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Reyes' Style Blending 101 (my first cigar/cigars review)

danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
This is my first attempt in doing a cigar review. Rather than doing a regular review, I thought I’d do something a bit different. I’m going to do a cigar blend. You’re all probably wondering how I’m going to do that. Well, here is the “a bit different” part. I will be smoking 2 cigars at the same time. I don’t mean puff at one cigar then the other, no. I mean both cigars simultaneously. I will be blending the 2 and see what kind of results I get.

The cigars I chose are cigars that I’m sure everyone is familiar with. MF robusto and the GH V.2002 robusto. I wanted to see how a spicy earth/ heavy leather full bodied cigar will blend with a stouty/earth chocolaty med body cigar. …….. Shall we?

(I will practically be typing exactly what I noted down on paper. It may be all over the place so pls. bare with me as again, this is my first time doing this. Also I hope you don’t find this as a joke or a waste. I put some time and effort into this. I have also spoken to a few botl prior to get their opinion and thoughts and they thought it was a great idea.) Here we go.

Smoking the 2 at the same time is a lot harder than it sounds. I should have gone with a corona size but too late.
I’m having trouble trying to figure it out. I think it’s because It taste nothing like what they are individually. This goes on for a good 5 min but then ………..
Hello! Exactly what I was expecting! Spicy caramel and molassy leather. Even the aroma is very entertaining. I am bad at describing taste but it’s kind of like a leathery wood covered in a mixture of caramel/chocolate drizzled with pepper. (the draw is still a challenge)

After about 15-20 min the spice is mellowing. It’s now a very pleasant caramel cream and a hint of spice. I can’t quite pick up the finish but it’s very long, smooth.

30-35 min mark (1/3-1/2 The MF was burning faster than the GHV2002). It’s a steady cream and leather with very light spice. The chocolate is still there but more on the caramel side with a bit of nuttyness.
Getting very light headed now. Infact I’m buzzin pretty good. I think I’m done. I have to put them down now.

I’m trying to figure out why these cigars kicked my butt as I’ve smoked them numerous times before. Ha! I just realized that while smoking both cigars, I practically smoked 1 cigar in the same amount of time If I were to smoke ½ a cigar by itself. Does that make sense? Eh

Final notes. It was an interesting experiment. The tasting notes are just what I expected with little surprises coming out here and there. Trying to smoke the 2 cigars simultaneously was a challenge. I don’t think I’ll be attempting to do this experiment again in the near future, nor will I be reviewing cigars again. I’ll leave that to the professionals (you know who you guys are).

Thank you for your time. I hope you all enjoyed. Now I’m going to go eat some candy, lay down and watch some MLB Network.

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