The Fiscal Cliiiiiiiiiiffffffffffffffff (sound as man falls off said cliff)
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
Shove the "fiscal cliff" up your ass----or twat, or any other oraface you desire. Something will happen between now and then to fix or most likely put a band aid on things. Its just the news media, millionaires, and power hungry politicians unwilling to compromise trying to scary us common folk and as usual, perpetuate fear in the middle and middling class while those at the top cement their power-----Gimme a fuckin break. Notice I did not say Repubs or Dems here as while I have my opinion on who is more to blame, theyre all a$$hats.
I remember the Clinton years very well, and I don't remember anyone being hurt by the taxes and the cuts to defense spending that paid down the huge debt that Regan and Bush the Elder left US with. Remember, those fiscal policies resulted in a SURPLUS.
It just proves to me that ideolouges cannot govern, because they'd rather remain "pure" to their ideals, even if means burning down the place. Compromise is not an option. They have to have everything they want, or they will inflict great pain on everyone else. In fact, I think that's exactly what they want to do - destroy everything that is goood and decent about living in the US so that they can protect themselves from imaginary threats to their "liberty".
Shooting themselves in the foot and us in the back.
I am also starting to think that the government needs a total rebuild. I'm not saying left or right is correct but the actual way government works is flawed and needs to be reviewed. It may have worked 100 years ago to do things the way they did but it probably doesn't work now. People do that with buisnessess all the time, when it gets cluttered you deep clean or scrap it and rebuild which makes for a leaner, stronger and more robust system. That however, will never happen so I guess were stuck with it.
What we need is maximum benefits.
You can only collect for a set time at a set amount.
Responsibility is lost.