
in Pipes
I've just been wondering, how's the pipe experience going for you? Found anything outstanding?
I have tried several tobaccos but have not found anything to my liking yet. I think I will try some more ole world type of tobaccos next. I have also went overboard and bought several pipes lol. Even spent more then I should have to buy a couple of very high quality Phillip Trypis' pipes. I have not used any of them yet as I want to settle on a certain tobacco for each and I am not there yet.
Any suggestions on some more traditional old world types of blends? Thanks for asking Steve, I am going to work through this but it is taking me some time.
Reiner LGF is a good Virginia Burley.
Try not to get sucked into the MacBaren stuff that Canadians seem forced into. Some of it is good but most are not.
One MacBaren that I do enjoy is the Golden Extra. It's a really good burley blend.
I've taken a little break from pipes, after taking them up and smoking nothing but for the winter. Maybe I will load one up soon. Never tried summer pipe smoking.
I will keep my cigars though! They are too different from eachother to replace one another.
I remember when I was a kid the small of an old timer smoking a pipe and that aroma, even then I found so intoxicating. THAT is what I am trying to duplicate in my smoking a pipe life, lol. They say the olfactory senses have a direct link to the brain and certain smells can trigger memories and feelings exactly as they were when originally experienced.
I guess I will just have to start wding through some of the more traditonal, old world aromatic types of blends until I "find" that experience I seek.
Speaking of that Cherry Blend, I like it. I gave up on cherry tobacco's a long time ago, really long, like a topic of conversation was "what would you pay to see a Beatles re-union?", because all the cherry blends I'd tried had such a sharp bite. That cherry blend of Walts is smooth, and mixes well with others.
I think maybe too much has been made about a pipe for each blend, it's somewhat true, but think about it, most pipe tobaccos are blends of various types. For myself, though, if I smoked a lot of cherry, for instance, I'd dedicate a pipe to it, at least for a time.
I have no real experience with meerschaums, so it may be more true for them than for briars.