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Ccom Meme Contest -- Winner is brianetz1!!!

SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
Alright guys, it is time for another contest. I think I've come up with a rather clever one this time. You know those pictures that your wife shows you on facebook, pinterest, twitter, etc? The ones with the witty captions on the same pictures over and over again? Yeah those. Your job is to create one. The one rule is that it has to be original and relate to the cigar.com forums in some way. This contest will run until Saturday and I will select the one I think is the best on Sunday. I know, it isn't really fair for me to just pick a winner, but get over it. Polling the forum to decide a winner sounds like too much work to me, lol. The winner will get a nice little sampler from me. If you have never created a meme before, just google meme generator and go from there. Here is an example: image The more clever/witty you are, the more likely I am to like it. Also, how about we limit the number of memes per person to two. I don't want you to have to decide between multiple good ideas. Good luck!!!


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