Need help with a paper I am writing

So I am writing a paper on rights and what they are blah blah blah. Anyway I am explaining how it is ok to violate someone else's rights under certain circumstances with examples. The only one I can come up with is Self-Defense (kill or be killed) as you are violating the other person's right to life to save your own. I would like 1-3 more solid examples, but can't think of any since self-defense seems to be the biggie. Any thoughts guys?
They are all around you and so profuse that you no longer notice it.
Political Correctness is a big one. Binding freedom of expression for the tyranny of so called good of others. Illegal search and seizure; where they can come in and do things under the guise of Homeland BS. No smoking in Bars or within 15 ft of a public entrance blah blah blah. The right to own any weapon you desire under the 2nd amendment. There is no limit on what we should be allowed to have period. and on and on and on.
Unjustifiable in your eyes but justifiable in the eyes of the ones doing it.
In essence, you have committed an assault and battery, but your defense would be that it was necessary to save his life and it was the lesser of two evils.
I hope that helps.