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Worth a Read...

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
Talks about the NDAA and stripping US citizens of our rights to be detained by our own govt.


It truly troubles me that our elected officials, whether GOP or DEM can campaign for civil liberties or smaller govt but yet cannot even agree to strip these crap laws out of legislation. It almost seems as though some call them dems or GOP they really serve one master and maybe a few on both sides do serve the people. Just seeing as nothing really has been done with wall street after they looted our country and even with this new fiscal cliff bill, we the people are still getting the shaft. Hell congress can't even pass a bill for the president to sign to take away tax breaks for shipping our jobs overseas and giving that tax break to bring back our jobs. Because our economy will not grow with thousands of people making bare min wage at Burger King.
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