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I made a review Website!?

jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
Its by no means polished..but hey i learned some things while doing it. Give it a look if you wish. Post any suggestions you have in the website forum. hopefully something good will come out of it..like ummm sponsors lol! Thanks
ps let me know if my html tags are off or if you have browser problems The Cigar Bot!!!


  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Hey Jeff.. That's a nice site. I hope your efforts are rewarded. I will visit often.
  • Garen BGaren B Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 977
    I dig the site jeff, nice and simple, no crazy frills to detract from the reviews. Also digging the new profile pic. The only thing I see wrong is you misspelled forum in your links section on the left side of the page.
  • 4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212
    "You Add Here" should be "Your Ad Here" right?
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    this is true ....i forgot to fix Thanks guys!!!!!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    nice. good start. You should link to cigar.com too. Also pics in the reviews would be a nice touch as well.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    looked around, nice job. Especially considering you did it yourself, much better than I could have done!
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    Also pics in the reviews would be a nice touch as well.
    Like he talks about the first third and shows a pic of a bikini girl, then when he talks about the second third she loses the top, then with the final third...well, you know where I'm going with this. :)
  • betasynnbetasynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,249
    Also pics in the reviews would be a nice touch as well.
    Like he talks about the first third and shows a pic of a bikini girl, then when he talks about the second third she loses the top, then with the final third...well, you know where I'm going with this. :)
    Seconded. If you're ever in the New York area, we'd love to have you review with us. I'm working on a project right now called Wrapperbinderfiller.wordpress.com and it's off to a rough start.
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    Also pics in the reviews would be a nice touch as well.
    Like he talks about the first third and shows a pic of a bikini girl, then when he talks about the second third she loses the top, then with the final third...well, you know where I'm going with this. :)
    Seconded. If you're ever in the New York area, we'd love to have you review with us. I'm working on a project right now called Wrapperbinderfiller.wordpress.com and it's off to a rough start.
    Id love to be in the new york area...but very unlikely in the near future..but give me a heads up next time you guys do a review, Id love to be a guest in absetia
  • betasynnbetasynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,249
    Did one today; I believe wednesday we're doing the Alec Bradly Overture Cameroon in the robusto size.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Also pics in the reviews would be a nice touch as well.
    Like he talks about the first third and shows a pic of a bikini girl, then when he talks about the second third she loses the top, then with the final third...well, you know where I'm going with this. :)
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    I think you should focus on your reviews and how you are posting your reviews, spell check and grammer. rather than having your add here all over the place. Put your reviews up front and then worry about where to put the adds later. As info, you have to go to another page to get your most recent review. It should be listed right on the home page. then your review archive should be listed down for the most recent X reviews. Also when you go to the review archive you cannot see some of the links as they are blocked by a your add here sign. Nice design, but you got some work to do on it.
  • betasynnbetasynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,249
    I think you should focus on your reviews and how you are posting your reviews, spell check and grammer. rather than having your add here all over the place. Put your reviews up front and then worry about where to put the adds later. As info, you have to go to another page to get your most recent review. It should be listed right on the home page. then your review archive should be listed down for the most recent X reviews. Also when you go to the review archive you cannot see some of the links as they are blocked by a your add here sign. Nice design, but you got some work to do on it.
    fourto, any advice on mine?
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    I think you should focus on your reviews and how you are posting your reviews, spell check and grammer. rather than having your add here all over the place. Put your reviews up front and then worry about where to put the adds later. As info, you have to go to another page to get your most recent review. It should be listed right on the home page. then your review archive should be listed down for the most recent X reviews. Also when you go to the review archive you cannot see some of the links as they are blocked by a your add here sign. Nice design, but you got some work to do on it.
    Thanks all for the advise keep it coming!!!
    I removed the your add here stuff changed the font color made it bigger and gave the old spell checker a dust off(visual studios does not have spell check)
    expect lots of spelling and grammer errors these take time to iron out
    I also fixed (hopefully)the layout so you can see everything even if your screen res is low 640X480(old man??)HA! Im on a torano kick so the next review up will most likely be the signature and the mabey a little article/ link hub about the torano company...
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    The Torano review was good, reminded me of the one I smoked a couple weeks ago. I'd maybe cut back a bit on the analogy of the nice smelling car to the burn issue, since as you stated a bit later it was only bad for 1/2" and as stated it was dry. If it was bad for 1 1/2", then I'd say yea, lay into the burn issue, but dry cigars canoe/tunnel - frequently....Good review though, felt like I was smoking one with ya.

    Speaking of Torano cigars, I was smoking a Exodus silver the other day and as I cycled smoke through my nose it occured to me that I was picking up a faint fish smell - and kinda digging it. I'd been trying to put my finger on what it was, as I'd had that smell in the previous 4 I smoked because it was so faint. I gotta say it's an odd aroma, but it's there and I like it for some reason....?
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    Thanks for visiting, I wasn't really laying into the burn of the casa torano, bad burns in general yes. I was just saying that I really enjoy a nice but and the all the carlos torano cigars generally have a good burn, which I really enjoy.
    About that faint fish smell/taste... I had the same kidda thing with the flor de oliva corojo. When I first got the smokes...well.. they smelled like fish....and ammonia...but mostly fish....weird. Anyway I have been letting them rest, and the fishy smell is going away...Strange aroma for a cigar to a have fer sure...
    On the site fixed some mistakes and added a out of frames view for the newest review, most likely do for all the prev reviews too.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    Also pics in the reviews would be a nice touch as well.
    Like he talks about the first third and shows a pic of a bikini girl, then when he talks about the second third she loses the top, then with the final third...well, you know where I'm going with this. :)
    Seconded. If you're ever in the New York area, we'd love to have you review with us. I'm working on a project right now called Wrapperbinderfiller.wordpress.com and it's off to a rough start.

    Pretty good. I have to say I read two reviews and I thought that they were great! Good layout. Next you need to figure out how to get some pictures and dare I say a video in there. As far as the reviews go, I thought the Decade review was right on target, except for maybe the ocean comment, Ill look for the ocean next time I light one up.

  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    Also pics in the reviews would be a nice touch as well.
    Like he talks about the first third and shows a pic of a bikini girl, then when he talks about the second third she loses the top, then with the final third...well, you know where I'm going with this. :)
    Seconded. If you're ever in the New York area, we'd love to have you review with us. I'm working on a project right now called Wrapperbinderfiller.wordpress.com and it's off to a rough start.

    Pretty good. I have to say I read two reviews and I thought that they were great! Good layout. Next you need to figure out how to get some pictures and dare I say a video in there. As far as the reviews go, I thought the Decade review was right on target, except for maybe the ocean comment, Ill look for the ocean next time I light one up.

    Ok, so poking around more its a bit annoying that the solo review come over as a pop up window. Also, You should have a link to your rating system right on the homepage, or a translation of the # you are putting on the cigar at the end of each review.

  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    New Review up..The Failure ..The Rocky Patel Puro Cubano
  • TumblerTumbler Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 338
    New Review up..The Failure ..The Rocky Patel Puro Cubano

    Your review is good, but damn you are looking great! This is not a subtle change...
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    Good review, some spelling issues noticed. I have no idea how you put that in, but if you could copy and paste it from word after a spell check it might help. I can't wait to see what's next. Oh, I also like the new avatar, but she's facing the wrong way....
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    New Review up..The Failure ..The Rocky Patel Puro Cubano

    Your review is good, but damn you are looking great! This is not a subtle change...
    yeh from Sydney Greenstreet to amazingly sexy lady smoking..quite the change! you would be surprised what you can do with one of those rivet drivers from the 30's!!. I sold all the left over bits from the transformation to some hamburger joint down the street. So all in al,l im up quite a few points.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    New Review up..The Failure ..The Rocky Patel Puro Cubano

    You have exceeded your bandwith and users can no longer see your site.
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    New Review up..The Failure ..The Rocky Patel Puro Cubano

    You have exceeded your bandwith and users can no longer see your site.
    getting poopular.....time to invest in some space on the web me thinks.....anyone know a good spot?
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    New Review up..The Failure ..The Rocky Patel Puro Cubano

    You have exceeded your bandwith and users can no longer see your site.
    getting poopular.....time to invest in some space on the web me thinks.....anyone know a good spot?
    I think Blogspot is free?
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    New Review up..The Failure ..The Rocky Patel Puro Cubano

    You have exceeded your bandwith and users can no longer see your site.
    getting poopular.....time to invest in some space on the web me thinks.....anyone know a good spot?
    I think Blogspot is free?
    Blogging is for teenage girls....lol!
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    New Review up..The Failure ..The Rocky Patel Puro Cubano

    You have exceeded your bandwith and users can no longer see your site.
    getting poopular.....time to invest in some space on the web me thinks.....anyone know a good spot?
    I think Blogspot is free?
    Blogging is for teenage girls....lol!
    well...i did it anyways...(((((www.cigarbot.info)))))
  • betasynnbetasynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,249
    jeff, you looking to maybe affiliate your site?
  • jeff_connorsjeff_connors Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 483
    jeff, you looking to maybe affiliate your site?
    sure I linked your site there on the side bar on mine...should of asked...but how can you beat free publicity?..oh yeh what is "affiliating" in regards to websites ?
  • rad1964rad1964 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 189
    hi Jeff,
    Nice site, one explanation for those wierd characters I see on your review...

    "“Puro Cubano combines a Cuban-seed mixture of "

    the "“" I am assuming was a double quotation or curly quote.
    When you cut and paste from certain types of documents (like WORD or other similar programs) things like curly quotes, double quotes and even that — bar could cause odd characters. To prevent them search and replace all with the straight quotes double and single.

    ” “
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