Thoughts/comparison of two
I am trying to decide between Frog Morton on the Bayou and Sutliff PS Balkan Luxury. Anyone care to share their thoughts on each? Possibly an idea of how they compare to each other? Any input greatly appreciated.
Perique: This is another "condiment" tobacco. Perique is generally grown and cured in St. James Parish in Louisiana--at least the official varietal, although there are other varietals as well (i.e…Acadian)Perique. It is a Burley varietal that is air cured and then placed in to wood barrels under extreme pressure. This releases any water that air curing may not have removed, plus it causes an increase in temperature causing the fermentation processes to take effect. After one year the leaves are removed, re-piled, and re-fermented a number of times until they have the final product. The word is an old Creole word that literally translates to ***; there is a long history behind it but I wont get into that right now, just haven't got the time. Perique smokes cool, and has a very distinct toast / plume flavor and aroma to it. Perique is generally used as a "spice" tobacco to help kick up the wonderful Vitamin N that we all look for.
Macro was talking the other day abour Molassess as a cure for the pipe tobacco, so I assume that is another flavoring agent used.
What would be some suggestions for a new pipe smokers to keep in mind. I have been keeping up on the thread where you guys have discussed some of these things already. I am talking more about what kind of pipe I should look for and or what sort of tobacco to try first. Thanks for any help you can give me.
This is only my opnion, but if you really want to give pipes a fair shot, buy a quality pipe to start with. Some people fear that they will not enjoy pipe smoking and so they buy cheap, but cheap pipes can easily ruin the experience.
Luciano, Savinelli, Stanwell... are a few of what I think of as solid middle-ground brands. Quality, yet not anywhere near names like Dunhill and Castello in price.