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New member with newbie questions.

4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212

Hey guys been lurking for a few days and decided to join.  First off,  hey I'm Bobby.  Been smoking for about a year now don't do it that often but when I get the chance too I really enjoy it.  Couple questions to start out.


My humidor is hot and humid (I live in Georgia it's never anything but hot and humid here) ever since I put my new humidifier in (just the sponge type with distilled water) I seasoned it and everything about a year ago when I bought it.  How should I get the humidity down?  I'm going to get it to cool down by moving it soon possibly to a closet or basement.  I've heard that going forward I should only add water as the humidity gets low but what can I do to get it down now?  I've heard of the boveda packs and think I understand them what are the beads that you all talk about?  Should I just toss the humidifier and get some of those or do they work with the sponge type humidifiers? 


I don't have the measurements of my humidor or the number of sticks in it off the top of my head but could get that when I get home from work if I need to.  Thanks in advance.


  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    the beads are heartfelt beads.

    get the 65% beads. they should bring the RH down. no sponge needed.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457

    Hey guys been lurking for a few days and decided to join.  First off,  hey I'm Bobby.  Been smoking for about a year now don't do it that often but when I get the chance too I really enjoy it.  Couple questions to start out.


    My humidor is hot and humid (I live in Georgia it's never anything but hot and humid here) ever since I put my new humidifier in (just the sponge type with distilled water) I seasoned it and everything about a year ago when I bought it.  How should I get the humidity down?  I'm going to get it to cool down by moving it soon possibly to a closet or basement.  I've heard that going forward I should only add water as the humidity gets low but what can I do to get it down now?  I've heard of the boveda packs and think I understand them what are the beads that you all talk about?  Should I just toss the humidifier and get some of those or do they work with the sponge type humidifiers? 


    I don't have the measurements of my humidor or the number of sticks in it off the top of my head but could get that when I get home from work if I need to.  Thanks in advance.

    Another, possibly cheaper, way to bring down the humidity is to see if your local shop would have old boxes, and break them down and put the dry cedar in your humidor. They'll soak up some moisture.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    To piggyback on what kuzi said, you can either buy the beads already in a puck, or just buy some loose heartfelt beads, open up your existing humidifier, and replace the green foam with the beads. It's also recommended you get about twice the amount of beads that Heartfelt recommends (they can a calculator on their site, so get twice of whatever number it spits out)

    EDIT - Dry cedar will indeed bring your humidify down - but only temporarily. That cedar can only soak up so much before it's saturated and your humidity will then begin rising again (the beads can be dried out in 10 min with a hairdryer and put back in immediately)
  • jihiggsjihiggs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 468
    yes, heartfelt beads for sure. it will take several days of you NOT opening the lid but it should get the humidity down to 65%. what is it now? you didnt say. and are you using a digital hygrometer or the needle type that came with the humidor?
  • 4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212

    Right now it is about 74 degrees and 75% hum.  It's a digital hygrometer.  Should I just stick with the 65% beads or should I mix 65 and 70 later once it balances out (I think I saw that in someone else's post on here somewhere).


    P.S.  Has anyone seen my cutter? I'm wanting a cigar to finish off and long week and can't find it to save my life.

  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    65% and 70% in the same humi will cause a gang war.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    65% and 70% in the same humi will cause a gang war.
    */ques "West Side Story Music" and in-rhythm snapping*
  • Garen BGaren B Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 977
    65% and 70% in the same humi will cause a gang war.
    */ques "West Side Story Music" and in-rhythm snapping*
    Nah, in the spirit of some dude dying *queue MJ's Beat It*

    To be somewhat helpful, since your living in such a humid environment, go with the 65% beads, because what I experience (living in a somewhat desert environment) is that even with beads, you humidity tends to creep up and down a bit. If you go with 70% or 75% beads and your humidity starts to skyrocket, your going to risk mold growing on your sticks. Aside from that, welcome to the forum!
  • 4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212

    Garen B:
    Aside from that, welcome to the forum!

    Thanks.  Seems like a real wealth of knowledge here that I'm looking forward to sucking up.  And I've looked around and haven't seen it.  but is there a link explaining how to quote post pictures etc.?  I'm not familiar with this forum software.

  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Not sure about quoting pictures, but you can create paragraphs by inserting the letters "BR" inbetween <>

    But to piggyback on what others have said - I live in Florida, and I use the 65% beads, but my humidor typically maintains a humidity of 67% or so - so depending whether your outside air is more/less humid, you'll want to order beads accordingly (I also agree with the 65% bead suggestion)
  • bibbybibby Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 152
    the beads are heartfelt beads.

    get the 65% beads. they should bring the RH down. no sponge needed.

    I'm about to place an order with Heartfelt for beads; being in the desert here in Nevada should I go with the 70% even though almost all you guys prefer to run the 65%, or is 65% a more desirable rh for a good burn? With the higher normal air temp; obviously I use the AC almost continuosly, would that be another reason to favor the 65%, or am I over thinking this and it really is personal choice?

    I would love to you hear you thoughts on this when you get a moment, thanks.

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    for some reason I usually get my rh about 5 lower than the beads suggest, so 70% should be good.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    My RH is usually about 2-4% higher than the beads suggest - so be careful which you order

    Also, most of us recommend 65% due to preference - I just find the draw is better at 65 than at 70%, but you may prefer something entirely different
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    never had rh higher unless I add wet cigars or if the beads get dried out.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    never had rh higher unless I add wet cigars or if the beads get dried out.
    Same here... I'm overly cautious and tend to have dry beads and add a little water each day to get a desired Rh... I rarely go over unless I'm going on a trip or vacation then I'll put a bit more water in just to make sure they guys are safe

    Anyone ever wonder why we tend to treat our cigars like kids??? Or is it just me... (or mainly my girlfriend telling me)
  • nightmaremike31nightmaremike31 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 720
    never had rh higher unless I add wet cigars or if the beads get dried out.

    LoL... Not sure I want to know, but I feel compelled to ask... Where are you finding "wet cigars"?
  • 4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212
    Well thanks for the help guys I'll be ordering 4 ounces of beads this afternoon and putting them in an old humidifier (rectangle one) that I have.  I've seen some folks having extra humidifying devices should I bother leaving my new humidifier (another rectangle sponge) in there or just hang on to it for a larger unit that may need extra water storage?
  • 4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212
    Sorry thought of another question.  Do these things ever expire?  Would it be best to buy more than the recommended amount to have extras for later?  I know that someone said earlier to buy about twice as much which I intend to do I just want to make sure there is no reason to buy 1 lb now or something like that.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    beads are a permanent solution as long as they arent tainted with things other than distilled water. you can have em for years 100% decharged in a zip loc then throw some distilled in there and they will work good as new.
  • 4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212
    beads are a permanent solution as long as they arent tainted with things other than distilled water. you can have em for years 100% decharged in a zip loc then throw some distilled in there and they will work good as new.
    Thanks man I really appreciate the help. The beads should be here in a few days and hopefully I'll get it all squared away. Now I just have to get my temperature down too.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    The reason you buy twice as much as they recommend is for two reasons:

    1) The recommended amount of beads will have you filling up the humidifier about once a week - getting 2x or more lessens the need to refill - so you should only need to refill once every 2 or 3 weeks

    2) Every time you open the lid of your humidor, you let most of the humidity out, which means your humidifier needs to release humidity to get your humidor back to where it should be. The more beads you have, the faster this happens, and the less exposed your cigars are to non-humid air

    If you were so inclined and had the room in your humidor, there's no reason you couldn't use 3x or 4x the recommended amount (though doing such a things gets rather expensive, and starts to use up room that's better spent on cigars)
  • bibbybibby Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 152
    Thanks for the info guys.

    I just ordered a 2 ounce 65% rH tube (which covers 2180 cubic inches and my humidor is right at 730 cubic inches) even though I live in the desert based on what Kuzi said cigars really are not adversely affected if you keep the humidity between 55% and 70%. I was thinking if the 65% beads keep it near 63-65% I would be fine, and worst case as a few people have mentioned if they sky rocket up they would be about 69-71% rH.

    Once they arrive I will let you knows how it goes.

  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    never had rh higher unless I add wet cigars or if the beads get dried out.

    LoL... Not sure I want to know, but I feel compelled to ask... Where are you finding "wet cigars"?
    Just overhumidified cigars either from them being from CCOM and the water pillow is bloated and it's sitting right next and touching the cigars OR when I go to the shop and they have an event they'll sometimes get the humidity up to 75% just so they can sit outside on the counter so there's less traffic in the humidor and they won't get too dry if you are not driving home right away
  • 4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212
    Well I got the beads in yesterday and the little instruction page said that if I wanted to remove humidity from my humidor to just stick it in there. I did that and am going to check on it today to make sure it isn't getting too low. Once it stablizes I'll fill it to where 85% of the beads are clear (as the instruction said). I'm thinking about opening the tube and putting the beads in an old humidifier case that I've taken the sponge out of as the tube takes up a lot of room in my little humi. Any other tips or tricks?
  • nightmaremike31nightmaremike31 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 720
    never had rh higher unless I add wet cigars or if the beads get dried out.

    LoL... Not sure I want to know, but I feel compelled to ask... Where are you finding "wet cigars"?
    Just overhumidified cigars either from them being from CCOM and the water pillow is bloated and it's sitting right next and touching the cigars OR when I go to the shop and they have an event they'll sometimes get the humidity up to 75% just so they can sit outside on the counter so there's less traffic in the humidor and they won't get too dry if you are not driving home right away
    Hmmm... How interesting, can't say that I've ever had a wet cigar.

    But then again I don't think I would have noticed one coming from ccom, when my sticks arrive, I take one about an inch or 2 out of it's sleeve and take a good couple of wiffs of it, then toss them in my humi and usuall don't come back too those sticks for at least weeks.

    Thanks Lassy!
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