Churchwardens your thoughts?

in Pipes
I will be posting pics of the pipe collection I was gifted tonight if I remember. But I was looking at buying a churchwarden for my personal first pipe. What's the appeal, function and effects a churchwarden has on pipe smoke?
Function: I doubt youd take it around outside.
Effect: some say the longer stem makes for a cooler, smoother smoke. I dont know. Just be careful not to overheat the bowl (since the smoke seems cooler when it reaches you)
I like church wardens. Tend to keep your smoke cool. Other than that like any other old pipe. Long draw is ok. Had numerous. My other biker who likes pipes smokes bible toten wardens. LOL. Enjoy them and again welcome. You're cool man.
Clench. How dare he. LOL I finished it with a laugh so no flames. Hold it enjoy it. They are great except on a bike where you have to clench. LOL