This must be the Elite section

in Pipes
Nothing rounds out the individual better than a pipe.
There is nothing like relaxing with a good pipe and a favorite blend. I even got my other half to smoke one with me.
When I light up a hand rolled cigar on the porch, she packs a pipe and joins me. WOW. Nothin better.
I invite the stogie Connoisseur who at times packs up a pipe to enter the relm of the elite and join us by posting their favorite pipe and blend.
There is nothing like relaxing with a good pipe and a favorite blend. I even got my other half to smoke one with me.
When I light up a hand rolled cigar on the porch, she packs a pipe and joins me. WOW. Nothin better.
I invite the stogie Connoisseur who at times packs up a pipe to enter the relm of the elite and join us by posting their favorite pipe and blend.

OK, maybe just me, at any rate, glad you're here.
Only true tobacco lovers cross over to the Dark Side.
Sticking just with stogies is like having pie without the alla mode.
What blend(s) do you enjoy?
Allows me to spend the bigger bucks on hand rolled stogies.
I'm the only one in our group allowed to wear the Paluxy Peckerwood tat with a pipe. founder has a cigar on his.
Well how did it go?
this topic is like our own private lounge. Guess our fellow cigar smokers don't realize what their missing. Like never having had ice-cream before. Don't miss it because they never tried it.
After awhile you'll get like me. I just start stuffing it. I like getting a large enough wad and begin feeding into the pipe as one continuous mass. If you play the game of packing the way they say I believe you build up layers and the strands of tobac aren't intertwined. this is reason i feel pipes sometimes go out. Not so say I still don't relight once in awhile. You learn as you feed the wad into the pipe to begin softly and heavier as you move to the top of the bowl. I have another home blend. 50 50 blwb and black kathy. really smooth and gentle. Get a good build up in your bowl. If it is still new be sure to smoke it all the way down. Once your bowl has a wall of residue built up it will mellow out even more.
One secret is a very even light. Light it. Take a tamper give it a slight tamp to even it up and relight. May need to do it a couple of times. Packing too at the end when filling a pipe; May not be tamping it enough.
As for draw. Think of sippin on a straw havin a milk shake. Use the muscles in the mouth to draw in the smoke. To hard and long draws will pull the oxygen through the path of least resistance. this will cause the fire to follow it makin for the uneven burn. easy goin draws will allow enough time for the burn to spread across the bowl. give a cooler richer smoke etc. Draw often enough to keep it going.
Be sure to bring your pipes with you so we can work through the basics when yall come up. lol
Welcome to the Dark Side. LOL
There is nothing more relaxing than a good pipe except maybe a great cigar. Pipe smokin is generally easier on the pocketbook though. And your welcome.
Anybody out there? What a bunch of wimps. Can't seem to get it up for real Enjoyment. LOL
Common you pipe smokers. I enjoy stogies and have a raft of them. Have the icing with your cake and step over to the Dark Side.
My pipes came first, followed by cigars second. I still polish off a few stogies in a day between pipes. LOL
If I smoked as many stogies as I do Pipes I'd be a homeless person asking for handouts.
Indeed! A great start! I like Dunhill's Night Cap, and S.G.'s 1776. Both are good strong blends so if you are just getting started go easy. Slow puffing is the key, your tongue will thank you for it!
Don't drink any cold fizzy drinks after smoking some of those. LOL
@Amos, literally...all this cost me about $20. Owner of a local pipe shop hooked it up. I'm really stoked to try all of these one by one.
Not being there to feel the tobak. If its not gurgling on you when you pack tight it may be a little dry. Obviously you don't want gurgling but a little moisture will get you more smoke. Did it seem a little hot? Another sign of dry tobacco. Every tobacco is different. Some smoke good even if they feel a little wet. I have a couple I like them to feel dryed out. Thats part of the fun being on the dark side. May the wisping clouds of smoke circle you in an ethereal voyage of pleasure.
The difficulty could be more in the tobacco than the pack itself. Cavendish referes to a process that the tobacco goes through. It is pressed and heated, making it milder and as a result taking some of the flavor with it. Most Cavendish styles add sugar and other flavorings to help add flavor (e.g., aromatics use Cavendish a lot). Some types have nothing added to them but are used to help cool a blend. If you were not having trouble with lots of relights I would try a different blend tonight and see what happens.
You can also get a hot pipe if you are smoking too fast. I see a lot of guys taking 3 puffs at a time. This for me is bad, it makes the bowl get too hot. 2 long slow puffs and waiting might help.
Maybe thats why they have tobacco humidors. LOL I get mine from wally world. They are just like what you see on line for 20+ each but I get um in the container area for about 9 or so. I usually break up a ceramic coaster and glue the pieces to the top of the lid. Some use fruit such as an apple slice etc. Its all in the imagination.
You should be able to rest the bowl of the pipe against your cheeck without gettin burned. At least thats what I read somewhere. Hot bowls can mean you're drawing too hard or dry tobacco. Drawing should be like sippin a malt through a straw. Forcing a lot of air through the bowl heats the coals way up like a blacksmith's forge. You wind up with less smoke as well. When my pipe seems to go smokeless I slow way down with short light draws and the pipe comes back and the smoke gets full and chewy. Just my take on it.