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amz1301 and MVW67...Tea-Bagged Me......

greg2648greg2648 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,422
My wife called me today over the lunch hour and mentioned that I had two packages waiting for me. This, I thought, was a little unusual as I am not expecting any packages. When she told me who they were from I realized that I had been Pimp Slapped. You see, a few weeks ago Ocho and I set up a blind trade with a twist. The twist was that we would each pick another brother and would send an additional bomb to that person. I sent my bomb to Andrew and he sent his to Mikey. We thought it was funny. Apparently they didn't and they both retaliated by sending these crazy sticks. Obviously I want to thank both of these brothers for their generosity, however, maybe next time you could throw a couple of Blunts in a box and just send it....lol.

Here are the cigars that Andrew sent:


Here are the cigars that Mikey sent:



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