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If you receive a gift, bomb, package...

0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
At the risk of pissing someone off, I am going to say this.........

If someone takes the time to send you a package, bomb, gift or what ever,
have the freakin decency to, at the very least, let them know you received it.

Don't make them have to message you to see if you received it.

It's one thing if they don't put a return, but good grief, at least let them know you received it.

Personally, I think it's rude to not even acknowledge they sent you something.
And some of us get concerned when we haven't heard anything. Especially when we've had packages disappear in the mail.

And to be honest, if this post offends someone, let me know and I can walk away from here and there will be no hard feelings.


  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    +1 it's common decency to acknowledge the time, effort and expense put forth to brighten someone's day. But also, sometimes you might be out of town, personal matters or the mail got screwed up. I hope this gets resolved Tony.
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    I should clarify that it wasn't any one single event that prompted me to post this, but an accumulation of events.
    It isn't directed at anyone particular. It's just one of those irritating things.

    It's one thing when they are out of town or something of that nature, but for folks to have to message or post to them to see if they received it and they did, it is irritating, frustrating and rude.

    Then the fun goes out of it and what's the point then?
  • jliujliu Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,055
    on that note, thank you very much Tony for sharing your heart with me at Casa Fuente. <3 you
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    Did you two spoon?
  • biodarwinbiodarwin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 260
    Did you two spoon?
    Anyone want to place a bet on who was the big spoon?
  • jliujliu Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,055
    Did you two spoon?
    Anyone want to place a bet on who was the big spoon?
    we wokd
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Did you two spoon?
    Anyone want to place a bet on who was the big spoon?
    we wokd
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Where do you live James? I am always confused about your location. Just curious because MVMike asked me this question the other day and I couldn't answer.
    Did you two spoon?
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    At the risk of pissing someone off, I am going to say this.........

    If someone takes the time to send you a package, bomb, gift or what ever,
    have the freakin decency to, at the very least, let them know you received it.

    Don't make them have to message you to see if you received it.

    It's one thing if they don't put a return, but good grief, at least let them know you received it.

    Personally, I think it's rude to not even acknowledge they sent you something.
    And some of us get concerned when we haven't heard anything. Especially when we've had packages disappear in the mail.

    And to be honest, if this post offends someone, let me know and I can walk away from here and there will be no hard feelings.

    Interesting enough, I have seven packages that says delivered. Yet, I haven't heard a peep. I think the notes alone would make a person pm you back. Just to say they received it. You live and you learn. It's been over week and a half. Enjoy brothers, I meant what I said in each note. And so you know, some of those weren't just from me, but Trident as well.
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Yeah, this has happened numerous times to me. And since I ask that 90% of my bombs not be acknowledged on the forum, this is the only way I know it's been received. It's hectic around Christmas so I understand about time but it only takes 30 seconds for a quick PM.
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Where do you live James? I am always confused about your location. Just curious because MVMike asked me this question the other day and I couldn't answer.
    Did you two spoon?
    I have both addresses. :-)
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
    RCY Cigars:
    Interesting enough, I have seven packages that says delivered.
    Wow! That is amazing. A) That you guys sent out 7 packages. B) Not one of them has reported that they received them. I'm super anal (don't quote that) about immediately acknowledging when I receive a package and it seems most on here are as well. This is rather unsettling.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    I agree 100% with all these sentiments. IT's etiquette, and what makes this place awesome. If you got cigars, you should be happy that someone took the time to send you a nice package. If you don;t like them, someone will, pay it forward. I cannot say I've remembered to post every package I have gotten, but I always make it a point and they always make it on my bomb back list no matter what. If I have forgot, my sincerest apologies, as sometimes life gets crazy and I understand that. Good for you for posting this Tony, you're a standup dude.
  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    RCY Cigars:
    Interesting enough, I have seven packages that says delivered.
    Wow! That is amazing. I'm super anal immediately when I receive a package and most on here are as well.
    Yeah last year it took forever for some people to acknowledge SS gifts arriving n stuff like that when I used to be all bomberman n such most times people would post when they got hit, few others I did have to ask which does get annoying, if someone tried bombing me outside an Arizona addy I'm not gonna get it unless it showed up on my mom's porch and even then it'd take her a week to tell me about it
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Well now you guys can just rock me to sleep tonight, thinking that I missed someone!!! Oh the anxiety! Lol:-)
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Well now you guys can just rock me to sleep tonight, thinking that I missed someone!!! Oh the anxiety! Lol:-)
    Awwww....you need a new roomie Mike? I am a bit more cuddly than Juinn and I cook
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Well now you guys can just rock me to sleep tonight, thinking that I missed someone!!! Oh the anxiety! Lol:-)
    Awwww....you need a new roomie Mike? I am a bit more cuddly than Juinn and I cook
    every time he cooks I'm hungry a few hours later! Lmao:-)
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Well now you guys can just rock me to sleep tonight, thinking that I missed someone!!! Oh the anxiety! Lol:-)
    Awwww....you need a new roomie Mike? I am a bit more cuddly than Juinn and I cook
    every time he cooks I'm hungry a few hours later! Lmao:-)
    Damn Asian food man...
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Well now you guys can just rock me to sleep tonight, thinking that I missed someone!!! Oh the anxiety! Lol:-)
    Awwww....you need a new roomie Mike? I am a bit more cuddly than Juinn and I cook
    every time he cooks I'm hungry a few hours later! Lmao:-)
    Damn Asian food man...
    but it is goooood!:-)
  • greg2648greg2648 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,422
    If I don't post something......I didn't receive it.......
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    If I don't post something......I didn't receive it.......
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    Where do you live James? I am always confused about your location. Just curious because MVMike asked me this question the other day and I couldn't answer.
    Did you two spoon?
    I am living in North Carolina, but am heading to Florida Christmas night to work on the house we just bought down there. Then I will head back to North Carolina after about a week to ten days then back to Afghanistan. Hope that makes things muddy for ya Rip, lol.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    I've had packages ripped off from my front porch, USPS not returning a package to me after it ping ponged across the country, new address and the mail was put into a different lock box and had to wait for them to transfer the Shizz to my mailbox so I could get the parcel keys. Plus weather issues..but generally a PM asking if I got them is a good heads up to start investigating the situation. But, for the most part, everyone responds quickly.
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
    If I don't post something......I didn't receive it.......
    Same here. If it says delivered and I haven't posted it by the end of the day, then something is probably wrong. I really hope none of the missing packages were sent to me. For two reasons really. One, if you sent something to me and I haven't posted it yet (unless it came today, I need to check the mail but it's cold outside), then it is missing. Two, if you secretly bombed me, shame on you. You know better than to mess with the Great State of Michigan. Lol. Hopefully any/all of the issues addressed in this thread get resolved quickly. Especially with the holidays upon us.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,228
    I agree with all that has been said!! I always send a pm ASAP. And if photobucket is acting up then I say in pm pics up later. But sometimes you do get wrapped up and it's hard to post but a pm there is no good excuse
  • twistedstemtwistedstem Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,691
    i think thats just good manners..in my opinion
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    on that note, thank you very much Tony for sharing your heart with me at Casa Fuente.
    Thank you Jiunn. Missy and I enjoyed our time with you.
    We look forward to a time when we can get together again.
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    There are those folks who I know are extremely diligent about making certain that they acknowledge that the package was received. And there are those folks who we know are normally busy, on the run or traveling, but you know they will post/PM when they receive the package.

    But let me describe the scenario.......
    A package gets sent out.There are those of us who get nervous about the package getting lost anyways.
    So tracking shows it delivered. And you wait a couple days and nothing. So after a bit, you send a PM asking if they received it.
    The reply..........."Yes, I received it."
    Ok, WTF? you didn't like it or it wasn't worth acknowledging?
    So now, that good feeling turns to a "why bother?" feeling.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that it should be posted as some big deal all the time, but at least let the sender know you received it.

    Because in the instances where the package really has disappeared, a PM to the folks asking if it's been received will probably be delayed, because a person doesn't want to appear as though they are pressuring the person to acknowledge it.

    If any of that made any sense. LOL!
  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    Dude, I completely agree with this post. I'm sure from time to time back when I was a n00b I forgot to mention, hell even our resident MIA Unibomber sent me a pm one day asking if I had gotten whatever he sent, which I was like "sh!t sorry bro and posted a pic" life happens, and sometimes even the best of us BOTL n SOTL forget, I do wish we could have pinned posts here, this would be one of them (and the how to format posts one of course!) Always try to take it to pm's before calling someone out should one (not saying you just in general) not hear anything about said trade,bomb,pass etc arrived. Always remember your towel and DON'T PANIC!! sorry I rambled there at the end
  • WhoDeyGalWhoDeyGal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 720
    Question... After reading this thread, I realized I usually never pm the bomber, but instead post pics and my appreciation in the open forum. What's the proper etiquette there? Have I offended anyone by not also sending a pm???
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