it is generally frowned upon to try and break the law on the open forum. It is against the Law for US citizens to trade, sell, or bring into the country any Cuban merchandise of any sort.
it is generally frowned upon to try and break the law on the open forum. It is against the Law for US citizens to trade, sell, or bring into the country any Cuban merchandise of any sort.
Illegal to possess them if you are a US citizen. Whether you are in the US or not.
Not quite...You can legally possess them, you cannot however buy, sell, give, or receive them. Though if you possess them by some other means, it's legal. This applies to all Cuban originated products for US citizens no matter the country they are visiting.
maybe like... if you put them in a ballon, sucked it up your butt and then pooped it out? there is a movie I watched that did this but it wasn't cigars
maybe like... if you put them in a ballon, sucked it up your butt and then pooped it out? there is a movie I watched that did this but it wasn't cigars
wait a minute. my example fails. this would be a scenario in which one receives them
Would you please give me the condition in which they are in your possession but you did not buy, sell, give or receive them.
AND the problem. Unless of course it's a pre-embargo.
So I must be missing something...if I can possess something legally but I can't legally buy it, trade for it, sell it, or be gifted it, than what is the point of making possession legal? Are you 100% sure that you can possess a cuban cigar and just play the whole 'ohh, where did that come from'?...and we aren't talking pre-embargos, because the thread isn't directed towards them.
I thought I read somewhere that you can't even smoke one abroad if you are a US citizen, 'technically'...but it's a law no one enforces.
The #1 excuse that bad guys use on COPS is "these are not my pants". That's what I would say.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I can see it now. You're sitting there smoking a CC and cops come rolling up. Cops- "Is that a Cuban Cigar?" DR-"These aint my pants MAAAAAN!"
I thought I read somewhere that you can't even smoke one abroad if you are a US citizen, 'technically'...but it's a law no one enforces.
Cops- "Is that a Cuban Cigar?"
DR-"These aint my pants MAAAAAN!"