Home Trades, Passes and Bombs


catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
Yeah...I had to call BigT06 out to get him back lol... Hes one of the guys that taught me a ton around here, hiw to bomb, what to age, what to buy, how to destroy in trades, etc..., and we became friends. He was a target on my firet bombing run (blame zach!). During his time away, I sent him a guitar related package, with some aged habanos of course, but the extras were stuff I found moving I knew he would like as we kept in touch. We both share the same affinity for geetars, and many of the same players-specifically Warren Haynes and slide guitar, which is what the package revolved around. However, I'm not sure I ever told him I'm a Fender nut-two custom made tele's, 2 strats, 3 hand wired tweed amps, 2 vintage heads....

So he threatens me when he came back and I knew I'd get the typical BigT smash... Well aside from the cigars, which are amazing, he threw in a Fender ingraved Zippo single torch he's had for 12 years!!!! This type of gesture is what makes this place special. A cigar will be enjoyed once, this lighter will be shared for decades. I won't forget this bro, and it will stay with me a long time. I'm weird about things like this, trinkets and such that hold memories. Even your wife said...yeah *** that guy up lol. Mission accomplished.... I'm speechless at the gesture as I know this lighter served you well and probably traveled all over with ya. Now it's imparting on another journey. One day, it will light your cigar again when we finally meet up for a herf.

Oh...and the cigars kind of kick ass! All aged treats and special occasion smokes. Don't *** with Todd.


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