flavor of a JDN do PA. It was a very leathery smoke that coated the entire palate with a sweatiness on the back end. This smoke def had a sweatiness but hen the power would ramp back up again. On to the final third I started to smell almost like a musty cologne on the resting smoke weird but I could def smell. Now the last third of this cigar the pepper ramp up a bit but on the backend of the retrohale the sweetness also increased. The final part of this cigar was pretty sweet for how much power it had. I def felt cigar in the head and the gut but it was def an experience that I truly enjoyed one of the best muscle cigars I've had if you can get your hands one one of these I would highly recommend it but I recommend it as a after dinner cigar especially if your not a strong cigar smoking. This cigar has taste that would appeal to a medium smoker since the power didn't exactly kick you the teeth but it def was there.


  • big chunksbig chunks Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,607
    The one I smoked for thanksgiving was good but after a few cigars it kicked my *** @ the end
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    Anybody have any input on how these are smoking now versus ROTT? I don't want to have mine rest too long to where it looses too much. I did find that the Tatuaje T110 aged really well but that isn't always the case with cigars that are made to powerhouses
  • Gaetano7890Gaetano7890 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 771
    I beileve the one I had was the latest version due to the pin hole in the foot. I have read reviews where the C4 did not burn very well but I did not find that to be the case with the one I had. I would highly recommend clipping both ends at least a day before you enjoy it I have heard having both ends capped tends to leave the tobacco moist which could effect the burn. As I posted in my review this cigar does not have any traits that normal powerhouses have and can def sneek up on you as it did to me enjoy.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    I beileve the one I had was the latest version due to the pin hole in the foot. I have read reviews where the C4 did not burn very well but I did not find that to be the case with the one I had. I would highly recommend clipping both ends at least a day before you enjoy it I have heard having both ends capped tends to leave the tobacco moist which could effect the burn. As I posted in my review this cigar does not have any traits that normal powerhouses have and can def sneek up on you as it did to me enjoy.
    Awesome. Thanks mang!
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