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  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Where are the nudes..?
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    Looks like a awesome time. Missed out on this one and the Vherf. Come on mannnn, someone tried to get me in and it wouldnt connect me. I don't know, glad you guys had a blast...

  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    I see Greg sportin hiz new Xikar hat. Nice
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    Truly amazing herf and fun, yes story coming and will include pics! I think my eyes still hurt and my face because I couldn't wipe the smile off my face all day and night!
    is that ater Steve gave you the kissy face
    All I want to know is, after the herf was over and everybody was back at the hotels, who slept with who.....
    Very funny Rome, Greg, woke up with my hands between two pillows....aghhh, they weren't Pillows.....lmao
    Phew.....i thought u were going to show those other ones, from that 'other place', from earlier in the day. Let's NOT forget that it was a group decision...and it really, really, really seemed like a good idea @ the time. I might need to figure out how to post apprproate picture links also, but remember what we all agreed to tell and what is to not talk about. I may not b quite as large as some of u guys...but i do know your addies, have nice brown blackmail envelopes...remember we were in chicago... you 'little monsters'!
  • twistedstemtwistedstem Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,691
    mh my looks like you all had an awesome time.if you ever take the party down south let me know.glad you all went and returned safely.and quick merry christmas to all and to alll a great herf.
  • mr.wendell1979mr.wendell1979 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 221
    mh my looks like you all had an awesome time.if you ever take the party down south let me know.glad you all went and returned safely.and quick merry christmas to all and to alll a great herf.

    Agreed... If you decide to have one in Florida let me know. I will be there!
  • Darth VaderDarth Vader Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 219
    Jesus, y'all are thin boys ain't ya
  • greg2648greg2648 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,422
    Darth Vader:
    Jesus, y'all are thin boys ain't ya
    Just big boned...From my Mothers side......
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,290
    Darth Vader:
    Jesus, y'all are thin boys ain't ya
    Just big boned...From my Mothers side......
    Hey thats my excuse too!
  • TridentTrident Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,005
    I'm very healthy
  • TridentTrident Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,005
    This story all starts a few days ago...I was at a local restaurant for a nurses Christmas party when I get a PM from Barry (bearb) that he is at my local B+M enjoying an Asylum. I proceed to tell him that I will be home when dinner is over and give him a time frame.

    Fast Forward a few hrs

    DING DONG!!!Its Barry at my door screaming hello after 11 in a quiet neighborhood...5 lights go on...Anyway, he gets his stuff situated and we proceed to crack open some scotch. I give him 2 boxes of stuff that he ordered from CCOM...guess he thought ahead...He goes through them to make sure its all there and i didn't smoke any of it...dont tell him, but i may have. I then tell Barry that it is up to him to build the pass that we are going to start with. When he turns around and looks at my humidor he is almost in tears...not sure why...

    Fast forward 4 hrs.

    8am EST...get up, have breakfast, and pack up the car, starting our roadtrip...Well, i sorta promised barry i wouldnt tell anyone, but...our trip started with a little snafu of him locking the keys in the car 5 min into our trip when we stopped for gas...but, in all fairness it probably saved us a lot of time because there was a road closure to a recent accident that could have involved us, or delayed us for hours. luckily my GPS picked it up...So, Someone was watching out for us...

    Fast forward 3 hrs

    Talk to Mike (MVW67). He tells me a secret guest (jiunn) and Steve (BigFnSteve) are in the car and with him, and that the two guys are hungover as hell from drinking until 6am and finishing off a few bottles of tequila...

    fast forward 1 hr

    We arrive at hotel, almost hitting mike with our car because he is wobbling while walking down the middle of driveway carrying an open beer and some other bag...We check in, unpack our car and meet mike in his room. My first impression of these guys...Mike...Dodging his wife, Jiun...I was expecting the naked guy jumping out of a trunk from the Hangover, and BigFnSteve...someone get this guy a bucket, he is going to puke. We head out and fit into mike's truck..I called shotty. We get to a local B+M (names have been with held to protect the innocent) for their local christmas sale. Barry is again in tears, but this time has to step out. I think he is welling up because of the smoke or something, who knows. Meet up with Jim (Jthantos). First impression...He was going to eat the world, he is that awesome...oh wait, that's thanos! Sam, the owner gives me a private tour and the other guys of course ride my coat tails and get the tour also. We find some great cigars, even though June Bug was complaining the entire time that he was hungry. We split up and pack into the cars. My car loses mike because he drives like a crazy man. We make a few U turns and we are headed in the right direction, only to find out those boys missed the turn and were backing down a 4 lane highway. BigFnSteve was even closer to upchucking! Get to the place, order some beers, eat order more beers, and more beers, oh heck who is counting!

    Fast forward 2 hrs...Arrive at Second B+M and start searching. found some great things. Moved to the basement. First thing i hear is "IMMIGRATION, i need to go through your stuff...BARRY BOLTS...and greg just ROFLs...and the rest was history. Pictures below.

    The pass















    Gentleman and Ladies, if you ever get a chance to herf with any of these guys, myself excluded, take that opportunity. The weekend was amazing! Thanks again for everything and to everyone who planned it!

  • firetruckguyfiretruckguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,484
    I swear thats a bottle of lube on the table..........
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    That pic with Steve on Mike lap is too much.. I see they make quality chairs in Chicago,,buhhaawwaa,, Thanks fr the story and pics
  • Glock1975Glock1975 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,372
    Sounds like you all had a great time, and looks like it as well.
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Great borks/botls, I had a phenomenal time..... Did I actually kiss bigfnsteve?? Oh well. LMAO:-) :-) :-)
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,290
    Great borks/botls, I had a phenomenal time..... Did I actually kiss bigfnsteve?? Oh well. LMAO:-) :-) :-)
    Holy sh|t I can`t stop laughing. Roman those pics turned out great. I would post a version but honestly I dont remember any of it! Hahaha... Juinn (which according to an airline rep is not how you spell JUNe btw) and I had an adventure just getting to the herf... in was all down hil from there.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,228
    Very jealous guys!! This looked like way too much fun!!!!
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    I am very happy for all of you guys and appreciate for sharing the stories and pictures with us. Thank you!!!
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Wow, looks like it was a blast. Thanks for sharing and great write up dude.
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    Great borks/botls, I had a phenomenal time..... Did I actually kiss bigfnsteve?? Oh well. LMAO:-) :-) :-)
    Holy sh|t I can`t stop laughing. Roman those pics turned out great. I would post a version but honestly I dont remember any of it! Hahaha... Juinn (which according to an airline rep is not how you spell JUNe btw) and I had an adventure just getting to the herf... in was all down hil from there.
    Agreed, although they hardly capture the event, it sure brings back the event. Awesome pics roman, i need to figure out how to post mine up as well...sometime :)
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    As per pickin the sticks for the pass, yes i was slightly overwhelmed (yes i know JUNE, us Canadians, letting emotions get ahead of us again.) Anyway, Roman just hands me a crate, and proceeds to lift a shelf at a time from the 'Monolith' for me to begin my selection. Do you know how many that beast holds? So you really think you could hold your emotions in check handling all those fine things...i thought not!
  • jliujliu Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,055
    As per pickin the sticks for the pass, yes i was slightly overwhelmed (yes i know JUNE, us Canadians, letting emotions get ahead of us again.) Anyway, Roman just hands me a crate, and proceeds to lift a shelf at a time from the 'Monolith' for me to begin my selection. Do you know how many that beast holds? So you really think you could hold your emotions in check handling all those fine things...i thought not!
    hey Berry. My name is spelled Jiunn. Gosh!
  • jliujliu Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,055
    What a spontaneous weekend! Man... Where do I start. Oh yes, the beginning!

    On Thursday evening, BigfnSteve texts me and asks if I'm interested in going to the Chicago herf. I said yea for sure thinking that he's just talking out of his bum bum. Then he asks, which flights? At that point, I knew he wasn't kidding and it actually ended up that I was able to use his flight points for the round trip! Not only that, he let me stay at his hotel rooms for free! Greatly GREATLY appreciate this Steve. Words cannot describe my appreciation! So, booked the flight at around 11PM. Then I'm thinking oh crap, gotta pack! So I pack my clothes and some cigars and by then it was about 3AM. The flight doesn't leave til 6AM so I was able to squeeze in a 1.5 hour nap. That nap felt.... non nappy.

    Steve and I fly into Milwaukee and drank way too darn much. I mean it was bad... The entire night, if we weren't taking some type of shot, I was sipping on my diet coke and jack. Woke up in the morning still heavily breathing out alcohol. When roomie picked us up to head to Chicago Saturday morning, he said could smell the booze on us hahah.

    Then met Roman and Barry at roomie's hotel room. Barry is weird... When we sat in he hotel room to just chill before heading over to Casa De Montecristo, he goes "hey guys, want to circle jerk?" I was very taken back by this comment. Probably b/c he's an aboot canadian. Then roomie proceeds to take his pants off.... At that point, I had to leave the room for the fear of man juice.

    Went to Casa De Montecristo and met the Bear! He comes in and goes "I didn't have time to bring any cigars. someone gimme a cigar." So I then proceeded to take a cigar out of my herf a dor and he goes just kiddin and hands me a behike (ridiculous). That by the way was my first cigar of the night. yum!

    It's pretty crazy. Some of us spend so much time and money throwing out bombs of great $$$ out of just a pure unconditional loving heart. To know this on the internet level and to finally meet these guys is really humbling and amazing. At several points in the night, I would just look at the brothers and just have a smile on my face thinking, man, what a God's gift this is. And what perfect time to have this happen than during the Christmas holiday season. Seriously guys, simply INCREDIBLE. I didn't take any pics of the folks (only the cigars I smoked haha). So i'll just post that instead in the sequential order smoked.

    Thanks for the meet my friends. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Looking forward to the next time! Long ashes brothers!

  • T.J. ArmstrongT.J. Armstrong Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 256
    I can't imagine how much you guys laughed because I have been cracking up and smiling the whole time I have been reading this thread. Too dang cool! You guys had a blast and a well deserved one at that. I expected nothing less than some serious hangovers and hilarious stories and it looks like that definitely happened! Thanks for sharing the good times.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    I am very happy for you guys. I got to herf with Eric this weekend, and meeting the BOTL from the forum is always fun and makes this place that much more special. Looks like you guys needed more booze.....LOL
  • stadstad Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 386
    Holy smokes! I spy a AF 76!! Did Steve smoke his?
  • jliujliu Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,055
    Holy smokes! I spy a AF 76!! Did Steve smoke his?
    yo Caleb! yea, Steve gave me this smoke a while back. We decided to both bring ours and light it up!
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    That looks like so much fun.
  • dbeckomdbeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,807
    That looks like so much fun.
    +1. I'm jealous!
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    Very cool of the BigFer to donate miles and points to get you there Snoobie. That's the kind of memories that in 10 or 20 years you'll think about and just start laughing! I'm glad you guys got to partake in the festivities..if you lived closer I'd be afraid there would be some liver failure goin on. Pure awesomeness!!
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