Home Pipes

Churchwardens your thoughts?

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,603
I will be posting pics of the pipe collection I was gifted tonight if I remember. But I was looking at buying a churchwarden for my personal first pipe. What's the appeal, function and effects a churchwarden has on pipe smoke?


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,439
    Appeal? They are badass looking.
    Function: I doubt youd take it around outside.
    Effect: some say the longer stem makes for a cooler, smoother smoke. I dont know. Just be careful not to overheat the bowl (since the smoke seems cooler when it reaches you)
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    Been in the lounge so I'm very mellow. LOL
    I like church wardens. Tend to keep your smoke cool. Other than that like any other old pipe. Long draw is ok. Had numerous. My other biker who likes pipes smokes bible toten wardens. LOL. Enjoy them and again welcome. You're cool man.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    I have 2. I like them and I think they could be a great first choice. The longer stem helps to cool the smoke, which helps prevent tongue bite. They are long, and that makes them hard to simply hold in your mouth. I prefer to hold a pipe in my hand anyway, so it works well but if you think you want to clinch it between your teeth it would take a lot of effort to do it.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    I have 2. I like them and I think they could be a great first choice. The longer stem helps to cool the smoke, which helps prevent tongue bite. They are long, and that makes them hard to simply hold in your mouth. I prefer to hold a pipe in my hand anyway, so it works well but if you think you want to clinch it between your teeth it would take a lot of effort to do it.

    Clench. How dare he. LOL I finished it with a laugh so no flames. Hold it enjoy it. They are great except on a bike where you have to clench. LOL
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    My friend George (combat medic Vietnam says " They get me noticed; Driving my Bike People see it"
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,603
    When smoking my cigars I'm kicked back on my patio relaxing and maybe only go around my yard. So that's the same plan I have for my pipes. I don't smoke in the house or out in public. So transportation convenience won't be much of an issue there. All the other info is what I've read on various sites. Thanks for confirming it for me! :) someday soon ill pick one up. For now I've got a good collection to start with.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    Soon you will be sporting your pipes all over. Unlike cigars people go for the aroma of pipes. You should get alot of compliments on the aroma.
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