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This from Politico.

beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
Just kidding. I just thought that this would rib my liberal friends a bit.

"The ceremony in Rome is scheduled to take place in the morning and Obama isn't scheduled to leave the United States until the evening so it is technically possible Biden could be back in time. But it's unclear if he is leaving Rome so quickly. His official schedule has not been released.

Any time the president or vice president travel outside Washington, they face increased risk, security-wise. And having them both traveling at the same time presents a risk that most administrations don't take -- that something tragic could happen to both of them, leaving the presidency in the hands of the third in the presidential line of succession. In this case, House Speaker John Boehner."


  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    In the history of the U.S., every president who has died in office died in the U.S. Given the rhetoric of right-wing nut jobs these days, Obama is probably safer out of the country than in it. :)

    In any case, even I would be a little nervous if Biden ended up taking over. The man is a nut job. Boehner might be a spraytanned crybaby who can't control his own children, but he seems one degree more rational.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Biden's okay. He should have retired once he got dain bramage, is all. Hasn't been all there since.

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    The papacy... I can't believe that is still "media" worthy anymore. Chop that up with the queen. She's there but that's all. I wonder when or if they will ever get rid of the "royals". The day that younger people in their religion can actually make a difference, meaning get rid or make room of the old dudes and get younger blood in the upper management or the high office to get some 21st century needs taken care. That can be said for like all institutions however the Catholic church really needs it.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    The papacy... I can't believe that is still "media" worthy anymore. Chop that up with the queen. She's there but that's all. I wonder when or if they will ever get rid of the "royals". The day that younger people in their religion can actually make a difference, meaning get rid or make room of the old dudes and get younger blood in the upper management or the high office to get some 21st century needs taken care. That can be said for like all institutions however the Catholic church really needs it.
    You obviously don't understand the Catholic Church, or most other religions for that matter. They don't just take a vote from their members and then move with the whims of the day. If you want to be a member of the Catholic Church, you follow. If you don't like what they preach, you are free to leave.

    As to the media, their ratings went up with the coverage, and that's all the're concerned about.

    "It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody"
    Bob Dylan
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Care Bears are totally better than Unicorns!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    The papacy... I can't believe that is still "media" worthy anymore. Chop that up with the queen. She's there but that's all. I wonder when or if they will ever get rid of the "royals". The day that younger people in their religion can actually make a difference, meaning get rid or make room of the old dudes and get younger blood in the upper management or the high office to get some 21st century needs taken care. That can be said for like all institutions however the Catholic church really needs it.
    You obviously don't understand the Catholic Church, or most other religions for that matter. They don't just take a vote from their members and then move with the whims of the day. If you want to be a member of the Catholic Church, you follow. If you don't like what they preach, you are free to leave.

    As to the media, their ratings went up with the coverage, and that's all the're concerned about.

    "It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody"
    Bob Dylan
    Oh I understand the church and religions very well. That type of thing you just mentioned is what IS the problem. The cardinals who are way too old any way, vote and who ever (cardinal) gets the most votes then he becomes pope. Funny how that all works as the pope is suppose to be the one to talk or chosen from God but in reality .... men picked him. Now if there were say more people from the closer generation in there maybe, just maybe a woman or a non white looking dude would be pope. It's worse than the Senate of the US!!! Either way for millions or 1.2 billion (as the media puts it) wait around for one to get picked is rather amusing in this day and age. I mean really? Don't they understand what the church has been covering up all these decades? How they treat woman and people that don't fit into their "beliefs". It's fine to have faith and to believe in something but it gets to a point that it becomes silly. Though I have several friends who are catholic they even don't care what happens in Rome, which I find interesting then again they use condoms.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    Oh I understand the church and religions very well.

    Well, that's good. This will make for a lively discussion on potential reformations or ways the Church can better spread it's message through Word and Sacrament ministry.

    The cardinals who are way too old any way. maybe a woman ... would be pope. It's fine to have faith and to believe in something but it gets to a point that it becomes silly.

    You lied to me. :(
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    The papacy... I can't believe that is still "media" worthy anymore. Chop that up with the queen. She's there but that's all. I wonder when or if they will ever get rid of the "royals". The day that younger people in their religion can actually make a difference, meaning get rid or make room of the old dudes and get younger blood in the upper management or the high office to get some 21st century needs taken care. That can be said for like all institutions however the Catholic church really needs it.
    You obviously don't understand the Catholic Church, or most other religions for that matter. They don't just take a vote from their members and then move with the whims of the day. If you want to be a member of the Catholic Church, you follow. If you don't like what they preach, you are free to leave.

    As to the media, their ratings went up with the coverage, and that's all the're concerned about.

    "It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody"
    Bob Dylan
    Oh I understand the church and religions very well. That type of thing you just mentioned is what IS the problem. The cardinals who are way too old any way, vote and who ever (cardinal) gets the most votes then he becomes pope. Funny how that all works as the pope is suppose to be the one to talk or chosen from God but in reality .... men picked him. Now if there were say more people from the closer generation in there maybe, just maybe a woman or a non white looking dude would be pope. It's worse than the Senate of the US!!! Either way for millions or 1.2 billion (as the media puts it) wait around for one to get picked is rather amusing in this day and age. I mean really? Don't they understand what the church has been covering up all these decades? How they treat woman and people that don't fit into their "beliefs". It's fine to have faith and to believe in something but it gets to a point that it becomes silly. Though I have several friends who are catholic they even don't care what happens in Rome, which I find interesting then again they use condoms.
    If the topic were African witch doctors or American Indian medicine men, then the subject would be presented respectfully as the “wisdom of the elders,” but since it is mostly older white men a politically correct yet morally wrong slander is used.

    You may find it in the good book where it is written, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked.” Not successfully anyway.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    ... mkay. slander? really. Well it's not like the church is really progressing anything forward. In fact they are discriminating against half if not more than half the population. Not to mention that they are not acting in the best interests of the so called word of God. I don't believe that God ever said, it's fine to rape children and to then cover it up. I might have missed that though. I also believe God said all men are created equal (though that in itself leads on to think, that either God is biased towards gender or once again MAN has made it up as it seems God has no respect of Woman or MAN just doesn't)
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    You really should go to church one day so you can see for yourself what they are preaching. They won't hurt you and you might learn something.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Um... yeah I never have gone to church. That's it. I mean hell no way religion could be toxic? DUDE, read history! Even recent history.
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