Briar Cigar

in Pipes
Just found a pipe I'm quite interested in trying. Its a Briar cigar pipe. A regular pipe in the shape of a cigar. I may even get myself a piece of briar and make one. Perhaps a new hobby? lol. Need a wood turnin lathe though to do it right. Or an old metal lathe with a 4 jaw chuck.
Because you smoke it like a cigar there should not be any moisture buildup in the bottom of the bowl like a normal pipe. Its made by Morgan Pipes. You can even carry it in your shirt pocket packed. It has a cap that fits on the end. Clever idea.
Because you smoke it like a cigar there should not be any moisture buildup in the bottom of the bowl like a normal pipe. Its made by Morgan Pipes. You can even carry it in your shirt pocket packed. It has a cap that fits on the end. Clever idea.

nice website and they have a couple videos on the pipe in their testimonial section. Definitely gonna have to get one. When I do I'll give a review on it.