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Blind trade with Daniel

SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
Daniel posted that he wanted to do a blind trade last week and I happily obliged. He insisted repeatedly that it be a strict 5 for 5. So I tried to keep it in that spirit and actually went easy on him thinking he would keep to the arrangement himself. Yeah, I was wrong. Congratulations Daniel. You are officially on the bomb the eff out of you list. This was not okay. Check out the damage. IMAG0443 Yes, that is an original MOW Ruination. I have to admit, I never thought I would have one of those. I'm also counting that Stogie Stand as another cigar. So your 5 is really 10. Come on man! You counting by halves? Thank you very much Daniel. This selection was awesome. I owe you one.


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