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X Box one & PS4

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
So anyone happy or loathing this? I for one think they both suck, even though I have a 360 and do like it, I still feel that both of these consoles are hindering the pc market. Seems like almost every game released is nerfed cuz of the consoles. I mean for me that is a no go. I don't get how one or maybe two games every year or two on the pc really pushes the limits of the gpu's and everything else just squeaks on by. Sure ps3 and 360 are nice but at the cost of holding pc gammers back as far as specs of the games released, I think is wrong. Though it's really the dev's issue but still.

Now with at least the xbox one, it is turning more away from gaming and into this media hub which I personally find horrible. Sure it's a great idea but there should be choices. I for one don't want to pay a premium for all these entertainment bonus's. I hate how the 360's xbox live has turned into a marketer's wet dream and all I see are ads on the menu. Now I fear that it will get worse. They should have at least a gamers model which has the core gaming mechanics that way one won't have to pay 800 bones for it. Right now I'm sticking with the 360 and my pc, and maybe if mortal kombat gets released for either these new consoles I might bite, but for now I say piss off to both. Any thoughts?


  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    Wow. Don't hold back. Say what you really feel. :)

    Personally, I haven't played a game on a PC in a decade or more. I just don't enjoy the experience at sitting at a desk in front of a computer monitor and playing games. I need to either relaxing in a chair or exercising to play them, which is why I only play games on consoles (it's always been a Playstation).

    What's really gotten to me with the PS3 at least is that 99% of the games are shooters of some kind. I'm lousy at these games (reflexes suck as I get older) and really prefer RPGs, but there are so few top-quality RPGs out there for PS3 (or any console for that matter) compared to the PS1 and PS2 that I'm dreading the thought when I run out of them to play. I may have to reconnect my PS2 or fire up some old classic PS1 games. Even with the 1997 graphics, gameplay on those games is better than nearly anything in the PS3 era.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Agree with you on the rant, phobic

    I hope the xbox crashes and burns .... I haven't turned on my 360 in months because the "home screen" is filled with friggin' ads....it's awful. After paying $$$$ for the console, and $60 for a game, I want to play the damn game and not have to sort through pages of ads before I can even start up the game ....
    And I'm sure the xbox one will only be worse .... they're trying to make a game console do too much .... stop. You're ruining it microsoft.

    PS4, IDK. I think it has a better chance than the xbox. If they keep it a game console, simple "home screen" UI like the PS3, and free online service I think Sony could jump back to #1. And I hope they do...
    Sony has better exclusive, IMO and Microsoft has just been ruining my xbox experience lately.

    Doubt I'll buy either of them .... not too many games that I'm super excited about these days.
    Spend most time playing GT5 on PS3 or "virtual games" on the Wii, the classics like super mario bros.

  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
    I'm happy with my PS3/s. I still don't think that the PS3 has put out it's maximum output capability. Now PS4 is right around the corner ugh. I'll most likely still get it because I will forever be a Vidiot.
  • The buffalonianThe buffalonian Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 919
    With the kinect forced upon us , no definite price point , and the fact even at E3 they fouced on the media aspect of the machine I am starting to lose faith in Xbox . The smart TV and the 4-way Skype is a cool idea but its not needed in a gaming machine.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    I agree,, I have xbox360 and will not be upgrading my system anytime soon. Still kinda miss my PS2.. And speaking of Microsoft screwing things up and in another note somewhat related to the industry,, Anyone seen/used windows 8,, ARRRRRRGHHHHH. Look Microsoft not everyone has or wants a Touchpad, or has a touch screen laptop,, but lets create an operating system geared towards just that..I don't like it!!....The computers are trying to be like smart phones and the smart phones are trying to be like computers!!!!!!As far as gaming just cant beat a computer, and some games like Diablo just don't crossover to the game consoles!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    About win 8, I personally think they should have made it have a desktop mode. Cause really it blows on a desktop or laptop. I get what they are doing but I haven't run into too many people that have touch screen laptops or monitors and if they did, why would you use it? Seems a bit awkward to me.

    It's too bad that so much of gaming has turned into what it is now. Hell even on the pc you can't just fire up a game anymore. Everything has their own launcher - ubisoft, steam, origin (steam being the best). So anytime you want to play you have to be online, create a profile, multiple at times (freaking annoying) agree to the "terms" and then get to play a game but only after a freaking update check then a download. ARGHHH!
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    The Kid:
    .. And speaking of Microsoft screwing things up and in another note somewhat related to the industry,, Anyone seen/used windows 8,, ARRRRRRGHHHHH. Look Microsoft not everyone has or wants a Touchpad, or has a touch screen laptop,, but lets create an operating system geared towards just that..I don't like it!!....The computers are trying to be like smart phones and the smart phones are trying to be like computers!!!!!!As far as gaming just cant beat a computer, and some games like Diablo just don't crossover to the game consoles!
    Agree totally. In fact, so many people have this same complaint that MS is going to release Windows 8.1 which will allow you to permanently replace the stupid touchpad screen with the old desktop. Although there won't be a "start" button; instead there will be some kind of Windows icon permanently on screen that will do some of its same functions. Supposedly, this upgrade will be free to 8 users.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    funny how they keep saying it's free. Wasn't like every other service pack for windows free? I guess that is even turning. Well I suppose since photoshop is no longer going to be a package it will be a monthly fee, why should microsoft keep things the same. Almost gone are the days of buying something and deciding when you want to upgrade. Now it will all be monthly fee based.
  • The buffalonianThe buffalonian Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 919
    funny how they keep saying it's free. Wasn't like every other service pack for windows free? I guess that is even turning. Well I suppose since photoshop is no longer going to be a package it will be a monthly fee, why should microsoft keep things the same. Almost gone are the days of buying something and deciding when you want to upgrade. Now it will all be monthly fee based.
    unfortunately with the sheeple of the world having no issues paying the monthly fee for everything , even with the 360 how many different "apps" there are a monthly cost now
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    I don't want/like most of the features that the xbox one is offering. I am not a live subscriber now, nor do I intend to be in the future. I don't like the always on kinect, and I don't like how they handle used games. As of right now, I have zero intention to purchase a One. Ever. It's a stupid name too, it's the 3rd, not the first.

    I am optimistic about the PS4. I still won't buy one initially since I don't want to pay top dollar for any console. I will wait two years and see where the console/game pricing is at.

    The Wii U looks like a piece of ***. I play the regular Wii with my son, and he loves it. No reason to upgrade to some expensive controller that he's just going to drop 3 times a day. How do families with more than one kid not fight over that thing constantly?

    I might buy and Ouya next month. That thing looks neat, it's cheap, and it's open to anyone who wants to make games. Read: Indy developers.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I don't want/like most of the features that the xbox one is offering. I am not a live subscriber now, nor do I intend to be in the future. I don't like the always on kinect, and I don't like how they handle used games. As of right now, I have zero intention to purchase a One. Ever. It's a stupid name too, it's the 3rd, not the first.

    I am optimistic about the PS4. I still won't buy one initially since I don't want to pay top dollar for any console. I will wait two years and see where the console/game pricing is at.

    The Wii U looks like a piece of ***. I play the regular Wii with my son, and he loves it. No reason to upgrade to some expensive controller that he's just going to drop 3 times a day. How do families with more than one kid not fight over that thing constantly?

    I might buy and Ouya next month. That thing looks neat, it's cheap, and it's open to anyone who wants to make games. Read: Indy developers.
    true, with the wii u though, it uses the same wii remotes. the pad is IMO silly but yeah only one of those unless nintendo allows them to be bought.

    This article is funny, sums it up basically ----

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    The buffalonian:
    funny how they keep saying it's free. Wasn't like every other service pack for windows free? I guess that is even turning. Well I suppose since photoshop is no longer going to be a package it will be a monthly fee, why should microsoft keep things the same. Almost gone are the days of buying something and deciding when you want to upgrade. Now it will all be monthly fee based.
    unfortunately with the sheeple of the world having no issues paying the monthly fee for everything , even with the 360 how many different "apps" there are a monthly cost now
    Oh I know right. Really comes down to the public and from where you and I are coming from seems as though companies have really done their homework. They have trained enough people to actually think it's okay to buy a product only to be able to use it with constant terms that always change and be able to use said product whenever the company that made that product allows them too. And the f'd up part is, people actually attack others who complain about it. Like diablo 3 and sim city, single player games that are being treated like MMO's.
  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    So anyone happy or loathing this? I for one think they both suck, even though I have a 360 and do like it, I still feel that both of these consoles are hindering the pc market. Seems like almost every game released is nerfed cuz of the consoles. I mean for me that is a no go. I don't get how one or maybe two games every year or two on the pc really pushes the limits of the gpu's and everything else just squeaks on by. Sure ps3 and 360 are nice but at the cost of holding pc gammers back as far as specs of the games released, I think is wrong. Though it's really the dev's issue but still.

    Now with at least the xbox one, it is turning more away from gaming and into this media hub which I personally find horrible. Sure it's a great idea but there should be choices. I for one don't want to pay a premium for all these entertainment bonus's. I hate how the 360's xbox live has turned into a marketer's wet dream and all I see are ads on the menu. Now I fear that it will get worse. They should have at least a gamers model which has the core gaming mechanics that way one won't have to pay 800 bones for it. Right now I'm sticking with the 360 and my pc, and maybe if mortal kombat gets released for either these new consoles I might bite, but for now I say piss off to both. Any thoughts?
    My allegiance is to xbox. While I don't want to hate on either before E3 next week which will be the true showing, they aren't too flashy. I think the initial xbox one demo was to show we can do this too, not just gaming. Both I am going to assume are consoles at heart, both are going to go multimedia. With the issue of games and graphics. Xbox 360 set the standard and was what most developers preferred to create games on because the software was very developer friendly (which is why ps3 had less games than 360). Graphics wise it will always be set with consoles as they are the big money makers. PC graphics change monthly thanks to the fast development of tech making it harder for PC developers to adapt to. I find they have trouble finding the right base graphics. Developing a game is very tedious and a pain in the ass, doing it for different levels of detail= more pain in the ass. IMO xbox needs a heck of a showing at E3 and ultimately I think price point will be the winner. I'm too lazy to reread this for mistakes, so yeah..

    Edit Adds: Stat-wise the ps3 is only superior to the xbox with the type of RAM it has. It is the same amount just faster. The whole forced-internet bs is stupid, but I don't think I will ever not have internet *_*. Also the used game bs is due to the developers whining how they never got a cut of the used games and was forced upon xbox (if ps4 doesn't do the same, xbox could easily have way more exclusives in the future)
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    This is the only coherent thread I've seen on the matter. I agree with you guys wholeheartedly.

  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    While browsing Amazon seeing what games are confirmed for the new consoles, Amazon has the price per game estimated at 99.99. *_* I don't know if I could handle that..
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    While browsing Amazon seeing what games are confirmed for the new consoles, Amazon has the price per game estimated at 99.99. *_* I don't know if I could handle that..
    **** that...I miss when PS games were $20.0060 bones is about as high as I'll go...I'm not choosing between car insurance or a game.I mean, Call of Duty 4 sold 13,000,000 copies....so, let's say they all sold at $30 a copy. That would be 390,000,000...games don't cost that much to make. Profit is insane.
  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    While browsing Amazon seeing what games are confirmed for the new consoles, Amazon has the price per game estimated at 99.99. *_* I don't know if I could handle that..
    **** that...I miss when PS games were $20.0060 bones is about as high as I'll go...I'm not choosing between car insurance or a game.I mean, Call of Duty 4 sold 13,000,000 copies....so, let's say they all sold at $30 a copy. That would be 390,000,000...games don't cost that much to make. Profit is insane.
    I know..I want to pick up Battlefield 4 , Destiny (i feel like this will be great), the new COD only cuz the story sounds good, Forza. That is a lot of 3 games..
  • C-LOVEC-LOVE Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,249
    I'm a huge xbox fan, love my 360 but I won't be buying the XBOX One. No way am I putting an always on camera in my living room. I'm no conspiracy theorist but after this weeks new about the Prism program there is no way. PS4 is what I'll be buying.
  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    I am torn. I preordered the Xbox one out of faithfulness to the brand (which now hangs in the balance). Sony just came out and completely screwed Xbox. 100 bucks cheaper (which im sure is due to the kinect), none of the used game bs, no internet connection bs, no kinect bs. Microsoft is being really really myopic and it is going to kill them very soon.. If Microsoft doesn't address the games like Sony did then game point match PS4.

    Check out this link : http://www.gametrailers.com/gdex
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    I've always be partial to PS...due to Final Fantasy.
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
    I've always be partial to PS...due to Final Fantasy.
    FF7 FTW! Damn I love that game.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    I've always be partial to PS...due to Final Fantasy.
    FF7 FTW! Damn I love that game.
    7 got me hooked so it has a special place in my heart...but 8 is my fav
  • The buffalonianThe buffalonian Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 919
    So 499.99 for the Xbox1 and 399.99 for the ps4 hmmmmmm....no
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
    I'm watching a few clips from E3. Some of the new XBOX games look weak. I love fighting games and the new Killler Insticnt looks laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    I've always be partial to PS...due to Final Fantasy.
    FF7 FTW! Damn I love that game.
    7 got me hooked so it has a special place in my heart...but 8 is my fav
    Me love FF7 so much that I downloaded it to play again on my PS3--after selling my original PS1 copy for $50. I've played dozens of games since and for me no RPG has equaled it in terms of having the perfect combination of everything.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Random FF VII Fact - The MDEF stat is broken.
  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592

    Diablo III is not exclusive to Sony fyi, going to Xbox as well.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I won't be getting any of these any time soon. Xbox I think just sank itself. Though it will sell a lot cuz of fanboys and people who are okay with all these restrictions. Seems more and more common these days too. I'm leaning PS4 right now though, but killer instinct is a great game and I would love to get that. I really do microsoft gets hammered on this new system, I really do.
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