.22LR Ammo
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 21
Went to try and buy some yesterday and everyone was out of stock. Out of the five places I went, there was very little ammo on stock and I was told it would be about a year before things returned to normal. I tried online and everyone is out also. Does anyone have an idea of how I can get some, or maybe even trade some for cigars?
Buy some, sell what you don't want at a gunshow or gunbroker for double the cost per round you paid. Profit.
EDIT: Gunbroker: http://www.gunbroker.com/All/BI.aspx?Keywords=.22lr
Supreme high leader Janet Napolitano is buying up 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition for her gestapo,,,, errr I mean agency.
But seriously, no idea --- everywhere around here is sold out of everything, guns, ammo, etc.
New Cabellas store opened up here last week and there were people camped out a couple days before so they could be the first ones in ---- lots of people looking to buy guns and ammo.
http://www.slickguns.com/category/ammo is also a great resource for finding ammo; there's a deal up there now, 500 rounds of 5.56 for $330/$0.65 a round
I bought a case of .223 at the gunshow recently. About 16cents a shell. Got a good deal on it. I heard by the end of the show they were out though. Funny cuz last spring I went and it was the last day there was plenty to go around.