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Strong vs Harsh

ZAPZAP Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 164
What makes one cigar "strong" but enjoyable and another "harsh" tasting.

Just had a Camacho Corojo LTD tonight after a turkey on the grill dinner and it was fantastic but strong as ***.  Loved it.  Nothing harsh about it.  Paired it with a Bell's Double Cream Stout and it was fantastic.

I've also had other cigars which may or may not have been billed as "strong" cigars that just had a harshness to them...trying to think of examples and having a hard time but maybe some of the Gurkha ilk?

Anyhow.....what makes one strong cigar approachable and enjoyable and others just harsh...kind of a general question but thought I'd toss it out for discussion.


  • blurrblurr Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 962
    For me, harshness is a smoke that irritates my mouth, throat, or sinuses, either from puffing or the ambient smoke drifting around. A strong cigar is strong because it has nicotine in high levels so you get buzzed, but it can be smooth meaning there is no harshness and the buzz creeps up on you. Cains can be strong but smooth, as I recall because I haven't smoked one in years.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Very easy explanation... Strong can be one o two things. On the draw, the flavors may be powerful on the tip of your tongue and mid tongue. They rest on your palate mid roof and as they dissipate become very smooth and leave a wonderful finish in the back of your mouth. Strong may also be the retro hale that can be to much at times, but not too much to sour your palate. Harsh is a feeling you get in the back of your mouth, specifically the back top o the roof, and lingering in the back pockets of your mouth. Post exhale, you will have what I call "The Stank" or palate burn, which inhibits you from experiencing the flavors of the cigar. It will linger an leave a nasty taste. I can think of plenty of cigars that do this, and sometimes you won't notice it as much if it is the 2nd or 3rd cigar of the day. The Zulu I had last night was a perfect example of a Nica cigar that has strength, power, and a burning retrohale, but is very smooth.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Oh...and IMO it has nothing to do with nicotine. I've had incredibly smooth cigars that got me sick, and strong cigars that haven't. Not that strong cigars don't have a nic kick, just that mild can as well without the strength.
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    I hate that "Bite" in the back of my throat from Harshness. Aside from cigars being (or not being) smooth, if there is poor draw or you smoke too fast and get the cigar too hot, that can create a harshness as well. My $.02
  • curtpickcurtpick Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,600
    When I see these terms I think "inhaling".
    If your inhaling..well....stop !
    Just sayin.
    Harsh especially.
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