I've done this kind of work part-time and for myself and agree with everything Bearb said. The caulk is the easiest solution, and done carefully will be un-noticable for several years, at which time, it will probably develop again, but you'll be about ready to paint anyway.
Barry is spot on and I will just add this .... If he used premixed mud the stuff that you can pick up at lowes or the home crepot those products will last a very long time in a sealed container because they put an additive in there ...... The downfall is they take a very long time to completely dry and cure. If you have a few fans put them down there and let them run..... Otherwise after they cracks stop growing caulk and repaint and you'll be all good.
Use a urethane silicone paintable caulk, the elasticity will be the best. Take a sharp crayon and run down crack. Won't allow caulk to stick there and help the movement, then caulk will stop three sided adhesion when you do this, which is the reason most caulk fails.