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McyDee's ... YOU can live on our crappy wages!

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349

Lol what a joke. These companies are pathetic. I'd love to get or have got some of these things for these prices.



  • JGKAMINJGKAMIN Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 92
    $20/month for health insurance? Sign me up! Only insurance plans I got to choose from ran several hundred dollars per month.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Rent for $600 a month?... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Not even in the heart of the ghetto.
  • RhamlinRhamlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,530
    And free heat! Can't beat that
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    Food? I guess you're supposed to dumpster dive? Is that it?
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    Food? I guess you're supposed to dumpster dive? Is that it?
    I would guess food is supposed to be rolled into that 800. Never thought of food as falling under discretionary spending.

    While I have never been a fan of 'living wage' laws, pretending your company pays a family supporting wage when it clearly doesn't is very dickish and makes your company look stupid.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Its' easy to feign concern. But McDonalds is, and has always been, a place that hires teenagers and young adults. Its' a place where you learn how to work. And I would think that most of their employees are still living at home and are on their parents' dole. If they were an adult supporting himself(herself) by working at McDonalds, they would then qualify for Obamacare, food stamps and an Obamaphone. And they would not be paying any income tax. How many of you had your first job at a fast food joint? If you do the math, at 40 hours a week, those 2 jobs earn an average of $12.5/hr.
    Just had to rant at those who are sooo caring with other people's money.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    nevermind... off topic.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    nevermind... off topic.
    Why did you pull it? I thought it was a good read.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Its' easy to feign concern. But McDonalds is, and has always been, a place that hires teenagers and young adults. Its' a place where you learn how to work. And I would think that most of their employees are still living at home and are on their parents' dole. If they were an adult supporting himself(herself) by working at McDonalds, they would then qualify for Obamacare, food stamps and an Obamaphone. And they would not be paying any income tax. How many of you had your first job at a fast food joint? If you do the math, at 40 hours a week, those 2 jobs earn an average of $12.5/hr.
    Just had to rant at those who are sooo caring with other people's money.
    three-fourths of older workers (over 25) earning the minimum wage live above the poverty line. They have an average family income of $42,500 a year, well above the poverty line of $22,350 per year for a family of four. Most of them choose to work part-time, and a sizeable number are married.

    Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau show that most minimum-wage earners are young (under 25), part-time workers and that relatively few of them live below the poverty line. Their average family income is over $53,000 a year. In 2011 and 2012, 3.7 million Americans reported earning $7.25 or less per hour—just 2.9 percent of all workers in the United States.
    Just 4 percent of minimum-wage workers are single parents working full-time, compared to 5.6 percent of all U.S. workers. The problem is that most poor Americans do not work at all. Families are poor not because they earn low wages but because they do not have full-time jobs.

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    nevermind... off topic.
    Why did you pull it? I thought it was a good read.
    you hit it in a shorter spot. i re-posted it but more statistic heavy instead of opinion.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Rent for $600 a month?... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Not even in the heart of the ghetto.
    most of my friends who are young and have young jobs have a roommate. they each pay about $400 and live in nice apartments nowhere near the ghetto.

    the real BS in that budget is the free heat and the health insurance.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i guess what it all comes down to is this: I dont rely on anyone but myself to get my wages. othersw want to force others to pay them.
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Unless Gas, and often times Education, falls under Other, then those need to be added as well.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Whether or not one is for the "living wage" laws or what not, you cannot deny that while the very top is extorting people and treating them like garbage fast food and places like walmart are no longer just for teenagers like they once were. I mean at least in my area and in many of the states I have lived I have seen a huge uptick in older people working at these places. I have some family members who are in high school and cannot get a job at the local fast food places. I stopped going to these places months ago but when I did go there at times I very rarely saw white people working there. I saw a lot of spanish speaking people and most of them were older, maybe late 30's and up. A lot of the jobs that are being filled across the country are from places like these. And telling people they need two jobs just to make it, is in my opinion just wrong. Walmart in itself already costs the taxpayers some 1 million plus per store due to them screwing people over and giving them lowest wages possible. That tax payer money goes to their healthcare and food. Now no only does Walmart get all sorts of tax deals by moving in and having a store, they get away with giving their workers poor working environments and horrible pay.

    It just isn't fast food and walmart, a lot of places seem to give workers a crappy wage. Goodwill is another one. My mother just retired and she was a manager at a store. She worked her butt off and was paid crap. Not to mention on how she was treated. She actually had a minor heart attack just before she retired and it was due to stress, literally she passed out after getting in an argument with her boss about how she needed to drop her vacation plans that weekend to work. Costco is one of the only places that is a "store" that pays people well. And they are doing very well. I do not understand how fellow Americans and sit there and say, well the business should be able to pay whatever they want, workers be damned. I mean really?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    No one forces people to work at these businesses. And no one forces people to buy from them. Can't remember the last time I had a McBurger. Walmart? Wouldn't even think about it. I shop local. I make friends with the owners. I am friendly with their staff. I get good service. I keep coming back.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Rent for $600 a month?... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Not even in the heart of the ghetto.
    most of my friends who are young and have young jobs have a roommate. they each pay about $400 and live in nice apartments nowhere near the ghetto.

    the real BS in that budget is the free heat and the health insurance.
    In all honesty $800 a month still wouldn't get you out of the ghetto round these parts.
    Here studios and small 1 bedrooms in the ghetto start around $1200.
    But I digress this area is some d*ck.

    Hiw many hours would you have to work to make the wages on this chart.

  • perkinkeperkinke Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,562
    One of the issues I have is that a lot of minimum wage discussions misunderstand what minimum wage is about. It was never intended to be support a family, it was intended to provide enough money to meet ONE person's MINIMUM needs: roof, blanket, ramen and potatoes. A lot of us in this country have a hard time distinguishing between needs and wants. That budget contains some fluff that can be done without: car payment and associated insurance, cable, phone (the lack of food and the insurance rate mentioned are a flaw). In college I had to work three jobs part time jobs plus school to make ends meet so that I could one day make more than this wage.

    The distribution of wealth is a wholly different conversation with a different set of options, however, raising the min. wage shouldn't be one of them. When that goes up prices and inflation goes up disproportionately, which harms not only the folks making minimum wage but also the middle class by reducing their buying power.

    My grandfather once said that the primary difference between the two parties is that the Republicans are killing the middle class from the top down and the Democrats are killing it from the bottom up.
  • pilgrimtexpilgrimtex Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    One of the issues I have is that a lot of minimum wage discussions misunderstand what minimum wage is about. It was never intended to be support a family, it was intended to provide enough money to meet ONE person's MINIMUM needs: roof, blanket, ramen and potatoes. A lot of us in this country have a hard time distinguishing between needs and wants. That budget contains some fluff that can be done without: car payment and associated insurance, cable, phone (the lack of food and the insurance rate mentioned are a flaw). In college I had to work three jobs part time jobs plus school to make ends meet so that I could one day make more than this wage.

    The distribution of wealth is a wholly different conversation with a different set of options, however, raising the min. wage shouldn't be one of them. When that goes up prices and inflation goes up disproportionately, which harms not only the folks making minimum wage but also the middle class by reducing their buying power.

    My grandfather once said that the primary difference between the two parties is that the Republicans are killing the middle class from the top down and the Democrats are killing it from the bottom up.

    I agree but leave out the politics part. for the sake of my comments.
    I no longer work because I am retired now. I now have to live on the seeds I sowed while able to work. Which actually is pretty good. LOL
    I managed a career and had a family with stay at home mom for our kids all the while struggling with PTSD and physical disabilities. Remember: You reap what you sow. Be the ant and you will have. Be the grasshopper and you will starve later.
    Employers move where the labor market gives them the best bang for the buck because generally it is a fairly large part of the cost of doing business. Minimum wage is there as an entry level wage. It probably should never have been made a law. The free market is the best controller for wages. Not gov't.
    Allow businesses to thrive and the economy to grow and unemployment comes down which dries up the labor market forcing employers to pay more and offer better benefits which gives more buying power which causes growth which and on and on.
    My suggestion is to fire Government and hire workers.
  • pilgrimtexpilgrimtex Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    One of the issues I have is that a lot of minimum wage discussions misunderstand what minimum wage is about. It was never intended to be support a family, it was intended to provide enough money to meet ONE person's MINIMUM needs: roof, blanket, ramen and potatoes. A lot of us in this country have a hard time distinguishing between needs and wants. That budget contains some fluff that can be done without: car payment and associated insurance, cable, phone (the lack of food and the insurance rate mentioned are a flaw). In college I had to work three jobs part time jobs plus school to make ends meet so that I could one day make more than this wage.

    The distribution of wealth is a wholly different conversation with a different set of options, however, raising the min. wage shouldn't be one of them. When that goes up prices and inflation goes up disproportionately, which harms not only the folks making minimum wage but also the middle class by reducing their buying power.

    My grandfather once said that the primary difference between the two parties is that the Republicans are killing the middle class from the top down and the Democrats are killing it from the bottom up.

    I agree but leave out the politics part. for the sake of my comments.
    I no longer work because I am retired now. I now have to live on the seeds I sowed while able to work. Which actually is pretty good. LOL
    I managed a career and had a family with stay at home mom for our kids all the while struggling with PTSD and physical disabilities. Remember: You reap what you sow. Be the ant and you will have. Be the grasshopper and you will starve later.
    Employers move where the labor market gives them the best bang for the buck because generally it is a fairly large part of the cost of doing business. Minimum wage is there as an entry level wage. It probably should never have been made a law. The free market is the best controller for wages. Not gov't.
    Allow businesses to thrive and the economy to grow and unemployment comes down which dries up the labor market forcing employers to pay more and offer better benefits which gives more buying power which causes growth which and on and on.
    My suggestion is to fire Government and hire workers.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    One of the issues I have is that a lot of minimum wage discussions misunderstand what minimum wage is about. It was never intended to be support a family, it was intended to provide enough money to meet ONE person's MINIMUM needs: roof, blanket, ramen and potatoes. A lot of us in this country have a hard time distinguishing between needs and wants.

    My grandfather once said that the primary difference between the two parties is that the Republicans are killing the middle class from the top down and the Democrats are killing it from the bottom up.
    Two very good points. I think me and your grandfather would get along great.

    Sadly, the McJob isn't just for high-schoolers anymore. I think it should be, or at least exclude people under the age of 18 from the minimum wage, maybe 60%. I'd say age of 21, but too many under that age are trying to support a family. I was. My point of the exclusion is that those jobs should be for kids learning to work for money, who are stll living with Mom & Dad, hopefully. Minimum wage should be a starting point, not for "raising families".

    Unfortunately, we have unravelled to a point where my view is rooted in a past we can't get back to. The solutions are manifold, complex, and constantly buried in crap by our infamous "two party" system, two sides of one coin.
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