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TSA Gropes again!

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349

I don't know what is worse ... the fact that this has been going on for over 10 years from this TSA (legal molester and legal rights abuser) or that people in the comments are okay with it. WTF! Either way I wish some massive law suite was brought up to end these practices. I can't believe it hasn't yet. I mean I haven't flown since this crap started cuz I don't want to run through this so called scanner (which is truly untested) and or get groped or have my wife groped. This crap boils my blood.


  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Eggs Ackley.

    Nobody cares. Everyone just bows down. If you even so much as mention the word "liberty" you are branded as a bible beating tinfoil hat wearing fox news watching conservative talk radio deluded lunatic mormon retard. At least in all those hokey 1984 type movies the people fought back. In Animal Farm, even the animals fought back. Here we are living through the real thing and everyone just accepts it. The constitution is toilet paper.

    Welcome to tyranny. Hand over your guns.

  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Thank you sir. May I have another.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    damn squirrel... we are agreeing more and more here.

    im scared too.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    lol, eh bound to happen some time.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    ... even a blind phobic squirrel ...

    But seriously... see how everyone just ignores this stuff these days? Ten years ago, this thread would at least have drawn a couple hundred irate posts. Now? BOHICA. A little bitchin from the fringes, while the main stream bends over and smiles. Not only does the Patriot Act get renewed again, but virtually all the tools who passed it first time get re-elected. Our parents would be ashamed of us. What did they fight for? What happened to the Land of the Free?

    Hype and chains.

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    ... even a blind phobic squirrel ...

    But seriously... see how everyone just ignores this stuff these days? Ten years ago, this thread would at least have drawn a couple hundred irate posts. Now? BOHICA. A little bitchin from the fringes, while the main stream bends over and smiles. Not only does the Patriot Act get renewed again, but virtually all the tools who passed it first time get re-elected. Our parents would be ashamed of us. What did they fight for? What happened to the Land of the Free?

    Hype and chains.

    Free, well that's an argument for another time..... However what about brave? I've said it before, even if 9-11 was legit and people at the top were "surprised" why does this country for the first time in it's history just bow to fear? I mean at least Pearl Harbor united the country and we didn't cower in fear. Though locking up Japanese Americans in camps wasn't remotely right but at least we as a country didn't allow these types of laws and actions to be warranted. My grandfather and many others I'm sure would be ashamed at what their lives ended up paying for.

    I'm sorry but you can't eliminate terrorism, it will happen no matter what type of security or groping one does. But you don't have to fear it! I personally think that is why terrorism works, people fear it. As a country until 9-11 treated it as a lawless thing and acted accordingly. Not propping it up as something special. I dunno this culture we live in today is more interested in what JLO wore or who that twilight chick is F-ucking. Or what the next American Idol will have to offer.
  • LeftFiveLeftFive Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 181
    I flew last weekend and was so excited that my cutter was ok for carry-on(drove to DC, flew back) that I wasn't as upset about the creepy scanner as I should have been.
    Airports have an eerie similarity to abattoirs.
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