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Christmas Eve Beatdown by Mr. Jack Frost

RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
Mr. Frost is well and alive. All was well in my neighborhood, clear skys and a nice chill for this time of year. I decided to go get my Pops for our Christmas Eve dinner. Before picking him up, I figured I should check my PO on the way. As soon as the thought kicked in. Mr. Frost shows up with low temperatures and sleet. Go figure, on top of that Mr. Frost made it hard for me to get in my PO. He froze the door knobs at my PO and I had to use the said entrance. I knew after that, I was in for a horrific evening. As I open my box. The PO blew up. All you could see was white cloudy debris. And in the middle of it all was a heavy box with my name on it, lol.

Royln, Merry Christmas and this is a heck of a gesture my friend. All of this is noted in the memory bank. Once I recover from this sneak attack on Christmas Eve. There will be people to pay. Yes, you know what I mean. And your whole crew will thank you for what happens :). Thank you Sir and everyone, check this out...

He says I've been on his radar, mistake, lol....
Then he hits me with his personal collection along with his Team logo. Mistake number 2 :)...


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