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Sampler packs

bjgamezbjgamez Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1
I heard from a friend not to fall for sampler packs because they are just trying to get rid of expired cigars...is there any truth to this? I've bought one or two and haven't really noticed any difference. Can anyone shed some light on the subject of samplers?


  • Steve2010Steve2010 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,036
    I think it mainly depends on two things:

    1. The cigars involved, and
    2. The retailer.
    Samplers are a great way to sample a variety of smokes.
    And cigars never really "expire". As long as they're stored properly they can be kept indefinitely.

    I also think that if a retailer were to sell dried-out, uncared-for cigars that they wouldn't have many repeat customers.

    Hope this helps, and welcome to the forum!
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    Your friend doesn't smoke a lot of cigars, do they?
    Cigars, as was stated by Steve, don't expire, they age.
    As long as they are cared for properly, they should last quite some time and far longer than the current production,
    For the largest part, samplers are a great way to try a variety of cigars without having to purchase complete boxes. If purchased by reputable companies, I wouldn't worry about quality. For that matter, that should be as good of quality as box purchases. If they weren't, as was said, that'd lose business rather fast.
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    I started my journey into this stinkin' hobby by getting sampler intro/humidor backs from C.com and The Other Place Whose Name Begins With Cigars. Even though I didn't like a lot of the cigars themselves, I never felt they were too dry or overaged.
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