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Congress... The Best Job

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
So I guess Congress will be getting a raise! Yup, when they should have their pay FROZE until they get sh-t fixed, they get a raise. Now I don't think there is anything wrong with federal workers getting a raise since they had their pay froze for some years but congress? They haven't done crap, and don't even stay at work to get things done. But hey, when you get paid 150k plus for not actually having to do anything then I guess those that aren't in that job are just saps.



  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Now, why do you think Obama would do this by executive order right at this moment?

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Eh, not sure but he sucks with the timing. He should have excused congress from it. Opinion on congress is at a all time low.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Booo...The worst part is, Obama and all the congressmen know that there is nothing we can do about it. We'll complain and whine, but they still get their money =/
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    So let's see. We get hit with a 2% increase in SSI payments and state govt workers have been froze for the past 6 years. Meaning no cost of living increases, no rate increases (which means step increases that are contractually guaranteed) and 30% increase in health insurance costs, not to mention the state losing money on their retirement investments.
    I've gone backwards $500/month from 2008. And the federal employees get a .5% increase, while congress is making $190+/year.

    Congress shouldn't get a damn thing.
    I'd love to make $100+/year working 6 weeks a year.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    As a federal employee, I believe we should not get any raise though our salary has been frozen over couple years. If the country suffers then we should take the hit as well. I think our raise should come with performance not yearly. This is how many federal employees became lazy and inefficient. let's face the truth. We are public servants not corporate jet setters.

    I believe, we chose this to serve the country. When country suffers then we are also part of the problem.
    So let's see. We get hit with a 2% increase in SSI payments and state govt workers have been froze for the past 6 years. Meaning no cost of living increases, no rate increases (which means step increases that are contractually guaranteed) and 30% increase in health insurance costs, not to mention the state losing money on their retirement investments.
    I've gone backwards $500/month from 2008. And the federal employees get a .5% increase, while congress is making $190+/year.

    Congress shouldn't get a damn thing.
    I'd love to make $100+/year working 6 weeks a year.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Hmm, it scares me because they don't HAVE to pay the military. I also heard we were not getting a raise this coming year.
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    Let me clarify.
    I do think that federal employees should get the .5% increase as a cost of living.
    But congress/elected officials should NOT be getting raises when they haven't squared things away.
    I find it appalling that congress or the president would even think that congress deserves a raise.
    Federal employees, yes. Congress, absolutely not.
    If congress can't survive on $190+/year, with the taxpayers paying for most their travel and things like that, then there is something seriously wrong with things.

    Most of us survive on a fraction of that and do quite well. AND we don't have the luxury of taxpayers paying for our travel and lodging.

    Congress, governors and the rest of the politicians frivolously spend money with little regard for the consequences, while we, the tax payers suffer the consequences.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    I....like all state workers in FL.....have seen no raise, COLA or otherwise, in 6 years. Also faced the constant assertion by the uninformed bloviaters that state workers do nothing and get paid great. In fact, for my position...I am paid 43rd out of 50 states for my job. We have no union. There have been no raises, no bonuses, and our workforce to help the elderly and abused children has been cut by 10% while funding has been cut by even more----while work demands and number of clients increase. So Gov. Scott and those like you, I hope you go f*ck yourself on new years

    And as far as this bullshi*, at least as congress goes...wish Ted Kennedy was still around to take them on a drinken bus ride.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Now now guys ... you know how bad the traffic is there ??? They have to have this raise to alleviate their anxiety over the stress of getting from their offices to their Lear Jets and Gulfstream Jets to fly to wherever the f&%$k it is they fly off to ... political hack a-holes !

    What does a congressman and a centipede have in common ???
    Answer : Takes a lot of leg work to move both around but at least you can use a centipede for fish bait .
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