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Electric humidifiers

AQUADGIO1200AQUADGIO1200 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 406
Hey fellas....im in the market for an electric humidifier for my cabinet humidor...any personal information on the following types (1) Humi-Care EH Plus, (2) Humi-Care XG Pro 1000, (3) Cigar Oasis XL Plus & lastly (4) Hydra SM Humidifier. I just bought a cuban crafters cabinet humidor (600ct). Im digging the Humi-care XG 1000 Pro but i cant tell if they power cable is the thin ribbon type like the smaller brother the EH Plus. Since the cabinet humidor does not have built in power adapter in the inside i want something that is reliable with ribbon style power connectors. I hear that the cigar oasis humidifiers are faulty and break down alot??? Any personal advise on this subject would be great....thanks alot


  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    I started out with the Humi-care EH plus, but it malfunctioned on me, ccom hooked me up with the XG pro 1000, and it's really nice. The remote is corded and I simply made a small slot in the door's hinged side the exact size of the cord and used velcro to stick it to the back. I can adjust it without ever opening the cabinet, and it's so big it takes less than 5 seconds to to re-humidify after I open up the cabinet. I highly recommend it. Cigar.com carries it, but it's not listed on the website yet. They don't carry the fan kits though, and you'll need at least 2 (as they are really small) to keep the air moving. A small strip of outdoor carpet tape works really well to secure them where you need them.
  • bigbgballzbigbgballz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 283
    Hey fellas....im in the market for an electric humidifier for my cabinet humidor...any personal information on the following types (1) Humi-Care EH Plus, (2) Humi-Care XG Pro 1000, (3) Cigar Oasis XL Plus & lastly (4) Hydra SM Humidifier. I just bought a cuban crafters cabinet humidor (600ct). Im digging the Humi-care XG 1000 Pro but i cant tell if they power cable is the thin ribbon type like the smaller brother the EH Plus. Since the cabinet humidor does not have built in power adapter in the inside i want something that is reliable with ribbon style power connectors. I hear that the cigar oasis humidifiers are faulty and break down alot??? Any personal advise on this subject would be great....thanks alot
    I use Cigar Oasis XL. Its not bad at all. I dont use batteries as it drains them pretty fast.
  • AQUADGIO1200AQUADGIO1200 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 406
    Hey Cabinetmaker...since they hooked you up with the XG Pro....is the power cord the thin ribbon type like the EH Plus? or a thicker rounded version? I can see from the stock picture that the remote cable is the round thick type...but im more concerned about the power cable...what type is it? Thanks brotha for your help
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    Same thin ribbon.
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